shenandoahliterary / Shenandoah

Project management for development and production of Shenandoah literary magazine
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Suggestions for enhancements/fixes #87

Open jeffreybarry opened 5 years ago

jeffreybarry commented 5 years ago

Reply here for general comments with your suggestions for enhancements and fixes to Shenandoah.

coletta1 commented 5 years ago

The icons in the footer should contain links to the websites they represent, W&L and clmp. Pasted Graphic 1

coletta1 commented 5 years ago

I think the artist on the front page should have a bio just like the authors of the pieces. Also, it's not clear what the art is.

coletta1 commented 5 years ago

image Spacing gets weirder as the window gets smaller

coletta1 commented 5 years ago

image I think this should be a navigational element that either links back to the contents of this issue or the list of issues

coletta1 commented 5 years ago

It doesn't look like the artwork on the front page has alt text or a description, which is important to address because of accessibility concerns.

connerf20 commented 5 years ago

A list of suggestions (with help from members of my group in the literary editing class):

coletta1 commented 5 years ago

It might be cool to have a progress bar that fills up as you scroll...since it's online, you can't see page breaks or number of pages and that can be disorienting, or if a reader is like me, harder to hold their attention.

coletta1 commented 5 years ago

Instead of having everything arranged vertically, and having to scroll to see everything, it could be nice to make use of the white space on the margins. For example, the author's name and bio could be fixed on the side as you scroll, so you don't have to wait to see it until you finish.

coletta1 commented 5 years ago

It would be cool if readers like a story, for them to be able to share directly from each entry. There are the links to social media in the footer, but not a way to share an individual story to facebook, twitter, etc, which could increase engagement, both from the person willing to share it, and potentially all others in their social network.

younga20 commented 5 years ago

When I went to view issues I was not able to find the most recent issue and I struggled to get back to it because i couldn't remember the URL. I might be nice to add a link at the bottom of the new issue to go directly to the previous issue (and if we can add a similar link to past sites to get to newer volumes). Navigation could be made easier from issue to issue by dedicating a home page to house each edition rather than having the latest edition act as the home page.

It might also be nice to have a page dedicated to the authors and not just link out to their personal websites. Make pages that will link out to previous works published by Shenandoah, this page could be linked under the bios under writings.

"The Peak" could be enhanced with a brief description because it is not obvious what it is. Maybe separate the articles with a title to inform a reader before they start scrolling through them. Very Vague.

washingtonb21 commented 5 years ago
ramirezj21 commented 5 years ago

Suggestions for the website. Worked with members of my class in English 453

gsella20 commented 5 years ago

Reply here for general comments with your suggestions for enhancements and fixes to Shenandoah.

Add additional pages, so it isn't all one long scroll to find what you're looking for. For example, under "Submit" having the various options of "How to," "What We're Looking For, etc. all stand alone and when clicked on lead to a description.

More on the front page maybe a picture of the artist?

Adjust the layout of various pages to delete the large white margins or fill the margins with content.'

coletta1 commented 5 years ago

A search bar would be useful to find other works by authors or to search by subject or genre across issues

myersl20 commented 5 years ago

If I was a first time visitor, I wouldn't know what "The Peak" is. What if we had a text box pop up when the cursor rested on the link that had a short description to inform the viewer? What if we had the navigation bar text match a color from the logo? That would provide more continuity. I still like the idea of being able to click on the art on the landing/main page and going to a page describing the art/artist and why it was chosen for this publication.

connerf20 commented 5 years ago

I really like the way that the Waxwing website has this white column that just sits behind the piece. It makes it feel more like a piece of paper than a web page -->