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Twitter! #23

Open orpgol opened 10 years ago

orpgol commented 10 years ago

build a skeleton for how the twitting will work, API for sending auto twits, and building automatic messeges from user interaction

Tamary commented 10 years ago

@NataliItzhak - from the talk with Mushon today this is what we need for the preprelaunch:

  1. Get to know the Twitter API to understand how to read from it and pull tweets into the extension.
  2. Make a few templates for the reports ("eye witnesses had reported that...","The public should be careful when entering this site...").

@orpgol - please make sure I wrote the technical stuff correctly... ;)

yuvadm commented 10 years ago

@NataliItzhak if you need help getting the Twitter API working, please ping me.

Basically, you'll need to create a new application on twitter under your username, and use the v1.1 REST API to send tweets from your extension

yuvadm commented 10 years ago

@NataliItzhak This is a response to your email, please try to keep this thread in a single place (i.e. here.)

There are several things you need to do for twitter integration:

Make sure you read all relevant documentation on the twitter dev portal, as it explains in detail everything you need to know about connecting your extension with Twitter.

If you are stuck on a specific issue, please let me know, and make sure to explain where you are in the process and what exactly you are stuck on.

orpgol commented 10 years ago

hi @yuvadm, i'm trying to get the tweeter to work, as i understood i need a php/server-side file that pulls the tweets for me and pushes them back to me... i have written a php file but how can i make it work without a server? i saw that since v1.1 of tweeter you have to use OAuth...

yuvadm commented 10 years ago

@orpgol Well, you don't necessarily need a backend, let's try to avoid it if possible. What exactly is the flow for twitter?

orpgol commented 10 years ago

@yuvadm by flow you mean steps to connect?, i found only examples dating before 2013 (when the api was changed). in tweeter i found this: what do you think can i use GET Jason like this somehow?

yuvadm commented 10 years ago

By flow I mean explain in simple words how your extension is supposed to use twitter. Does it only update your main twitter account? Should it tweet on behalf of the user's existing twitter account? Do you also expect to read timelines, and not just post tweets?

orpgol commented 10 years ago

the extension should read the main account's tweets and post them, it should also be able to post tweets. i think for now no timeline, just last 5-10 tweets... thanks @yuvadm tell me if you find anything, if not i will start implementing server side somehow...