shenlab-sinai / ngsplot

Quick mining and visualization of NGS data by integrating genomic databases
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subread aligner problem #58

Closed pedrocrisp closed 8 years ago

pedrocrisp commented 8 years ago

Hi, I aligned my reads using subread and I get the following error when running ngs.plot.r. The output files are created but they contain no data, any thoughts?

Loading R libraries.....Done
Analyze bam files and calculate coverageWarning message:  
In headerIndexBam(bam.list) :
  Aligner for: Sample_277_1_WT/Sample_277_1_WT.bam cannot be determined. Style of
standard SAM mapping score will be used. Would you mind submitting an issue
report to us on Github? This will benefit people using the same aligner.
Warning message:
'isNotPrimaryRead' is deprecated.
Use 'isSecondaryAlignment' instead.
See help("Deprecated")
Plotting figures...Done
Saving results...Done
Wrapping results up...Done
All done. Cheers!

Thanks peter

jdblischak commented 8 years ago

I was able to get output using BAM files created with Subjunc, which is another short read mapper distributed with Subread.

@pedrocrisp, I could potentially help. Could you please provide some more information?

This second part is more for @lishen.

I also receive the message about the mapping scores. Subread has a unique way of calculating the mapping scores. From the User's Guide: The mapping quality score "is a read-length normalized value and it is in the range [0, 60)."

I see that ngsplot using the @PG header to determine the mapper used and thus how to interpret the quality scores (code). The @PG header when mapping with Subread or Subjunc looks like this:

@PG ID:subread  PN:subread  VN:1.5.0-p1

Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help implement support for Subread.

pedrocrisp commented 8 years ago

Hi John, Thanks for the reply. Yes I can see this being a chromosome names issue. Incidentally, I also used subjunc rather than subread.

I ran:

ngs.plot.r -G Tair10 -R genebody -C Sample_277_1_WT.bam -O RRGS_test_genebody -D ensembl -F rnaseq

Quality is good, lots of reads over 20:

samtools view filename.bam | cut -f5 | sort | uniq -c

47022898 59
    925 6
    693 7
      1 78
    287 8
   1124 9

Chromosome names do not match:

samtools view -H filename.bam

@HD     VN:1.0  SO:coordinate
@SQ     SN:Chr1 LN:30427671
@SQ     SN:Chr2 LN:19698289
@SQ     SN:Chr3 LN:23459830
@SQ     SN:Chr4 LN:18585056
@SQ     SN:Chr5 LN:26975502
@SQ     SN:ChrC LN:154478
@SQ     SN:ChrM LN:366924
@PG     ID:subread      PN:subread      VN:1.4.6 chrnames Tair10 ensembl

Do you know if there is a work around? Can an alias file be set up for chromosome names or do I need to rename the chromomsomes in all my bam files?

Cheers, peter

jdblischak commented 8 years ago

I'd recommend first renaming the chromosomes in just one of your BAM files and then running ngsplot. If this works, then you'll know that you've isolated the problem. You should be able to do this quickly using samtools (ex):

samtools view -H filename.bam | sed -e 's/Chr/chr/g' | sed -e 's/chrC/chrPt/' | samtools reheader - filename.bam > filename-new.bam
samtools index filename-new.bam

If this is indeed the only problem, and you don't want to rename the chromosomes of all your BAM files (I don't blame you; I also didn't do this), then the only option is to edit the source code.

For background on what this is changing, see Issue #59 that I created and the description of the edits I made to the source code to work with my BAM files. I wasn't able to explicitly test this recommendation since I don't have access to an example file. Give this a try, but if it doesn't work you'll need to share an example BAM for testing for me to help further. Good luck!

pedrocrisp commented 8 years ago

Thanks John, Renaming the chromosomes in my bam, worked a treat, fixed the issue.

I havent tried editing the source yet, I'm testing ngsplot out a little more to see if it suits our needs first.
