sheehan / grails-handlebars-resources

This plug-in supports using Handlebars.js templates with the Grails Resources Plugin.
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Q: how does the plugin handle 'known template helper functions' ? #1

Open zackd opened 12 years ago

zackd commented 12 years ago

nice plugin !

just wondering though, usually I have a bunch of template helper functions defined e.g. Handlebars.registerHelper('someFunction', function () { .. etc

And then I would compile using -k flag to 'register' the template helper function e.g. handlebars rawTemplate.handlebars -f output_dir/compiledTemplate.js -k someFunction

does the plugin support this?

sheehan commented 12 years ago

Not yet. I'll look at adding that next. The only way I can see to pass that info to the mapper per resource would be to use the attrs Map. I'll investigate and get back to you.

zackd commented 12 years ago

nice. btw I run a bash script to do handlebars compile atm, and I'm storing a '-' separated list of know template helpers as a data attribute on template script tags e.g. <script id="someTmpl" type="text/x-handlebars-template" data-compile="if-else-unless-someFunction-someOtherFunction"> .. nice and easy to maintain

trashhalo commented 11 years ago

As of 0.3.6 you can specify known helpers on a global level. Not yet on an individual file level.