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Auto-populating complaint type template #64

Closed ekonnath closed 1 year ago

ekonnath commented 1 year ago

Create a Make Automation scenario with the following steps

  1. Notion Watch Items
    • Make sure to filter items to ensure there is a complaint type present
  2. Get TPID based on complaint type
    • the TPID is the id of the page that has the template on it
    • retrieve the Complaint Type Database and search the database for the specific complaint object
    • then you should be able to set the TPID to a variable
  3. Retrieve Block Children based on TPID
    • Make a call to retrieve block children of TPID
  4. Append Block Children of the Complaint found in step 1
    • Use the call of step 3

Things to keep in mind

Here is good documentation on various steps in this process