changed webpack peer dependencies to ^4.20.2 from >=4.0.0
This PR contains:
[ x] bugfix
[ ] feature
[ ] refactor
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Breaking Changes?
[ ] yes
[ x] no
If yes, please describe the breakage.
Please Describe Your Changes
I simply changed the peer dependency in webpack-nano calling webpack>=4.0.0 to webpack^4.20.2 Th erelease prior to this one had that verbage and worked with webpack 5, current one does not and throws a specific error related to the package.json about peer dependencies
changed webpack peer dependencies to ^4.20.2 from >=4.0.0
This PR contains:
Breaking Changes?
If yes, please describe the breakage.
Please Describe Your Changes
I simply changed the peer dependency in webpack-nano calling webpack>=4.0.0 to webpack^4.20.2 Th erelease prior to this one had that verbage and worked with webpack 5, current one does not and throws a specific error related to the package.json about peer dependencies