shenandoahliterary / Shenandoah

Project management for development and production of Shenandoah literary magazine
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Features 68.1 #15

Closed jeffreybarry closed 1 year ago

jeffreybarry commented 5 years ago

Are there going to be featured content for this upcoming issue?

Not too difficult to program in squares at bottom of page.

3 boxes. grid image (gerald the re-enactor) with an evocative text

Should box border be colored the same as the featured image for the issue? Or default to gray/black?

Go with grid of 3 bootstrap images with text underneath

jeffreybarry commented 5 years ago

Setup Bootstrap grid with 3 cards (images and text below image). Content is pulled from a set of posts.

jeffreybarry commented 5 years ago

Loop through categories for "Feature" and display last three.

jeffreybarry commented 5 years ago

NOTE: the number of features displayed should be 3. The code defaults to the number specified in Settings>blog pages show.

The number is not set in the code. Perhaps it should be in the future to prevent too many features from displaying.

Extra number of features will simply fill the grid, thereby making each feature smaller in width.

jeffreybarry commented 5 years ago

How will images be handled? Set as featured image for that post? Will they size appropriate to the grid, which is fluid?

jeffreybarry commented 5 years ago
<section class="container-fluid TOC-features">
        <div class="card-group">
            $args = array(
                'category_name'         => 'feature',

            $category_posts = new WP_Query($args);

            if ($category_posts->have_posts()) :
                     while($category_posts->have_posts()) :
            <div class="card">
           <!-- <img class="card-img-top" src="..." alt="Card image cap"> -->
             <?php  the_post_thumbnail( 'full', array( 'class'=>'card-img img-fluid' ) );  ?>
            <div class="card-body">
                <p class="card-text"><?php  the_content() ?></p>


                     Oops, there are no features.


jeffreybarry commented 5 years ago

Refer to Paris Review...

image Prominent text gutter between

Needs to be a 4th menu item.

jeffreybarry commented 5 years ago

Mita Janet McAdams interview [the third feature is something...a link to the article on the columns]