shellscape / jsx-email

Build emails with a delightful DX
MIT License
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SVG not rendering correctly #46

Closed mrtom closed 8 months ago

mrtom commented 8 months ago

StackBlitz link 404s unfortunately. There is a repo you can play with here.

This repo contains the code created when you use the quick start in the JSX Email docs, with a single SVG JSX file added into the starter template.

Expected Behavior

Here is what that SVG looks like when rendered in my Next app (first) and when sent using react-email (second)

Screenshot 2023-10-31 at 21 18 29 Screenshot 2023-10-31 at 21 19 05

Actual Behavior

Here is what the SVG looks like rendered by the JSX Email preview server (first) and an email generated by JSX Email (second)

Screenshot 2023-10-31 at 21 07 08 Screenshot 2023-10-31 at 21 19 10

Note the white 'tick' is missing in both cases.

Additional Information

grahamplace commented 8 months ago

I don't know the exact limitations, but as I'm starting to work with emails for the first time, my current stance is "we don't use SVG" to avoid confusion / issues

shellscape commented 8 months ago

SVG support is extremely dicey. See

That site is also awesome for viewing compatibility of features across clients.

StackBlitz link 404s unfortunately.

Fixed the bad link. Thanks for raising it.

mrtom commented 8 months ago

Wow, I had no idea it would be so poor in 2023. OK, time to use PNGs in emails! Thanks.