shellphish / fuzzer

A Python interface to AFL, allowing for easy injection of testcases and other functionality.
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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32-bit ELF Binaries? #5

Closed bannsec closed 7 years ago

bannsec commented 8 years ago

I'm having trouble running fuzzer on 32-bit ELF binaries. Looking at the init code, it appears the call to setup which afl to run is:

            p = angr.Project(binary_path)

            self.os = p.loader.main_bin.os

            afl_dir               = shellphish_afl.afl_dir(self.os)

            # the path to AFL capable of calling driller
            self.afl_path         = shellphish_afl.afl_bin(self.os)

            self.afl_path_var     = shellphish_afl.afl_path_var(self.os)

            # set up libraries

Given the os variable really only says "unix", i don't see how this would select the correct distro for 32 vs 64 bit, and default on 64-bit systems will likely be 64 bit QEMU.

Jacopo commented 8 years ago

I'm not 100% sure on the internals of angr, but it should distinguish all the many variations and get the right afl_path (and the right qemu) from the shellphish_afl "package".

For cgc, this is the qemu "port":

bannsec commented 8 years ago

Just loading up a 32-bit and 64-bit ELF right now, both come back as "unix" based on loader.main_bin.os.

zardus commented 8 years ago

My understanding of what should happen is that, when the OS is unix, the fuzzer module should check the project.arch.qemu_name and use that to build the actual qemu path. That last reference name is a guess, as I just upgraded my system and nothing currently works :-)

bannsec commented 7 years ago

This problem was fixed a while back. Closing.