shelfio / jest-mongodb

Jest preset for MongoDB in-memory server
MIT License
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Need to update the documentation to reflect current 'mongodb' library #419

Open robertoshimizu opened 1 year ago

robertoshimizu commented 1 year ago

The command

connection = await MongoClient.connect(global.__MONGO_URI__, {
      useNewUrlParser: true,
      useUnifiedTopology: true,

has been deprecated. The useNewUrlParserand useUnifiedTopology were removed from the MongoClientOptions as per the explanation given by MongoDb

Therefore, it is recommended to update this library's documentation to avoid other users to struggle. Cheers RS

NickVanzo commented 1 year ago

Strongly agree. I've lost a decent amount of time trying to find a workaround! An update to the library's documentation should be included in jest-mongodb

jorisw commented 1 year ago

The README also refers to MongoClient.close() which no longer exists, due to which I don't know how to do a teardown.