shellhub-io / shellhub

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DefaultTCPIPHandler executes before the agent and server connect to each other #3233

Closed civilizeddev closed 10 months ago

civilizeddev commented 10 months ago



I am using a database migration tool called Airbyte. I intend to access the database in the private network as shown in the diagram below by forming an SSH tunnel through ShellHub and via ShellHub agent.


Screenshot 2023-11-01 at 12 34 02


connection between server and agent is not established yet

Failed (SshChannelOpenException) to open channel for session=MinaSession[local=/, remote=/]: connection between server and agent is not established yet
Learn more ``` Internal message: io.airbyte.commons.exceptions.ConnectionErrorException: java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: HikariPool-1 - Connection is not available, request timed out after 10002ms. Failure origin: source Failure type: config_error ```
Stacktrace ``` io.airbyte.commons.exceptions.ConnectionErrorException: java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: HikariPool-1 - Connection is not available, request timed out after 10002ms. at io.airbyte.db.jdbc.DefaultJdbcDatabase.getMetaData( at io.airbyte.integrations.source.postgres.PostgresSource.createDatabase( at io.airbyte.integrations.source.postgres.PostgresSource.createDatabase( at io.airbyte.integrations.source.relationaldb.AbstractDbSource.check( at io.airbyte.integrations.source.postgres.PostgresSource.check( at io.airbyte.integrations.base.ssh.SshTunnel.sshWrap( at io.airbyte.integrations.base.ssh.SshWrappedSource.check( at io.airbyte.integrations.base.IntegrationRunner.runInternal( at at io.airbyte.integrations.source.postgres.PostgresSource.main( Caused by: java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: HikariPool-1 - Connection is not available, request timed out after 10002ms. at com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariPool.createTimeoutException( at com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariPool.getConnection( at com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariPool.getConnection( at com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource.getConnection( at io.airbyte.db.jdbc.DefaultJdbcDatabase.getMetaData( ... 9 more Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Connection to refused. Check that the hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections. at org.postgresql.core.v3.ConnectionFactoryImpl.openConnectionImpl( at org.postgresql.core.ConnectionFactory.openConnection( at org.postgresql.jdbc.PgConnection.( at com.zaxxer.hikari.util.DriverDataSource.getConnection( at com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.PoolBase.newConnection( at com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.PoolBase.newPoolEntry( at com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariPool.createPoolEntry( at com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariPool$ at com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariPool$ at java.base/ at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ at java.base/ Caused by: Connection refused at java.base/ Method) at java.base/ at java.base/ at java.base/ at java.base/ at java.base/ at org.postgresql.core.PGStream.createSocket( at org.postgresql.core.PGStream.( at org.postgresql.core.v3.ConnectionFactoryImpl.tryConnect( at org.postgresql.core.v3.ConnectionFactoryImpl.openConnectionImpl( ... 14 more ```
Logs ``` 2023-11-01 03:33:29 i.a.w.t.TemporalAttemptExecution(get):124 - Docker volume job log path: /tmp/workspace/1cf4099a-53ca-454d-91c1-39d15b591d21/0/logs.log 2023-11-01 03:33:29 i.a.w.t.TemporalAttemptExecution(get):129 - Executing worker wrapper. Airbyte version: 0.50.29 2023-11-01 03:33:29 i.a.a.c.AirbyteApiClient(retryWithJitterThrows):290 - Attempt 0 to save workflow id for cancellation 2023-11-01 03:33:29 i.a.c.i.LineGobbler(voidCall):149 - 2023-11-01 03:33:29 i.a.c.EnvConfigs(getEnvOrDefault):1228 - Using default value for environment variable SIDECAR_KUBE_CPU_LIMIT: '2.0' 2023-11-01 03:33:29 i.a.c.i.LineGobbler(voidCall):149 - ----- START CHECK ----- 2023-11-01 03:33:29 i.a.c.EnvConfigs(getEnvOrDefault):1228 - Using default value for environment variable SOCAT_KUBE_CPU_LIMIT: '2.0' 2023-11-01 03:33:29 i.a.c.i.LineGobbler(voidCall):149 - 2023-11-01 03:33:29 i.a.c.EnvConfigs(getEnvOrDefault):1228 - Using default value for environment variable SIDECAR_KUBE_CPU_REQUEST: '0.1' 2023-11-01 03:33:29 i.a.c.EnvConfigs(getEnvOrDefault):1228 - Using default value for environment variable SOCAT_KUBE_CPU_REQUEST: '0.1' 2023-11-01 03:33:29 i.a.c.EnvConfigs(getEnvOrDefault):1228 - Using default value for environment variable LAUNCHDARKLY_KEY: '' 2023-11-01 03:33:29 i.a.c.i.LineGobbler(voidCall):149 - Checking if airbyte/source-postgres:3.1.7 exists... 2023-11-01 03:33:29 i.a.w.p.DockerProcessFactory(create):143 - Creating docker container = source-postgres-check-1cf4099a-53ca-454d-91c1-39d15b591d21-0-xazys with resources io.airbyte.config.ResourceRequirements@10f23d9c[cpuRequest=,cpuLimit=,memoryRequest=,memoryLimit=,additionalProperties={}] and allowedHosts null 2023-11-01 03:33:29 i.a.c.i.LineGobbler(voidCall):149 - airbyte/source-postgres:3.1.7 was found locally. 2023-11-01 03:33:29 i.a.w.p.DockerProcessFactory(create):196 - Preparing command: docker run --rm --init -i -w /data/1cf4099a-53ca-454d-91c1-39d15b591d21/0 --log-driver none --name source-postgres-check-1cf4099a-53ca-454d-91c1-39d15b591d21-0-xazys --network host -v airbyte_workspace:/data -v /tmp/airbyte_local:/local -e DEPLOYMENT_MODE=OSS -e WORKER_CONNECTOR_IMAGE=airbyte/source-postgres:3.1.7 -e AUTO_DETECT_SCHEMA=true -e LAUNCHDARKLY_KEY= -e SOCAT_KUBE_CPU_REQUEST=0.1 -e SOCAT_KUBE_CPU_LIMIT=2.0 -e USE_STREAM_CAPABLE_STATE=true -e FIELD_SELECTION_WORKSPACES= -e WORKER_ENVIRONMENT=DOCKER -e AIRBYTE_ROLE= -e APPLY_FIELD_SELECTION=false -e WORKER_JOB_ATTEMPT=0 -e OTEL_COLLECTOR_ENDPOINT=http://host.docker.internal:4317 -e FEATURE_FLAG_CLIENT=config -e AIRBYTE_VERSION=0.50.29 -e WORKER_JOB_ID=1cf4099a-53ca-454d-91c1-39d15b591d21 airbyte/source-postgres:3.1.7 check --config source_config.json 2023-11-01 03:33:29 i.a.w.i.VersionedAirbyteStreamFactory(create):177 - Reading messages from protocol version 0.2.0 2023-11-01 03:33:31 i.a.w.i.VersionedAirbyteStreamFactory(internalLog):312 - INFO i.a.i.s.p.PostgresSource(main):682 starting source: class io.airbyte.integrations.source.postgres.PostgresSource 2023-11-01 03:33:31 i.a.w.i.VersionedAirbyteStreamFactory(internalLog):312 - INFO i.a.i.b.IntegrationCliParser(parseOptions):126 integration args: {check=null, config=source_config.json} 2023-11-01 03:33:31 i.a.w.i.VersionedAirbyteStreamFactory(internalLog):312 - INFO i.a.i.b.IntegrationRunner(runInternal):130 Running integration: io.airbyte.integrations.base.ssh.SshWrappedSource 2023-11-01 03:33:31 i.a.w.i.VersionedAirbyteStreamFactory(internalLog):312 - INFO i.a.i.b.IntegrationRunner(runInternal):131 Command: CHECK 2023-11-01 03:33:31 i.a.w.i.VersionedAirbyteStreamFactory(internalLog):312 - INFO i.a.i.b.IntegrationRunner(runInternal):132 Integration config: IntegrationConfig{command=CHECK, configPath='source_config.json', catalogPath='null', statePath='null'} 2023-11-01 03:33:32 i.a.w.i.VersionedAirbyteStreamFactory(internalLog):309 - WARN c.n.s.JsonMetaSchema(newValidator):278 Unknown keyword groups - you should define your own Meta Schema. If the keyword is irrelevant for validation, just use a NonValidationKeyword 2023-11-01 03:33:32 i.a.w.i.VersionedAirbyteStreamFactory(internalLog):309 - WARN c.n.s.JsonMetaSchema(newValidator):278 Unknown keyword order - you should define your own Meta Schema. If the keyword is irrelevant for validation, just use a NonValidationKeyword 2023-11-01 03:33:32 i.a.w.i.VersionedAirbyteStreamFactory(internalLog):309 - WARN c.n.s.JsonMetaSchema(newValidator):278 Unknown keyword group - you should define your own Meta Schema. If the keyword is irrelevant for validation, just use a NonValidationKeyword 2023-11-01 03:33:32 i.a.w.i.VersionedAirbyteStreamFactory(internalLog):309 - WARN c.n.s.JsonMetaSchema(newValidator):278 Unknown keyword airbyte_secret - you should define your own Meta Schema. If the keyword is irrelevant for validation, just use a NonValidationKeyword 2023-11-01 03:33:32 i.a.w.i.VersionedAirbyteStreamFactory(internalLog):309 - WARN c.n.s.JsonMetaSchema(newValidator):278 Unknown keyword always_show - you should define your own Meta Schema. If the keyword is irrelevant for validation, just use a NonValidationKeyword 2023-11-01 03:33:32 i.a.w.i.VersionedAirbyteStreamFactory(internalLog):309 - WARN c.n.s.JsonMetaSchema(newValidator):278 Unknown keyword display_type - you should define your own Meta Schema. If the keyword is irrelevant for validation, just use a NonValidationKeyword 2023-11-01 03:33:32 i.a.w.i.VersionedAirbyteStreamFactory(internalLog):312 - INFO i.a.i.b.s.SshTunnel(getInstance):204 Starting connection with method: SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH 2023-11-01 03:33:33 i.a.w.i.VersionedAirbyteStreamFactory(internalLog):312 - INFO o.a.s.c.u.s.AbstractSecurityProviderRegistrar(getOrCreateProvider):112 getOrCreateProvider(EdDSA) created instance of net.i2p.crypto.eddsa.EdDSASecurityProvider 2023-11-01 03:33:33 i.a.w.i.VersionedAirbyteStreamFactory(internalLog):312 - INFO o.a.s.c.i.DefaultIoServiceFactoryFactory(getIoServiceProvider):71 Using MinaServiceFactoryFactory 2023-11-01 03:33:33 i.a.w.i.VersionedAirbyteStreamFactory(internalLog):309 - WARN o.a.s.c.k.StaticServerKeyVerifier(handleAcceptance):59 Server at presented unverified RSA key: SHA256:vhHKg9OLlLbUICa0HRdop7hCG6VoKgG6Xtmr9BDK1UQ 2023-11-01 03:33:33 i.a.w.i.VersionedAirbyteStreamFactory(internalLog):312 - INFO i.a.i.b.s.SshTunnel(openTunnel):367 Established tunneling session to y.y.y.y:5432. Port forwarding started on / 2023-11-01 03:33:33 i.a.w.i.VersionedAirbyteStreamFactory(internalLog):312 - INFO i.a.i.s.p.PostgresUtils(isCdc):61 using CDC: false 2023-11-01 03:33:33 i.a.w.i.VersionedAirbyteStreamFactory(internalLog):312 - INFO i.a.i.s.p.PostgresSource(toSslJdbcParamInternal):719 DISABLED toSslJdbcParam disable 2023-11-01 03:33:33 i.a.w.i.VersionedAirbyteStreamFactory(internalLog):312 - INFO c.z.h.HikariDataSource():80 HikariPool-1 - Starting... 2023-11-01 03:33:33 i.a.w.i.VersionedAirbyteStreamFactory(internalLog):312 - INFO c.z.h.HikariDataSource():82 HikariPool-1 - Start completed. 2023-11-01 03:33:33 i.a.w.i.VersionedAirbyteStreamFactory(internalLog):309 - WARN o.a.s.c.c.ClientChannelPendingMessagesQueue(operationComplete):197 operationComplete(ClientChannelPendingMessagesQueue[channel=TcpipClientChannel[id=0, recipient=-1]-ClientSessionImpl[ubuntu@SSHID@shellhub.(redacted domain)/x.x.x.x:22], open=false]) SshChannelOpenException[connection between server and agent is not established yet] signaled 2023-11-01 03:33:33 i.a.w.i.VersionedAirbyteStreamFactory(internalLog):309 - WARN o.a.s.c.u.l.LoggingUtils(warn):610 Failed (SshChannelOpenException) to open channel for session=MinaSession[local=/, remote=/]: connection between server and agent is not established yet 2023-11-01 03:33:33 i.a.w.i.VersionedAirbyteStreamFactory(internalLog):309 - WARN o.a.s.c.c.ClientChannelPendingMessagesQueue(operationComplete):197 operationComplete(ClientChannelPendingMessagesQueue[channel=TcpipClientChannel[id=1, recipient=-1]-ClientSessionImpl[ubuntu@SSHID@shellhub.(redacted domain)/x.x.x.x:22], open=false]) SshChannelOpenException[connection between server and agent is not established yet] signaled 2023-11-01 03:33:33 i.a.w.i.VersionedAirbyteStreamFactory(internalLog):309 - WARN o.a.s.c.u.l.LoggingUtils(warn):610 Failed (SshChannelOpenException) to open channel for session=MinaSession[local=/, remote=/]: connection between server and agent is not established yet 2023-11-01 03:33:34 i.a.w.i.VersionedAirbyteStreamFactory(internalLog):309 - WARN o.a.s.c.c.ClientChannelPendingMessagesQueue(operationComplete):197 operationComplete(ClientChannelPendingMessagesQueue[channel=TcpipClientChannel[id=2, recipient=-1]-ClientSessionImpl[ubuntu@SSHID@shellhub.(redacted domain)/x.x.x.x:22], open=false]) SshChannelOpenException[connection between server and agent is not established yet] signaled 2023-11-01 03:33:34 i.a.w.i.VersionedAirbyteStreamFactory(internalLog):309 - WARN o.a.s.c.u.l.LoggingUtils(warn):610 Failed (SshChannelOpenException) to open channel for session=MinaSession[local=/, remote=/]: connection between server and agent is not established yet 2023-11-01 03:33:43 i.a.w.i.VersionedAirbyteStreamFactory(internalLog):312 - INFO c.z.h.HikariDataSource(close):350 HikariPool-1 - Shutdown initiated... 2023-11-01 03:33:44 i.a.w.i.VersionedAirbyteStreamFactory(internalLog):312 - INFO c.z.h.HikariDataSource(close):352 HikariPool-1 - Shutdown completed. 2023-11-01 03:33:44 i.a.w.i.VersionedAirbyteStreamFactory(internalLog):312 - INFO i.a.i.b.IntegrationRunner(runInternal):226 Completed integration: io.airbyte.integrations.base.ssh.SshWrappedSource 2023-11-01 03:33:44 i.a.w.i.VersionedAirbyteStreamFactory(internalLog):312 - INFO i.a.i.s.p.PostgresSource(main):684 completed source: class io.airbyte.integrations.source.postgres.PostgresSource 2023-11-01 03:33:44 i.a.w.g.DefaultCheckConnectionWorker(run):117 - Check connection job received output: io.airbyte.config.StandardCheckConnectionOutput@75c877ae[status=failed,message=State code: 08001; Message: Connection to refused. Check that the hostname and port are correct and that the postmaster is accepting TCP/IP connections.,additionalProperties={}] 2023-11-01 03:33:44 i.a.c.i.LineGobbler(voidCall):149 - 2023-11-01 03:33:44 i.a.c.i.LineGobbler(voidCall):149 - ----- END CHECK ----- 2023-11-01 03:33:44 i.a.c.i.LineGobbler(voidCall):149 - ```
Screenshot 2023-11-01 at 12 53 00

What I have found

I traced the source code to track the SSH tunneling connection process of the Shellhub SSH server and followed the path leading up to DefaultTCPIPHandler.


The problem arises from these codes. What's odd is that in the DefaultTCPIPHandler flow, I can only find the 'metadata restore' and cannot locate where the 'metadata store' takes place.

I discovered that the code for 'metadata store' only executes when connecting through the SSH session flow.

Please check if there's anything I might have missed.

Thank you.





civilizeddev commented 10 months ago

How to reproduce with DBeaver Community

Airbyte is too heavy, so it might be better to reproduce the issue with a simpler DB client, like DBeaver for instance.

brew install dbeaver-community

When you click 'Test tunnel configuration', even if the password is incorrect, as long as the SSHID is accurate, it returns a normal response. This isn't normal either.

Screenshot 2023-11-01 at 13 31 38

When you click 'Test connection', it attempts to connect, but the following error occurs.

Screenshot 2023-11-01 at 13 46 11

(The debugging log below is something I added by modifying the code.)

time="2023-11-01T04:46:46Z" level=info msg="Setting log level" log_level=trace
time="2023-11-01T04:46:46Z" level=info msg="ssh server listening" addr=":2222"
time="2023-11-01T04:47:20Z" level=trace msg="trying to use password authentication" sshid=ubuntu@[SSHID (redacted)]
time="2023-11-01T04:47:20Z" level=info msg="using password authentication method to connect the client to agent" sshid=ubuntu@[SSHID (redacted)]
time="2023-11-01T04:47:21Z" level=debug msg="connection between server and agent is not established yet"
henrybarreto commented 10 months ago

Hi, @civilizeddev. Thank you for the detailed description of your issue.

We're investigating the problem, and we give you feedback as soon as possible.

henrybarreto commented 10 months ago

Hi, @civilizeddev.

We have worked on your issue, and discovered something I didn't take in consideration while implementing the Local Port Forwarding feature.

To solve it, we have pushed the #3239 with a possible fix. I will still rework on it, splitting its commits between the necessary refactor and the fix itself, but I think it is a valid state to be tested.

Would you mind verifying if the #3239 solves your problem?

civilizeddev commented 10 months ago


Thank you for your prompt action. I experimented in DBeaver and confirmed that it works this way.

Result with DBeaver (succeeded)

Screenshot 2023-11-02 at 08 27 58

Logs (shellhub-ssh)

time="2023-11-01T23:27:10Z" level=trace msg="trying to use password authentication" sshid=(redacted)
time="2023-11-01T23:27:10Z" level=info msg="using password authentication method to connect the client to agent" sshid=(redacted)
time="2023-11-01T23:27:10Z" level=info msg="handling direct-tcpip channel" sshid=(redacted) username=ubuntu
time="2023-11-01T23:27:12Z" level=info msg="piping data between client and agent" dest_addr=(redacted) dest_port=5432 origin_addr=51925 origin_port= sshid=(redacted) username=ubuntu
time="2023-11-01T23:27:12Z" level=debug msg="copying data from agent to client" dest_addr=(redacted) dest_port=5432 origin_addr=51925 origin_port= sshid=(redacted) username=ubuntu
time="2023-11-01T23:27:12Z" level=debug msg="copying data from client to agent" dest_addr=(redacted) dest_port=5432 origin_addr=51925 origin_port= sshid=(redacted) username=ubuntu
civilizeddev commented 10 months ago


However, the connection fails in airbyte as shown below. This could be an issue with airbyte, but it seems necessary to investigate further.

Result with Airbyte (failed)

No more authentication methods available

That's a message that appears after multiple failed authentication attempts. I'm certain I entered everything correctly, but I don't know why this is showing up.

Screenshot 2023-11-02 at 09 20 33

Logs (Airbyte)

INFO Starting connection with method: SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH
WARN Server at shellhub.(redacted domain)/(redacted ip):22 presented unverified RSA key: SHA256:vhHKg9OLlLbUICa0HRdop7hCG6VoKgG6Xtmr9BDK1UX
Check connection job received output: [
  message=Could not connect with provided SSH configuration. Error: org.apache.sshd.common.SshException: No more authentication methods available,
henrybarreto commented 10 months ago


Thank you for your prompt action. I experimented in DBeaver and confirmed that it works this way.

Result with DBeaver (succeeded)

Screenshot 2023-11-02 at 08 27 58

Logs (shellhub-ssh)

time="2023-11-01T23:27:10Z" level=trace msg="trying to use password authentication" sshid=(redacted)
time="2023-11-01T23:27:10Z" level=info msg="using password authentication method to connect the client to agent" sshid=(redacted)
time="2023-11-01T23:27:10Z" level=info msg="handling direct-tcpip channel" sshid=(redacted) username=ubuntu
time="2023-11-01T23:27:12Z" level=info msg="piping data between client and agent" dest_addr=(redacted) dest_port=5432 origin_addr=51925 origin_port= sshid=(redacted) username=ubuntu
time="2023-11-01T23:27:12Z" level=debug msg="copying data from agent to client" dest_addr=(redacted) dest_port=5432 origin_addr=51925 origin_port= sshid=(redacted) username=ubuntu
time="2023-11-01T23:27:12Z" level=debug msg="copying data from client to agent" dest_addr=(redacted) dest_port=5432 origin_addr=51925 origin_port= sshid=(redacted) username=ubuntu

Perfect. Thank you for confirming it. I am happy to help.

henrybarreto commented 10 months ago


However, the connection fails in airbyte as shown below. This could be an issue with airbyte, but it seems necessary to investigate further.

Result with Airbyte (failed)

No more authentication methods available

That's a message that appears after multiple failed authentication attempts. I'm certain I entered everything correctly, but I don't know why this is showing up.

Screenshot 2023-11-02 at 09 20 33

Logs (Airbyte)

INFO Starting connection with method: SSH_PASSWORD_AUTH
WARN Server at shellhub.(redacted domain)/(redacted ip):22 presented unverified RSA key: SHA256:vhHKg9OLlLbUICa0HRdop7hCG6VoKgG6Xtmr9BDK1UX
Check connection job received output: [
  message=Could not connect with provided SSH configuration. Error: org.apache.sshd.common.SshException: No more authentication methods available,

We will investigate it now.

civilizeddev commented 10 months ago


I apologize. I made a mistake. I should have entered SSHID in the SSH username, but I only entered the username, so it didn't work. Now it works fine in Airbyte.

Screenshot 2023-11-02 at 12 01 13
civilizeddev commented 10 months ago

Now the core part works well.

However, there's something odd. In DBeaver, instead of connecting remotely, there's a button to simply test the creation of an SSH Tunnel. For other typical SSH implementations, if you input the wrong password at this time, an error is returned. But with shellhub, even if you don't enter the password or enter it incorrectly, a normal response is displayed. This can give the wrong signal to the user. I initially just checked this and told our team that everything was done.


This seems to be an issue that needs to be addressed separately from this one. Anyway, thank you. It seems this issue can be closed after the PR get merged.

henrybarreto commented 10 months ago


I apologize. I made a mistake. I should have entered SSHID in the SSH username, but I only entered the username, so it didn't work. Now it works fine in Airbyte.

Screenshot 2023-11-02 at 12 01 13

No problem. As, almost, everything is working, I will organize the PR and let it ready to be merged on the master.

henrybarreto commented 9 months ago

@civilizeddev, sorry to mention you in this closed issue, but something let me curious.

What was the tool you have used to generate the sequence diagram above?

Thank you again for the help.

civilizeddev commented 9 months ago

@henrybarreto Thank you for reaching out to me. It was written in PlantUML. The source code is here and here. I hope it's useful.

henrybarreto commented 9 months ago

@henrybarreto Thank you for reaching out to me. It was written in PlantUML. The source code is here and here. I hope it's useful.

So thanks! It'll be!