shekhargulati / rx-docker-client

RxJava based Docker REST API client for the JVM
MIT License
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construct a request from Docker API json instead of builder api #85

Closed cinterloper closed 8 years ago

cinterloper commented 8 years ago

Is there a way to pass a piece of json describing the container i would like to create, instead of using the builder api?

shekhargulati commented 8 years ago

@cinterloper this is currently not supported. Are you planning to use this library for some project? If yes, then I can add the support.

cinterloper commented 8 years ago

well, if this feature was present yes i would use it in my project.

however, my project is a launcher/foundation on which to build other projects, and it needs to be able to specify the containers launch information by configuration

shekhargulati commented 8 years ago

@cinterloper I have added support for json based requests. There are few new methods added in the API to help you use Docker API json request. These methods will be available in 0.2.2 version of the client. It will be available in Maven Central by tomorrow morning. Let me know if you face any issues.

Observable<DockerContainerResponse> createContainerObs(String jsonRequest, String name)

DockerContainerResponse createContainer(String jsonRequest, String name)

Observable<DockerContainerResponse> createContainerObs(String jsonRequest)

DockerContainerResponse createContainer(String jsonRequest)

shekhargulati commented 8 years ago

@cinterloper 0.2.2 version is now available in Maven Central.

cinterloper commented 8 years ago

wow awesome! ill try it out

shekhargulati commented 8 years ago

@cinterloper is it working for you?

shekhargulati commented 8 years ago

closing this. Please open if it didn't worked for you.