shells-dw / streamdeck-totalmix

Unofficial StreamDeck RME TotalMix FX Plugin - supporting MIDI and OSC
MIT License
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OSC toggle channel function issue #29

Closed yochubeats closed 1 year ago

yochubeats commented 1 year ago

Hello. I am Japanese. Thank you for making such a useful plugin. The problem here is that I can't select Select Function for OSC: Toggle Channel Function. streamdeck The channel I want to select is not displayed. Please help if you have any solution.

shells-dw commented 1 year ago

Hi, did you follow the setup instructions outlined in the readme?

If so and you double-checked TotalMix is setup correctly and the issue still persists, please attach the plugin logfile to this issue. The log file is named pluginlog.log and you can find it in %appdata%\Elgato\StreamDeck\Plugins\de.shells.totalmix.sdPlugin

yochubeats commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your reply. Following the setup does not help. I am attaching the log file. pluginlog.log

shells-dw commented 1 year ago

Interesting. Now that you ran the setup, can you try deleting and re-adding a button to the StreamDeck and see if that helps? The reason for that is that the StreamDeck basically stores settings for that button when it is put there and if there was missing data at the point it was put there, it might not update now that it might work. Deleting and re-adding it would fix it in that case. The log shows a lot of missing data for the buttons you tried and the only way I can think of off the top of my head how this could happen would be if the button was put there before it was set up correctly. I might need to think about if that can be handled programmatically, but for now, please try re-adding a button.

yochubeats commented 1 year ago

I tried it as described, but it didn't work. Maybe it's because I updated the UCX II firmware to the latest version. It was working fine until then.

shells-dw commented 1 year ago

I see. I wasn't aware of that update yet, seems it just came out last week. I'll update my fireface too and look into it.

yochubeats commented 1 year ago

I'm sorry for troubling you. thank you.

shells-dw commented 1 year ago

No worries buddy, it's good you reported it. If their new version broke the plugin, it will become an issue for more users at some point, so it's great I'm aware rather early. I'll let you know once I looked into it and found out what's going on

shells-dw commented 1 year ago

So... I updated to the latest version of TotalMix and even tried the most recent TotalMix beta version I found (which is even newer than the one supplied with the newest drivers I believe). The plugin works well and as it should on my system. I looked at the corresponding OSC table RME provides for the TotalMix version and there's nothing breaking in there as far as I could see either, a couple additional values and commands, but that's not breaking anything with the plugin.

Now I don't own a UCX II hence can't test on that specific hardware, however the plugin controls TotalMix and not the actual hardware interface and TotalMix should act the same OSC-wise on every system with every hardware connected, so I doubt the reason is a firmware update for the interface. If it really should be, which is highly unlikely in my opinion, I'm out of options not having that interface myself and also it's something going wrong with the update anyway, as said TotalMix shouldn't act differently with different interfaces connected.

TotalMix is basically just an executable that reads and writes its data to a config file. When you update TotalMix, it just replaces the executable on disk and the config file should not be touched hence the new version should just load the previous settings.

As you have stated it worked before you updated, maybe there was an issue updating values from the config file. Or Windows might have blocked the new version in its firewall, so please check that as well.

If TotalMix isn't blocked in the firewall, please try the following before I spend time producing a version that has extended logging:

I've seen TotalMix show ticks and values that were not actually set (rarely, but still), so removing and setting the options again would eliminate such an issue. It was never to this degree when I came across these issues, however I just want to be sure it's not just something easy like this. It doesn't appear to be a general problem so something on your PC seems to cause this and before I spend an hour or two to make a custom version for you with more logging that just pokes in the dark -because frankly I have no idea what that could be if it's not firewall or TotalMix doing things it shouldn't-, I'd like to explore easier options first.

Please report back after you've tried this and we go from there.

yochubeats commented 1 year ago

Sorry for the inconvenience. I tried the steps above but it didn't work. Trigger Global Function works fine. I can't seem to find the channel selection. i'll try it too.

shells-dw commented 1 year ago

Ok. I'll look into what I can log that might be helpful here and implement that in a special version. I'll update you.

Until then you could disable mirroring in the config file by setting mirroringRequested to false (as outlined here )- which at least should get the plugin working again for now, at least the basic functions without the mirroring.

yochubeats commented 1 year ago

Channels are now displayed after restarting STREAM DECK or resetting TotalMix settings. Sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you very much for your kind support. I will continue to use this wonderful plugin. I'm really thankful to you.

shells-dw commented 1 year ago

Nice, thanks for your feedback!

Have fun making music buddy ♥️