shengweiWang926 / RL-Congestion-Control-Ns3

The repository contains files for congestion control with reinforcement learning
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For Help #1

Open StevenWSH27 opened 3 months ago

StevenWSH27 commented 3 months ago

Hello, I am very interested in your RL Consensus Control Ns3. I am conducting experiments on optimizing wifi routing algorithms using reinforcement learning in an ns3 network simulation environment. I have many questions that I would like to ask for a fee.

shengweiWang926 commented 3 months ago

Hi,you can ask the questions and a fee is not necessary. Just to let you know,my design is not exactly complex, and it includes interactions with only a small part of ns3, so there might be a lot of stuff I don't know.

StevenWSH27 commented 3 months ago

May I check your experimental code?

shengweiWang926 commented 3 months ago

sorry I don't have the code with me right now, the virtual machine that contains ns3 is in my old laptop that's not with me at the moment.