shenlab-sinai / ngsplot

Quick mining and visualization of NGS data by integrating genomic databases
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headerIndexBam ... indexBam -> sapply -> sapply -> lapply -> FUN -> .Call #84

Open singhsk2622 opened 5 years ago

singhsk2622 commented 5 years ago

Hi I am trying to run ngs.plot.r with bam file and bed file but getting following error

The error:

$:~/Desktop/Software/HiChipper/HiCPro_PE_norm_hichipper$ ngs.plot.r -G hg19 -R genebody -C config_ngsplot.txt -O metaplot_HiCHIPxHiCxChIPseq -L 5000 Configuring variables... Using database: ~/Desktop/Software/ngsplot-develop/database/hg19/hg19.ensembl.genebody.protein_coding.RData Done Loading R libraries.....Done Analyze bam files and calculate coverageopen: No such file or directory Error in FUN(X[[i]], ...) : failed to open SAM/BAM file file: '~/Desktop/Software/HiChipper/HiCPro_PE_norm_hichipper/Hi-C-Input_sorteds_interaction.bam' Calls: headerIndexBam ... indexBam -> sapply -> sapply -> lapply -> FUN -> .Call Execution halted $:~/Desktop/Software/HiChipper/HiCPro_PE_norm_hichipper