shellRaining / hlchunk.nvim

This is the lua implementation of nvim-hlchunk, you can use this neovim plugin to highlight your indent line and the current chunk (context) your cursor stayed
MIT License
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Hide colorcolumn when not needed #89

Closed hinell closed 1 month ago

hinell commented 5 months ago

I think it would be nice to make hiding colorcolumn configurable. See demo below:


Taken from smartcolumn.nvim

shellRaining commented 2 months ago

good idea, I will take a look

daUnknownCoder commented 1 month ago

good idea, I will take a look

unnecessary if using Bekaboo/deadcolumn.nvim

hinell commented 1 month ago

@daUnknownCoder Have you used it in practice? Wonder if it doesn't conflict with hlchunk. Thanks.

shellRaining commented 1 month ago

hlchunk sets the range of the mark very limited, it should not affect other plugins.

and because this feat will add a new mod, please give me some time to consider how to implement it. Maybe a few weeks... I'm now try my best to improve the performance of existing mods

daUnknownCoder commented 1 month ago

@daUnknownCoder Have you used it in practice? Wonder if it doesn't conflict with hlchunk. Thanks.

i use both and it is very good:

My hlchunk+deadcolumn config !click me `hlchunk`: ```lua { "shellRaining/hlchunk.nvim", event = { "LazyFile" }, lazy = true, dependencies = { { "", name = "rainbow-delimiters.nvim", url = "", event = "VeryLazy", lazy = true, }, }, config = function() local hlchunk_status_ok, hlchunk = pcall(require, "hlchunk") if not hlchunk_status_ok then print("hlchunk not found!") end hlchunk.setup({ chunk = { enable = true, priority = 15, notify = true, style = { "#5ef33e", "#c21f30", }, chars = { horizontal_line = "─", vertical_line = "│", left_top = "╭", left_bottom = "╰", right_arrow = ">", }, textobject = "ic", duration = 250, error_sign = true, exclude_filetypes = { aerial = true, dashboard = true, fidget = true, NvimTree = true, TelescopePrompt = true, cmp = true, cmp_docs = true, }, }, indent = { enable = true, chars = { "▎", }, style = { "#E06C75", "#E5C07B", "#61AFEF", "#D19A66", "#98C379", "#C678DD", "#56B6C2", }, exclude_filetypes = { aerial = true, dashboard = true, fidget = true, NvimTree = true, TelescopePrompt = true, cmp = true, cmp_docs = true, }, }, line_num = { enable = true, style = "#C678DD", exclude_filetypes = { aerial = true, dashboard = true, fidget = true, NvimTree = true, TelescopePrompt = true, cmp = true, cmp_docs = true, }, }, blank = { enable = false }, }) local rainbow_delimiters_status_ok, rainbow_delimiters = pcall(require, "rainbow-delimiters") if not rainbow_delimiters_status_ok then print("rainbow-delimiters not found!") end vim.g.rainbow_delimiters = { strategy = { [""] = rainbow_delimiters.strategy["global"], vim = rainbow_delimiters.strategy["local"], commonlisp = rainbow_delimiters.strategy["local"], html = rainbow_delimiters.strategy["local"], latex = function(bufnr) local line_count = vim.api.nvim_buf_line_count(bufnr) if line_count > 10000 then return nil elseif line_count > 1000 then return rainbow_delimiters.strategy["global"] end return rainbow_delimiters.strategy["local"] end, }, query = { [""] = "rainbow-delimiters", lua = "rainbow-blocks", latex = "rainbow-blocks", query = function(bufnr) local is_nofile =[bufnr].buftype == "nofile" return is_nofile and "rainbow-blocks" or "rainbow-delimiters" end, }, priority = { [""] = 110, lua = 210, }, highlight = { "RainbowDelimiterRed", "RainbowDelimiterYellow", "RainbowDelimiterBlue", "RainbowDelimiterOrange", "RainbowDelimiterGreen", "RainbowDelimiterViolet", "RainbowDelimiterCyan", }, } end, }, ``` `deadcolumn`: ```lua { "Bekaboo/deadcolumn.nvim", lazy = true, event = { "LazyFile" }, config = function() require("deadcolumn").setup({ scope = "line", blending = { threshold = 0.75, colorcode = "#000000", hlgroup = { "Normal", "bg" }, }, warning = { alpha = 0.4, offset = 0, colorcode = "#FF0000", hlgroup = { "Error", "bg" }, }, }) end, }, ```

how it looks: image image

hinell commented 1 month ago

@shellRaining It's not mandatory to have this feature. Hlchunk is perfect enough and my proposal is just an idea to consider. Best. :wink:

shellRaining commented 1 month ago

😄 glad that you like this plugin, I feel that this feature is very good, and I will try to implement a version when I have the need! close temporarily