shellandbull / dockerization

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Kafka/Jobs monitoring #2

Open mensfeld opened 11 months ago

mensfeld commented 11 months ago

FYI Karafka has a web-ui for this that does not require any third party DB:


shellandbull commented 10 months ago

Awesome! This app isn't about that but I'll definitely be adding that onto this project :-)

mensfeld commented 10 months ago

Closing then :) don't hesitate to ping me if you need anything

shellandbull commented 10 months ago

@mensfeld actually now that you're here and I'm troubleshooting the installation, would you happen to know why my installation of the web UI fails?

bash-5.1# bundle exec karafka-web install
bundler: failed to load command: karafka-web (/usr/local/bundle/bin/karafka-web)
/usr/local/bundle/gems/karafka-rdkafka-0.13.5/lib/rdkafka/metadata.rb:33:in `initialize': Local: Broker transport failure (transport) (Rdkafka::RdkafkaError)

I understand is a connection issue to the kafka server, but running a manual sample job(ExampleJob) does succeed.

mensfeld commented 10 months ago

@shellandbull is it over the wire?

mensfeld commented 10 months ago

that is, do you connect to a remote kafka cluster?

shellandbull commented 10 months ago

@mensfeld nope, its all via docker-compose up --build. All the code and infra are on this repo

mensfeld commented 10 months ago

@shellandbull sounds like a misconfiguration where particular pieces of karafka or librdkafka cannot reach kafka. It's a common issue with docker (many articles were written about it). Would you mind joining our slack channel? So we could coop easier: Im sure we can solve this out.