shekkizh / FCN.tensorflow

Tensorflow implementation of Fully Convolutional Networks for Semantic Segmentation (
MIT License
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relu5_3 #46

Closed yossitsadok closed 7 years ago

yossitsadok commented 7 years ago


Is there a particular reason why the Inference continue from the "conv5_3" level of the vgg_net and not from the "relu5_3" ? I mean teh input to "POOL 5" is "conv5_3" and not "relu5_3"

What am i missing?


shekkizh commented 7 years ago

My take is that relu layers by themselves aren't going to affect the inference in this case since they are merely thresholding functions. Not sure if that answers your question but am closing this issue for now.

varungupta31 commented 2 years ago
