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希望支持AC-baidu-重定向优化百度搜狗谷歌必应搜索_favicon_双列 #35

Closed shenruisi closed 2 years ago

shenruisi commented 2 years ago

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Originally posted by **shenruisi** December 30, 2021 ```javascript // ==UserScript== // @name AC-baidu-重定向优化百度搜狗谷歌必应搜索_favicon_双列 // @name:en AC-baidu-google_sogou_bing_RedirectRemove_favicon_adaway_TwoLine // @name:zh AC-baidu-重定向优化百度搜狗谷歌必应搜索_favicon_双列 // @name:ja AC-baidu-重定向最適化Baiduの搜狗のGoogleのBing検索結果のリダイレクト除去+favicon // @description 1.繞過百度、搜狗、谷歌、好搜搜索結果中的自己的跳轉鏈接,直接訪問原始網頁-反正都能看懂 2.新增自定义网站拦截功能 3添加Favicon显示 4.页面CSS 5.添加计数 6.开关选择以上功能 7.自动翻页功能 // @description:en 1.bypass the redirect link at baidu\sogou\google\haosou; 2.remove ads at baidu; 3.add Favicon for each website; 4.render your own style; 5.counter; 6.Switch to handle all 7.Auto Pager // @description:ja 1.迂回Baidu、Sogou、Google、Haosou検索検索結果の中の自分の遷移リンク; 2.Baiduの余分な広告を取り除く; 3.コメントを追加; 4.ページのカスタムCSP; 5.カウントを追加; 6.スイッチは以上の機能を選択します; 7.自動ページめくり. // @icon // @author AC // @license GPL-3.0-only // @create 2015-11-25 // @run-at document-body // @version 25.01 // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @connect // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://* // @include *://** // @include *://*/search* // @include *://*.google*/search* // @include *://*.google*/webhp* // @include *://** // @include *://** // @include *://** // @exclude *://*.google*/sorry* // @exclude* // @exclude https://** // @exclude* // @supportURL // @home-url // @home-url2 // @homepageURL // @copyright 2015-2020, AC // @lastmodified 2021-12-06 // @feedback-url // @note 2021.12-06-V25.01 修复百度样式偏左 & 修复谷歌样式显示 // @note 2021.10-31-V24.29 fixed Less requirement for faster Load // @note 2021.10-29-V24.27 移除必应能选择的广告;增加自定义样式less的支持 // @note 2021.09-02-V24.26 修复必应多favicon,修复百度百科问题;修复谷歌一个小问题 // @note 2021.07-16-V24.25 修复一个bug;兼容百度下搜索股票tag; // @note 2021.06-15-V24.24 更换cdn地址 // @note 2017.05.12 -> 2021.06-15 && V8.6 -> V24.24 各种各样的历史更新记录,从一个版本迭代到另一个版本 // @note 2017.05.12-V8.4 新增:默认屏蔽谷歌的安全搜索功能 // @note 2017.05.05-V8.3 修复include范围太小导致的百度知道的屏蔽问题 // @note 2017.05.04-V8.2 终于修复了百度知道图片替换了文字的这个大BUG; 顺便处理了; 新增谷歌搜索结果重定向去除 // @note 2017.05.04-V8.1 终于修复了百度知道图片替换了文字的这个大BUG,顺便处理了 // @note 2017.05.04-V8.0 终于修复了百度知道图片替换了文字的这个大BUG,待测试 // @note 2017.03.28-V7.6 修复在ViolentMonkey上的不支持的问题 // @note 2017.03.28-V7.5 尝试修复chrome上的问题 // @note 2017.03.21-V7.4 尝试处理Edge上不支持的问题,结果发现是Edge本身的TamperMonkey支持有问题 // @note 2017.03.19-V7.3 修复打开百度之后再次点击“百度一下”导致的无法更新重定向问题 // @note 2017.03.19-V7.2 未知原因chrome的MutationObserver无法使用了,继续回归以前的DOMNodeInserted // @note 2017.02.17-V7.0 修复搜狗的搜索结果重定向问题+改个名字 // @note 2017.02.17-V6.9 修复搜狗的搜索结果重定向问题 // @note 2016.10.27-V6.7 修复了以前的重复请求,现在的请求数应该小了很多,网络也就不卡了,感觉萌萌哒 // @note 2016.04.24-V6.6 恢复以前的版本,因为兼容性问题 // @note 2015.12.01-V5.0 加入搜狗的支持,但是支持不是很好 // @note 2015.11.25-V2.0 优化,已经是真实地址的不再尝试获取 // @note 2015.11.25-V1.0 完成去掉百度重定向的功能 // @resource baiduCommonStyle // @resource baiduOnePageStyle // @resource baiduTwoPageStyle // @resource baiduLiteStyle // @resource googleCommonStyle // @resource googleOnePageStyle // @resource googleTwoPageStyle // @resource bingCommonStyle // @resource bingOnePageStyle // @resource bingTwoPageStyle // @resource duckCommonStyle // @resource duckOnePageStyle // @resource duckTwoPageStyle // @resource dogeCommonStyle // @resource dogeOnePageStyle // @resource dogeTwoPageStyle // @resource MainHuYanStyle // @resource SiteConfigRules // @require // @require // @require // @require // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM.getValue // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM.setValue // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_getResourceURL // @grant GM_listValues // @grant GM_getResourceUrl // @grant GM.getResourceUrl // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_getResourceText // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @namespace // ==/UserScript== // calc(X1(vw) + X2(px)) -> B(px) 使用 进行计算 !function () { let isdebug = false; let isLocalDebug = isdebug || false; let debug = isdebug ? console.log.bind(console) : ()=>{} let acCssLoadFlag = false; let inExtMode = typeof (isExtension) !== "undefined"; let inGMMode = typeof (GM_info.scriptHandler) !== "undefined"; // = "Greasemonkey" || "Tampermonkey" || "ViolentMonkey" // 新版本的GreaseMonkey是带有scriptHandler,但是没有GM_getResourceText;旧版本不带scriptHandler,但是有GM_getResourceText // let isNewGM = typeof(GM_info.scriptHandler) !== "undefined" && GM_info.scriptHandler.toLowerCase() === "greasemonkey"; let isNewGM = false; // inExtMode & inGMMode // true true =扩展下的GM代码 不执行 // true false=扩展下代码 执行 // false true =仅GM代码 执行 // false false=异常 但是还是要执行代码 debug("程序开始"); if (inExtMode === true && inGMMode === true || typeof(window.AC666Init) !== 'undefined') { console.log("扩展模式-脚本不启用"); return; } window.AC666Init = true if (typeof (GM) === "undefined") { // 这个是ViolentMonkey的支持选项 GM = {}; GM.setValue = GM_setValue; GM.getValue = GM_getValue; } (function () { debug("程序执行"); let needDisplayNewFun = true; // 本次更新是否有新功能需要展示 if (window.NodeList && !NodeList.prototype.forEach) { NodeList.prototype.forEach = function (callback, thisArg) { thisArg = thisArg || window; for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {, this[i], i, this); } }; } // let RedirectMap = new Map(); let ACConfig = {}; let DBConfig = {}; // 仅作为普通ACConfig的原始备份,在其他非关键位置时进行保存使用 /*存在对未初始化变量的初始化赋值-无需担心迭代兼容问题*/ let DefaultConfig = { isRedirectEnable: false, // 是否开启重定向功能 isAdsEnable: false, // 是否开启去广告模式 isAutopage: true, // 是否开启自动翻页功能 isBlockEnable: false, // 是否开启去拦截模式 isBlockDisplay: false, // 是否删除已拦截的条目 isBlockBtnNotDisplay: false, // 是否显示block按钮 AdsStyleEnable: true, // 是否开启自定义样式模式 baidu: { name: 'baidu', // CSS load 的前缀标志 AdsStyleMode: '1', // 0-不带css;1-单列靠左;2-单列居中;3-双列居中 HuYanMode: false, // 护眼模式-百度 }, google: { name: 'google', AdsStyleMode: '3', // 0-不带css;1-单列靠左;2-单列居中;3-双列居中 HuYanMode: false, // 护眼模式-谷歌 }, bing: { name: 'bing', AdsStyleMode: '3', // 0-不带css;1-单列靠左;2-单列居中;3-双列居中 HuYanMode: false, // 护眼模式-必应 }, duck: { name: 'duck', AdsStyleMode: '3', // 0-不带css;1-单列靠左;2-单列居中;3-双列居中 HuYanMode: false, // 护眼模式-DuckGOGO }, doge: { name: 'doge', AdsStyleMode: '3', // 0-不带css;1-单列靠左;2-单列居中;3-双列居中 HuYanMode: false, // 护眼模式-DuckGOGO }, sogou: { name: 'sogou', AdsStyleMode: '1', // 0-不带css;1-单列靠左;2-单列居中;3-双列居中 HuYanMode: false, // 护眼模式-搜狗 }, zhihu: { name: 'zhihu', AdsStyleMode: '0', // 0-不带css;1-单列靠左;2-单列居中;3-双列居中 HuYanMode: false, // 护眼模式-搜狗 }, other: { name: 'other', AdsStyleMode: '0', // 0-不带css;1-单列靠左;2-单列居中;3-双列居中 HuYanMode: false, // 护眼模式-搜狗 }, Style_BaiduLite: false, // Baidu_Lite样式表 defaultHuYanColor: "#DEF1EF", isUserColorEnable: true, // 是否开启favicon图标功能 isFaviconEnable: true, // 是否开启favicon图标功能 defaultFaviconUrl: "", // 默认图标地址 doDisableSug: true, // 是否禁止百度搜索预测 isRightDisplayEnable: true, // 是否开启右侧边栏 isCounterEnable: false, // 是否显示计数器 isALineEnable: false, // 是否禁止下划线 isUserStyleEnable: false, // 是否开启自定义样式 normalizeDuck: true, // 是否按照常用习惯去配置DuckDuckGo acceptLicense: false, isEnLang: false, isGooleInBaiduModeEnable: false, // 是否开启谷歌搜索结果页的百度图标显示 UserBlockList: [], UserStyleText: `/**计数器的颜色样式*/ div .AC-CounterT{ background: #FD9999; } /**右侧栏的样式-其实不开启更好看一些*/ #content_right{ padding: 20px 15px 15px; border-radius: 5px; background-color: #fff; box-sizing: border-box; box-shadow: 0 0 20px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .1); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 20px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .1); -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 20px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .1); } body[baidu] { position: relative; } body[baidu]:before { position: fixed; width: 100%; height: 100%; top: 0; left: 0; content: ''; background-image: url(''); background-size: 100% auto; opacity: 1; /*背景图透明度=0.8,最大1*/ } /**隐藏首页的大图标-修复可能导致外援样式异常**/ body[baidu] #s_lg_img_new{ display:none !important; } body[baidu] .c-container{ border-radius: 5px; background-color: rgba(255,255,255, 0.3) !important; /*百度搜索块体的颜色;透明度=0.1,最大1*/ } body[baidu] .c-container h3{ background-color: rgba(248,248,248, 0.3) !important; /*百度搜索块体 - 标题的颜色;透明度=0.1,最大1*/ }`, oldVersion: "", lastSaveTime: new Date().getTime(), }; let CONST = { hasNewFuncNeedDisplay: true, sortIndex: 1, isGoogleImageUrl: false, isGoogleSpecial: false, // 判断是否存在#rso>.g; true=存在 useItem: {}, StyleManger: function () { }, }; var curSite = { SiteTypeID: 1, // 当前站点的ID MainType: "", // 主体节点,很多个的父节点 Stype_Normal: "", // 重定向选择器,只有百度-搜狗-好搜 FaviconType: "", // favicon的域名检查器cite,用于获取host用 FaviconAddTo: "", // favicon选择器,用于插入到title之前的 CounterType: "", // 计数器添加的位置,一般和favicon位置一致 BlockType: "", // 屏蔽按钮的位置,一般在title之后 }; let DBSite = { baidu: { SiteTypeID: 1, MainType: "#content_left .c-container", Stype_Normal: "h3.t>a, .c-container article a", FaviconType: ".c-showurl", FaviconAddTo: "h3", CounterType: "#content_left>#double>div[srcid] *[class~=t],[class~=op_best_answer_question],#content_left>div[srcid] *[class~=t],[class~=op_best_answer_question]", BlockType: "h3 a", pager: { nextLink: '//div[@id="page"]//a[contains(text(),"下一页")][@href]', pageElement: "css;div#content_left > *", HT_insert: ["css;div#content_left", 2], replaceE: "css;#page", stylish: ".autopagerize_page_info, div.sp-separator {margin-bottom: 10px !important;}", } }, sogou: { SiteTypeID: 2, MainType: "#main .results>div", Stype_Normal: ">a, h3.vrTitle>a", FaviconType: "cite[id*='cacheresult_info_']", FaviconAddTo: "h3", CounterType: ".results>div", BlockType: "h3 a", pager: { nextLink: "//div[@id=\"pagebar_container\"]//a[@id=\"sogou_next\"]", pageElement: "//div[@class=\"results\"]/div", HT_insert: ["//div[@class=\"results\"]", 2], replaceE: "id(\"pagebar_container\")" } }, haosou: { SiteTypeID: 3, MainType: ".res-list", Stype_Normal: ".res-list h3>a", FaviconType: "cite", FaviconAddTo: "h3", CounterType: ".results>div", BlockType: "h3 a", pager: { nextLink: "//div[@id='page']//a[text()='下一页>'] | id('snext')", pageElement: "//div[@id='container']/div", HT_insert: ["//div[@id='container']", 2], replaceE: "id('page')" } }, google: { SiteTypeID: 4, MainType: "#rso .g", FaviconType: ".iUh30", FaviconAddTo: "h3", CounterType: "#rso .g h3,._yE>div[class~=_kk] h3", BlockType: ".rc>.r>a", pager: { nextLink: 'id("pnnext") | id("navbar navcnt nav")//td[span]/following-sibling::td[1]/a | id("nn")/parent::a', pageElement: '//div[@id="res"]', HT_insert: ["css;#res", 2], replaceE: '//div[@id="navcnt"] | //div[@id="rcnt"]//div[@role="navigation"]' } }, bing: { SiteTypeID: 5, MainType: "#b_results>li", FaviconType: ".b_attribution>cite", FaviconAddTo: "h2", CounterType: "#b_results>li[class~=b_ans]>h2,#b_results>li[class~=b_algo]>h2,#b_results>li[class~=b_algo]>h2", BlockType: "h2 a", pager: { nextLink: "//a[contains(@class,\"sb_pagN\")]", pageElement: "id(\"b_results\")/li[not(contains(@class,\"b_pag\") or contains(@class,\"b_ans b_top\"))]", HT_insert: ["id(\"b_results\")/li[@class=\"b_pag\"]", 1], replaceE: "id(\"b_results\")//nav[@role=\"navigation\"]", } }, duck: { SiteTypeID: 10, MainType: "#links_wrapper #links .results_links_deep", FaviconType: ".results_links_deep .result__url__domain", FaviconAddTo: "h2", CounterType: "#links_wrapper #links .results_links_deep h2", BlockType: "h2 a", pager: { nextLink: "//a[contains(@class,\"sb_pagN\")]", pageElement: "id(\"b_results\")/li[not(contains(@class,\"b_pag\") or contains(@class,\"b_ans b_top\"))]", HT_insert: ["id(\"b_results\")/li[@class=\"b_pag\"]", 1], replaceE: "id(\"b_results\")//nav[@role=\"navigation\"]", } }, doge: { SiteTypeID: 11, MainType: "#links_wrapper #links .results_links_deep", FaviconType: ".results_links_deep .result__url__domain", FaviconAddTo: "h2", CounterType: "#links_wrapper #links .results_links_deep h2", BlockType: "h2 a", pager: { nextLink: "//a[contains(@class,\"sb_pagN\")]", pageElement: "id(\"b_results\")/li[not(contains(@class,\"b_pag\") or contains(@class,\"b_ans b_top\"))]", HT_insert: ["id(\"b_results\")/li[@class=\"b_pag\"]", 1], replaceE: "id(\"b_results\")//nav[@role=\"navigation\"]", } }, mBaidu: { SiteTypeID: 6, MainType: "#b_results>li", FaviconType: ".b_attribution>cite", FaviconAddTo: "h2", CounterType: "#b_results>li[class~=b_ans]>h2,#b_results>li[class~=b_algo]>h2,#b_results>li[class~=b_algo]>h2", BlockType: "h2 a", }, zhihu: { SiteTypeID: 7, }, baidu_xueshu: { SiteTypeID: 8, MainType: "#content_left .result", Stype_Normal: "h3.t>a, #results .c-container>.c-blocka", FaviconType: ".result-op, .c-showurl", // baidu 似乎要改版了? FaviconAddTo: "h3", CounterType: "#content_left>#double>div[srcid] *[class~=t],[class~=op_best_answer_question],#content_left>div[srcid] *[class~=t],[class~=op_best_answer_question]", BlockType: "h3 a", }, other: { SiteTypeID: 9, } }; let SiteType = { BAIDU:, MBAIDU: DBSite.mBaidu.SiteTypeID, SOGOU: DBSite.sogou.SiteTypeID, SO: DBSite.haosou.SiteTypeID, GOOGLE:, BING:, DUCK:, DOGE: DBSite.doge.SiteTypeID, ZHIHU: DBSite.zhihu.SiteTypeID, BAIDU_XUESHU: DBSite.baidu_xueshu.SiteTypeID, OTHERS: 8 }; let otherData = { other: { curTab: 1, // 展示第二panel showBlockListArea: false, // blockList展示位textarea addBlockItem: "", // 用户手动输入的拦截规则 curHosts: [], // 存放已经访问的hosts数据内容 } }; // 到时候挂载到other上 let AllData = { ACConfig: {}, other: otherData.other, CONST: CONST, lan: { use: {}, zh_cn: { menu_text: "自定义", curLang: "zh_cn", fieldset_panel: { panel_title: "AC-重定向设置 " + GM_info.script.version + (inExtMode? 'Ext':''), setting_panel: { redirect_text: "主功能-重定向功能", redirect_title: "重定向功能的开启与否", useEn_text: "En-Language", useEn_title: "Using English language to display", ads_text: "附加1-去广告功能", ads_title: "去除部分页面的广告信息,还你一个干净整洁的页面", autopage_text: "自动翻页", autopage_title: "自动翻页", blockenable_text: "附加2-自主拦截域名", blockenable_title: "点击页面block按钮添加你想要隐藏的地址,脚本将自动隐藏部分结果为小横幅,DIY按钮中点击表格内容可以取消隐藏", blockDiyBtn_text: "DIY", blockDiyBtn_title: "自定义BLOCK", blockAutoRemove_text: "隐藏结果", blockAutoRemove_title: "自动隐藏已经屏蔽的域名", blockBtnShow_text: "隐藏'block'按钮", blockBtnShow_title: "隐藏掉block按钮的显示", userStyle_text: "附加3-自定义样式", userStyle_baidu_lable: "展开百度设置>>", userStyle_baidu_origin: "百度-原始模式", userStyle_baidu_huyan: "百度-护眼模式", userStyle_baidu_baiduLite: "百度Lite样式", userStyle_baidu_1line: "单列", userStyle_baidu_1line_enter: "单列居中", userStyle_baidu_2line: "双列", userStyle_baidu_3line: "三列", userStyle_baidu_4line: "四列", userStyle_google_lable: "展开谷歌设置>>", userStyle_google_origin: "谷歌-原始模式", userStyle_google_huyan: "谷歌-护眼模式", userStyle_google_googleLite: "谷歌-伪装百度", userStyle_google_1line: "单列", userStyle_google_1line_enter: "单列居中", userStyle_google_2line: "双列", userStyle_google_3line: "三列", userStyle_google_4line: "四列", userStyle_bing_lable: "展开必应设置>>", userStyle_bing_origin: "必应-原始模式", userStyle_bing_huyan: "必应-护眼模式", userStyle_bing_1line: "单列", userStyle_bing_1line_enter: "单列居中", userStyle_bing_2line: "双列", userStyle_bing_3line: "三列", userStyle_bing_4line: "四列", userStyle_sogou_lable: "展开搜狗设置>>", userStyle_sogou_origin: "搜狗-原始模式", userStyle_sogou_huyan: "搜狗-护眼模式", userStyle_sogou_1line: "单列", userStyle_sogou_1line_enter: "单列居中", userStyle_sogou_2line: "双列", userStyle_sogou_3line: "三列", userStyle_sogou_4line: "四列", userStyle_duck_lable: "展开鸭鸭搜设置>>", userStyle_duck_origin: "鸭鸭-原始模式", userStyle_duck_huyan: "鸭鸭-护眼模式", userStyle_duck_normal: "鸭鸭-常见配置", userStyle_duck_1line: "单列", userStyle_duck_1line_enter: "单列居中", userStyle_duck_2line: "双列", userStyle_duck_3line: "三列", userStyle_duck_4line: "四列", userStyle_doge_lable: "展开多吉设置>>", userStyle_doge_origin: "多吉-原始模式", userStyle_doge_huyan: "多吉-护眼模式", userStyle_doge_normal: "多吉-常见配置", userStyle_doge_1line: "单列", userStyle_doge_1line_enter: "单列居中", userStyle_doge_2line: "双列", userStyle_doge_3line: "三列", userStyle_doge_4line: "四列", huyanMode_text: "附加4-护眼颜色配置-自定义3中需对应开启", huyanMode_title: "!需要在自定义样式中启用护眼模式", huyanColor_text: "默认护眼颜色:", huyanColor_title: "自定义的护眼颜色:", huyanColorMore_text: "更多颜色选择", favicon_text: "附加5-Favicon功能", favicon_title: "AC-添加Favicon", favicon_defaultIcon_text: "Favicon默认图标:", searchOrigin_text: "附加6-移除百度搜索预测(文字自动搜索)", searchOrigin_title: "AC-移除搜索预测", showRight_text: "附加7-显示右侧栏", showCounter_text: "附加8-编号功能", hintShowCounter_text: "可能会导致图片加载异常", showALine_text: "附加9-文字下划线", showUserStyle_text: "附加10-自定义样式 支持Less.js", contactMe_text: "联系作者,提建议,寻求帮助,自定义样式,脚本定制点我", contactMe_url: "", setting_panel_second: { backBtn_text: "<-返回", blockLabel_text: " 拦截列表 想要生效的话需要手动保存", blockEditBtn_text: "编辑列表", blockEditBtnEnd_text: "结束编辑", addBlockLabel_text: "全匹配拦截:", addBtnLabel_text: "添加", }, cancelBtn_text: "取消", okBtn_text: "保存", resetBtn_text: "重置", } } }, en: { menu_text: "CUSTOM", curLang: "en", fieldset_panel: { panel_title: "AC Redirect Settings " + GM_info.script.version + (inExtMode? 'Ext':''), setting_panel: { redirect_text: "Main-RedirectFunc", redirect_title: "Turn on or off redirect", useEn_text: "En-Language", useEn_title: "使用英文显示页面", ads_text: "Add1-Remove Ads", ads_title: "Remove the ads on the page, and return you a clean page", autopage_text: "Auto Pager", autopage_title: "Auto Pager", blockenable_text: "Add2-Block host", blockenable_title: "Click the Block button to add the address which you want to hide. The script will hide it with small banner automatically. DIY button for editting the hiding list", blockDiyBtn_text: "DIY", blockDiyBtn_title: "Edit BLOCK", blockAutoRemove_text: "Auto remove", blockAutoRemove_title: "remove the block results automatically", blockBtnShow_text: "Hide 'Block' button", blockBtnShow_title: "Hide 'Block' button", userStyle_text: "Add3-CustomStyle", userStyle_baidu_lable: "Expand Baidu Settings>>", userStyle_baidu_origin: "Baidu-Origin", userStyle_baidu_huyan: "Baidu-EyeSave", userStyle_baidu_baiduLite: "BaiduLiteStyle", userStyle_baidu_1line: "SingleRow", userStyle_baidu_1line_enter: "SingleCenter", userStyle_baidu_2line: "Two", userStyle_baidu_3line: "Three", userStyle_baidu_4line: "Four", userStyle_google_lable: "Expand Google Settings>>", userStyle_google_origin: "Google-Origin", userStyle_google_huyan: "Google-EyeSave", userStyle_google_googleLite: "Fake Baidu", userStyle_google_1line: "SingleRow", userStyle_google_1line_enter: "SingleCenter", userStyle_google_2line: "Two", userStyle_google_3line: "Three", userStyle_google_4line: "Four", userStyle_bing_lable: "Expand Bing Settings>>", userStyle_bing_origin: "Bing-Origin", userStyle_bing_huyan: "Bing-EyeSave", userStyle_bing_1line: "SingleRow", userStyle_bing_1line_enter: "SingleCenter", userStyle_bing_2line: "Two", userStyle_bing_3line: "Three", userStyle_bing_4line: "Four", userStyle_sogou_lable: "Expand SoGou Settings>>", userStyle_sogou_origin: "SoGou-Origin", userStyle_sogou_huyan: "SoGou-EyeSave", userStyle_sogou_1line: "SingleRow", userStyle_sogou_1line_enter: "SingleCenter", userStyle_sogou_2line: "Two", userStyle_sogou_3line: "Three", userStyle_sogou_4line: "Four", userStyle_duck_lable: "Expand DuckDuckGo Settings>>", userStyle_duck_origin: "DuckDuck-Origin", userStyle_duck_huyan: "DuckDuck-EyeSave", userStyle_duck_normal: "DuckDuck-Normal", userStyle_duck_1line: "SingleRow", userStyle_duck_1line_enter: "SingleCenter", userStyle_duck_2line: "Two", userStyle_duck_3line: "Three", userStyle_duck_4line: "Four", userStyle_doge_lable: "Expand DogeDoge Settings>>", userStyle_doge_origin: "DogeDoge-Origin", userStyle_doge_huyan: "DogeDoge-EyeSave", userStyle_doge_normal: "DogeDoge-Normal", userStyle_doge_1line: "SingleRow", userStyle_doge_1line_enter: "SingleCenter", userStyle_doge_2line: "Two", userStyle_doge_3line: "Three", userStyle_doge_4line: "Four", huyanMode_text: "Add4-EyeSave Color Setting-Need opened in Add3", huyanMode_title: "!Open EyeSave Mode in CustomStyle is Must", huyanColor_text: "Default EyeSave Color:", huyanColor_title: "The color of EyeSave:", huyanColorMore_text: "More Color", favicon_text: "Add5-Favicon.Func", favicon_title: "AC-AddFavicon", favicon_defaultIcon_text: "FaviconFailedImg::", searchOrigin_text: "AC-Remove Baidu AutoPredict in text search", searchOrigin_title: "Add6-Remove Baidu AutoPredict in text search", showRight_text: "Add7-Right Side Column", showCounter_text: "Add8-NumFunc", hintShowCounter_text: "May Cause image load problem", showALine_text: "Add9-TextUnderLine", showUserStyle_text: "Add10-Your own Style support Less.js", contactMe_text: "For contact the writter, suggests, ask for help then click me", contactMe_url: "", setting_panel_second: { backBtn_text: "<-Back", blockLabel_text: " Block List  Click Save Button if you want wo save the list", blockEditBtn_text: "Edit List", blockEditBtnEnd_text: "End Edit", addBlockLabel_text: "Add Block item:", addBtnLabel_text: "Add", }, cancelBtn_text: "Cancel", okBtn_text: "Save", resetBtn_text: "Reset", } } } } }; let vueVM = null; /**初始化所有的设置**/ Promise.all([GM.getValue("Config")]).then(function (data) { let res = data[0] if (res != null) { try { ACConfig = JSON.parse(res); } catch (e) { ACConfig = res; } } else { ACConfig = DefaultConfig; } const localData = localStorage.ACConfig; // 小心隐私模式 if(localData && localData.length > 0) { ACConfig = JSON.parse(localData); } for (var key in DefaultConfig) { if (typeof (ACConfig[key]) === "undefined") { ACConfig[key] = DefaultConfig[key]; } } if (ACConfig.isUserStyleEnable === false && (new Date().getTime() - ACConfig.lastSaveTime > 2592000000)) { // 大约30天时间 // 如果用户取消了设置,并且长时间(30天)没有进行过处理,那么直接将数据置空 -> 用于刷新数据 console.log("ac-baidu css reset for time"); ACConfig.lastSaveTime = new Date().getTime(); ACConfig.UserStyleText = DefaultConfig.UserStyleText; } AllData.ACConfig = ACConfig; DBConfig = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(ACConfig)); // 暂时作为一个原始保存 AllData.lan.use = ACConfig.isEnLang ? AllData.lan.en : AllData.lan.zh_cn; // 初始化完成之后才能调用正常函数 callback(); }).catch(function (except) { console.log(except); }); function Reg_Get(HTML, reg) { let RegE = new RegExp(reg); try { return RegE.exec(HTML)[1]; } catch (e) { return ""; } } function ACSetValue(key, value) { GM_setValue(key, value); if(key === 'Config'){ localStorage.ACConfig = value; } } function getElementByXpath(e, t, r) { r = r || document, t = t || r; try { return r.evaluate(e, t, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue; } catch (t) { return void console.error("无效的xpath"); } } function getAllElements(e, t, r, n, o) { let getAllElementsByXpath = function(e, t, r) { return r = r || document, t = t || r, r.evaluate(e, t, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null); } var i, s = []; if (!e) return s; if (r = r || document, n = n || window, o = o || void 0, t = t || r, "string" === typeof e) i = 0 ===^css;/i) ? function getAllElementsByCSS(e, t) { return (t || document).querySelectorAll(e); }(e.slice(4), t) : getAllElementsByXpath(e, t, r); else { if (!(i = e(r, n, o))) return s; if (i.nodeType) return s[0] = i, s; } return function makeArray(e) { var t, r, n, o = []; if (e.pop) { for (t = 0, r = e.length; t < r; t++) (n = e[t]) && (n.nodeType ? o.push(n) : o = o.concat(makeArray(n))); return a()(o); } if (e.item) { for (t = e.length; t;) o[--t] = e[t]; return o; } if (e.iterateNext) { for (t = e.snapshotLength; t;) o[--t] = e.snapshotItem(t); return o; } }(i); } function callback() { if (ACConfig.oldVersion === GM_info.script.version) { CONST.hasNewFuncNeedDisplay = false; } else { CONST.hasNewFuncNeedDisplay = needDisplayNewFun; } !function() { /** * 进行不重复插入,插入后执行回调函数 * @param data 待插入数据 * @param callback 回调函数 */ function acpush(data, callback) { // 如果是垃圾数据,那么可以丢弃的 if (!data) return; // 如果数据中有回车,那数据也是无效的正文而已 if (data.replace(/({|}|,|\+|:|。|\n)/) !== data) return; if (this.findIndex(m => m === data) < 0) { this.push(data); callback && callback(this); } } function acremove(data, callback) { let delId = this.findIndex(m => m === data); if (delId >= 0) { this.splice(delId, 1); callback && callback(this); } // 删除delId的数据,删除一个 } // 避免污染全局原型链 Object.defineProperty(ACConfig.UserBlockList, 'acpush', {value: acpush}) Object.defineProperty(ACConfig.UserBlockList, 'acremove', {value: acremove}) Object.defineProperty(otherData.other.curHosts, 'acpush', {value: acpush}) Object.defineProperty(otherData.other.curHosts, 'acremove', {value: acremove}) }(); !function () { let insertLocked = false; if (typeof GM_getResourceText === 'undefined') { GM.getResourceText = GM_getResourceText = async function (aResourceName) { let res = await (await fetch(await GM.getResourceUrl(aResourceName))).text(); let saveRes = await GM.getValue(aResourceName); if (typeof (saveRes) === 'undefined') { GM.setValue(aResourceName, res); } else { return saveRes; } return res; } } if (GM_getResourceText) { // 仅在支持GM_getResourceText的容器上进行动态数据更新 // 且能防止谷歌百度页面规则大变动又需要更新脚本 - 特别是涉及翻页参数 let config = GM_getResourceText("SiteConfigRules"); eval(config); if (typeof (onlineDB) === "undefined") { console.error("线上数据为空"); } else { DBSite = onlineDB; } } if ("")) { curSite = DBSite.baidu_xueshu; } else if ("")) { if (navigator.userAgent.replace(/(android|mobile|iphone)/igm, "") !== navigator.userAgent) { curSite = DBSite.mBaidu; } else { curSite =; } CONST.useItem =; } else if ("")) { curSite = DBSite.zhihu; CONST.useItem = ACConfig.zhihu; } else if ("sogou")) { curSite = DBSite.sogou; CONST.useItem = ACConfig.sogou; } else if ("")) { curSite = DBSite.haosou; CONST.useItem = ACConfig.other; } else if ("google")) { curSite =; CONST.useItem =; } else if ("bing")) { curSite =; CONST.useItem =; } else if ("duckduckgo")) { curSite =; CONST.useItem =; } else if ("dogedoge")) { curSite = DBSite.doge; CONST.useItem = ACConfig.doge; } else { curSite = DBSite.other; CONST.useItem = ACConfig.other; } curSite.pageNum = 1; // 当前页数 curSite.pageLoading = false; curSite.pageUrl = ""; if ( (curSite.SiteTypeID === SiteType.GOOGLE && location.href.replace(/tbm=(isch|lcl|shop|flm)/, "") !== location.href ) || (curSite.SiteTypeID === SiteType.BING && location.href.replace(/images\/search/, "") !== location.href ) ) { // 图片站 、地图站、购物站 console.log("特殊站,不加载样式,不添加menu"); CONST.isGoogleImageUrl = true; } if(curSite.SiteTypeID === SiteType.BAIDU_XUESHU){ CONST.useItem.AdsStyleMode = 2; // 单列居中即可 } if (ACConfig.AdsStyleEnable) { CONST.StyleManger = FSBaidu(); // 添加设置项-单双列显示 } console.log("%c[AC-Redirect] %cLet Me Introduce you a Very Good Search Engine:%c %s %cSearch Engine.", "font-weight:bold;color:cornflowerblue", "color:0", "font-weight:bold;color:darkorange",[0],[0].toUpperCase()), "font-weight:normal;color:0"); let SiteBlock = { /** * 初始化Block样式 */ initStyle: function () { AC_addStyle("button.ghhider.ghhb[ac-user-alter='1']::before{content:'取消 - ';}#sp-ac-container .ac-block-item{color:#AAA;margin-left:48px;}#sp-ac-container .ac-block-itemdel{float:right;margin-left:0;padding:0 20px;cursor:pointer;}#sp-ac-container .ac-block-itemdel:hover{color:red;}#sp-ac-container .ac-block-high{color:#000;}.ac-blockList li:hover{background-color:#a3caff;color:white !important;cursor:pointer;} *[ac-needhide] *{display:none} *[ac-needhide] .blockShow{display:unset;cursor:pointer;} *[ac-needhide] .blockShow:hover{border:1px solid #DDD}button.ghhider{color:#555;background-color:#fcfcfc;font-family:sans-serif;margin:auto 2px;border:1px solid #ccc;border-radius:4px;padding:2px 3px}button.ghhider{font-size:12px}button.ghhider:hover{color:#006aff;background:#fff}", "AC-BlockStyle"); }, /** * 初始化屏蔽按钮加载 */ init: function () { let checkNodes = document.querySelectorAll(curSite.MainType + ":not([acblock])"); for (let i = 0; i < checkNodes.length; i++) { try { let curNode = checkNodes[i]; let faviconNode = curNode.querySelector(curSite.FaviconType); // if(curNode.hasAttribute("acblock")) continue; let host = getNodeHost(faviconNode).curHost; // if(host === null) continue; let faNode = curNode.querySelector(curSite.BlockType); let nodeStyle = "display:unset;"; if (ACConfig.isBlockBtnNotDisplay) { nodeStyle = "display:none;"; } faNode.insertAdjacentHTML("afterend", ``); curNode.setAttribute("acblock", "0"); curNode.setAttribute("acblock", "0"); } catch (e) { } } this.initListener(); this.renderDisplay(); }, getBlockBtnTitle(host){ return `点击即可屏蔽 ${host} 放开,需要在自定义中手动配置放开`; }, initListener: function () { let checkNodes = document.querySelectorAll("button.ghhider:not([acEnv])"); for (let i = 0; i < checkNodes.length; i++) { checkNodes[i].addEventListener("click", this.doHideEnv); checkNodes[i].setAttribute("acEnv", "0"); } }, doHideEnv: function (env) { // 先插入数据---记得还要写入存储 let node = env.sourceTarget ||; let host =; if (+node.getAttribute("ac-user-alter") === 1) { // 已经屏蔽之后,再次点击block应该是取消状态 node.removeAttribute("ac-user-alter"); ACConfig.UserBlockList.acremove(host); } else { // 正常屏蔽操作 node.removeAttribute("ac-user-alter"); ACConfig.UserBlockList.acpush(host); } DBConfig.UserBlockList = ACConfig.UserBlockList; ACSetValue("Config", JSON.stringify(DBConfig)); // 点击一次,保存一次 SiteBlock.renderDisplay(); env.stopPropagation(); }, // 刷新显示效果--耗时操作 renderDisplay: function () { let checkNodes = document.querySelectorAll(curSite.MainType); let flag = "ac-needhide"; for (let i = 0; i < checkNodes.length; i++) { try { let curNode = checkNodes[i]; let {curHost, curUrl} = getNodeHost(curNode.querySelector(curSite.FaviconType)); curUrl = curUrl || ""; if (curHost === null) continue; { let BlockBtn = curNode.querySelector(".ghhider.ghhb"); = BlockBtn.dataset.meta = curHost; BlockBtn.title = this.getBlockBtnTitle(curHost); } if (curNode.querySelector("button[ac-user-alter]") != null) continue; // 用户手动点过显示的,那么跳过check let { md5: md5_tag, list: regList = []} = vueVM.calc_block_data; // 使用Vue的computed属性计算的数据值,一般根本不更新 // 减少数据计算 if(curNode.dataset.md5 && === md5_tag) break if (!curUrl.includes("") && regList.findIndex(one => { try { return one.test(curHost) || one.test(curUrl); // 耗时操作 } catch (e) { return m === curHost; } }) >= 0) { // 只检查在屏蔽表中的数据 if (!curNode.hasAttribute(flag)) { if (ACConfig.isBlockDisplay) { // 对于不显示的数据可以进行移除操作 curNode.remove(); continue; } let curTitle = curNode.querySelector(curSite.BlockType); curTitle = curTitle.innerText || curTitle.textContent; if (curNode.hasAttribute(flag)) { console.log("冲突了!!!"); continue; } curNode.setAttribute(flag, "1"); curNode.insertAdjacentHTML("afterBegin", `${curTitle}      -block by ${curHost}`); (function (xcur) { // 已经屏蔽之后的内容,点击一下显示原始内容 xcur.querySelector(".blockShow").addEventListener("click", function (env) { this.parentNode.querySelector("button.ghhider").setAttribute("ac-user-alter", "1"); // 这个属性用于保持在DOM更新时,按钮不变 xcur.removeAttribute(flag); safeFunction(function () { xcur.querySelector(".blockShow").remove(); }); env.stopPropagation(); }); })(curNode); } } else { curNode.removeAttribute(flag); safeFunction(function () { curNode.querySelector(".blockShow").remove(); }); } curNode.dataset.md5 = md5_tag } catch (e) { } } } }; function addStyle(css) { //添加CSS的代码--copy的 let pi = document.createProcessingInstruction( 'xml-stylesheet', 'type="text/css" must="false" href="data:text/css;utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(css) + '"' ); return document.insertBefore(pi, document.documentElement); } if (ACConfig.isAdsEnable) { // display已经无法隐藏他们了,需要用绝对的隐藏 addStyle("#bottomads{display:none;} #content_left>div:not([id])>div[cmatchid], #content_left>div[id*='300']:not([class*='result']),#content_right td>div:not([id]),#content_right>br{position:absolute;top:-6666px;}"); } if (curSite.SiteTypeID === SiteType.GOOGLE && ACConfig.isGooleInBaiduModeEnable) { safeWaitFunc("#logo img, #logocont img", function (node) { let faNode = node.parentNode.parentNode; faNode.classList.add("baidu"); node.removeAttribute("src"); node.src = ""; node.width = "125"; node.removeAttribute("height"); }); safeWaitFunc("#main .logo img[alt='Google']", function (node) { node.removeAttribute("srcset"); node.src = ""; node.setAttribute("height", "59"); }, 300); safeWaitFunc("form[role='search'] .logo img", function (node) { node.removeAttribute("srcset"); node.src = ""; node.setAttribute("height", "59"); }, 300); document.title = document.title.replace(/^Google/, "百度一下,你就知道") .replace(/ - Google 搜索/, "_百度搜索") .replace(/ - Google Search/, "_百度搜索"); safeWaitFunc("head", function () { let linkTarget = document.querySelector("link[type='image/x-icon']") || document.createElement('link'); linkTarget.type = 'image/x-icon'; linkTarget.rel = 'shortcut icon'; linkTarget.href = ''; document.head.appendChild(linkTarget); }) } if (curSite.SiteTypeID === SiteType.DUCK) { addStyle = AC_addStyle // 兼容Duck的CSP同源规则 if(ACConfig.normalizeDuck){ setTimeout(function () { try { DDG.settings.set("kn", 1, { // 新窗口打开页面 saveToCloud: true, forceTheme: true }); DDG.settings.set("kav", 1, { // 连续显示搜索结果 saveToCloud: true, forceTheme: true }); } catch (e) { } }, 5000); } } try { if (curSite.SiteTypeID !== SiteType.OTHERS) { document.addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', MainCallback, false); document.addEventListener('keyup', MainCallback, false); safeWaitFunc("body", () => { !document.body.hasAttribute( && document.body.setAttribute(, "1"); !document.body.classList.contains( && document.body.classList.add(; if (ACConfig.AdsStyleEnable) { // 单独不需要定时器-頻繁触发-载入css FSBaidu(); AddCustomStyle(); } }) RAFInterval(function () { if(document.body) { rapidDeal(); // 定期调用,避免有时候DOM插入没有执行导致的问题 if (curSite.SiteTypeID === SiteType.BAIDU && location.href.includes("tn=news")) { document.body.setAttribute("news", "1"); } else { document.body.removeAttribute("news"); } } }, 800); } } catch (e) { console.log(e); } safeWaitFunc("#sp-ac-content", function (checkNode) { var options = { el: checkNode, data: function () { return { ...AllData, LiveConfig: { css_has_error: false }, resetCSS_text: '重置CSS', calc_block_data: {} } }, methods: { labelShowHideEnv(e) { let cur = e.srcElement ||; let className = cur.parentNode.className.replace("container-label ", ""); AC_addStyle(".XX>label,.XX>br{display:unset !important;}.XX>.label_hide{display:none !important;}".replace(/XX/gm, className), "AC-ShowHideItem-" + className, "body"); e.stopPropagation(); }, syncToBlockList(env) { this.ACConfig.UserBlockList ="\n").filter(item => item !== ''); }, removeABlockListItem(e) { // 点击移除某个host数据时 let target = e.srcElement ||; if (target.tagName.toLowerCase() === "label") { let host =; ACConfig.UserBlockList.acremove(host); } }, ckAddRule() { // 手动增加移除规则 ACConfig.UserBlockList.acpush(this.other.addBlockItem); this.other.addBlockItem = ""; }, loadCustomStyle() { less.render(ACConfig.UserStyleText, (e, css) => { if(e) { this.LiveConfig.css_has_error = true } else { this.LiveConfig.css_has_error = false css = css.css || '' AC_addStyle(css, "AC-userStyle", "head", true); // 用户自定义的样式表 } }); }, saveConfig() { if(this.other.curTab===1 && !this.ACConfig.acceptLicense){ this.other.curTab = 3 return } this.ACConfig.acceptLicense = true this.ACConfig.lastSaveTime = new Date().getTime(); ACSetValue("Config", JSON.stringify(this.ACConfig)); if(!this.ACConfig.doDisableSug){ acSetCookie("ORIGIN", 1, "", new Date().getTime() - 86400000); acSetCookie("ISSW", 1, null, new Date().getTime() - 86400000); acSetCookie("ISSW", 1, "", new Date().getTime() - 86400000); } setTimeout(function () { window.location.reload(); }, 200); }, changeResetText() { this.lan.zh_cn.fieldset_panel.setting_panel.resetBtn_text = '双击重置' this.lan.en.fieldset_panel.setting_panel.resetBtn_text = 'DBl click to Reset' }, resetConfig() { // 显示为双击重置 ACSetValue("Config", '{}'); setTimeout(function () { window.location.reload(); }, 200); }, closePanel() { document.querySelector("#sp-ac-content").style.display = 'none'; }, resetCSS() { if(this.resetCSS_text.includes('重置CSS')) { this.resetCSS_text = '确认重置' return } if(this.resetCSS_text.includes('确认重置')) { this.ACConfig.UserStyleText = DefaultConfig.UserStyleText this.resetCSS_text = '重置CSS' } }, useThisHuyanColor(env) { this.ACConfig.defaultHuYanColor = ||; console.log(this.ACConfig.defaultHuYanColor); CONST.StyleManger.loadHuYanStyle(this.ACConfig.defaultHuYanColor); }, getUserBlockListRegex() { var list = []; this.ACConfig.UserBlockList.forEach(one => { one !== null && list.push(new RegExp(one.replace("*", ".*"))); }) if (typeof (this.other.addBlockItem) !== "undefined" && this.other.addBlockItem !== "") { list.push(new RegExp(this.other.addBlockItem.replace("*", ".*"))); } return list; } }, computed: { getBlockList() { // 会自动的render到html上去,不用手动去渲染一遍 let insHTML = ""; let { list: UserBlockRegList } = this.cal_UserBlockListRegex; for (let i = 0; i < this.ACConfig.UserBlockList.length; i++) { let insClass = this.other.curHosts.findIndex(m => { try { let [curHost, curUrl] = m.split("###"); return UserBlockRegList[i].test(curHost) || UserBlockRegList[i].test(curUrl); } catch (e) { return m === ACConfig.UserBlockList[i]; } }) >= 0 ? " ac-block-high" : ""; // 如果当前页面存在,则高亮 insHTML += `
  • \n`; } return insHTML; }, cal_diyBlockListBtn() { if (this.other.showBlockListArea) { return this.lan.use.fieldset_panel.setting_panel.setting_panel_second.blockEditBtnEnd_text; } else { return this.lan.use.fieldset_panel.setting_panel.setting_panel_second.blockEditBtn_text; } }, async cal_UserBlockListRegex() { var list = []; this.ACConfig.UserBlockList.forEach(one => { one !== null && list.push(new RegExp(one.replace("*", ".*"))); }) if (typeof (this.other.addBlockItem) !== "undefined" && this.other.addBlockItem !== "") { list.push(new RegExp(this.other.addBlockItem.replace("*", ".*"))); } const str2ab = (str) => { var buf = new ArrayBuffer(str.length * 2); // 每个字符占用2个字节 var bufView = new Uint16Array(buf); for (var i = 0, strLen = str.length; i < strLen; i++) { bufView[i] = str.charCodeAt(i); } return buf; } this.calc_block_data = { md5: await md5WASM(str2ab(JSON.stringify(list))), list }; return this.calc_block_data }, AdsStyleModeChange() { return { v1: CONST.useItem.AdsStyleMode, v2: CONST.useItem.HuYanMode, v3: ACConfig.Style_BaiduLite, v4: ACConfig.isFaviconEnable, v5: CONST.isGoogleSpecial, v6: ACConfig.isRightDisplayEnable }; }, UserStyleEnableChange() { return { v1: ACConfig.isUserStyleEnable } }, lanChange(){ return { v1: ACConfig.isEnLang }; }, isSaveButtonCanBeSee() { return isElementVisible(this.$refs.bottomSaveButton) } }, watch: { 'CONST.useItem.HuYanMode': { immediate: true, handler(val) { if(val) CONST.StyleManger.loadHuYanStyle() } }, AdsStyleModeChange: { handler() { // 需要先删除原有的节点数据 while (true) { const {res, node} = checkDocmentHasNode("AC-") if (res) node.remove(); else break; } safeRemove("style[class='AC-Style-expand'],style[class='AC-TwoPageExStyle'],style[class='AC-ThreePageExStyle'],style[class='AC-FourPageExStyle'],style[class='AC-style-logo'],style[class='AC-baiduLiteStyle'],style[class*='HuYanStyle-File']"); acCssLoadFlag = false; CONST.StyleManger.init(); } }, UserStyleEnableChange() { if(ACConfig.isUserStyleEnable) { this.loadCustomStyle(); } else { safeRemove("style[class='AC-userStyle']") } }, lanChange(){ AllData.lan.use = ACConfig.isEnLang ? AllData.lan.en : AllData.lan.zh_cn; document.querySelector("#myuser").remove(); } } }; if (typeof (Vue) != "undefined") { if (+Vue.version.charAt(0) === 2) { vueVM = new Vue(options); } else { vueVM = Vue.createApp(options).mount(checkNode); } } else { console.error("Vue 未完成初始化--程序无法有效执行"); } }, 250); function MainCallback(e) { if ( != null && typeof ( === "string" &&"AC-") === 0) { return; } //屏蔽掉因为增加css导致的触发insert动作 rapidDeal(); InsertSettingMenu(); setTimeout(function () { ShowSetting(); }, 1000) // 滞后窗口的加载,减少前期CPU争用 } /*以下代码大部分来源于SuprePreloader 感谢 swdyh && ywzhaiqi && NLF 以及 mach6 大佬*/ /* Super_preloaderPlus_one_New: Preload and Autopager. Copyright (C) 2020 Mach6 This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ function ac_spfunc(e) { console.error("这里有问题") e.stopPropagation(); var t, r = e.currentTarget; var Tween = { Linear: function Linear(e, t, r, n) { return r * e / n + t; }, Quad: { easeIn: function easeIn(e, t, r, n) { return r * (e /= n) * e + t; }, easeOut: function easeOut(e, t, r, n) { return -r * (e /= n) * (e - 2) + t; }, easeInOut: function easeInOut(e, t, r, n) { return (e /= n / 2) < 1 ? r / 2 * e * e + t : -r / 2 * (--e * (e - 2) - 1) + t; } }, Cubic: { easeIn: function easeIn(e, t, r, n) { return r * (e /= n) * e * e + t; }, easeOut: function easeOut(e, t, r, n) { return r * ((e = e / n - 1) * e * e + 1) + t; }, easeInOut: function easeInOut(e, t, r, n) { return (e /= n / 2) < 1 ? r / 2 * e * e * e + t : r / 2 * ((e -= 2) * e * e + 2) + t; } }, Quart: { easeIn: function easeIn(e, t, r, n) { return r * (e /= n) * e * e * e + t; }, easeOut: function easeOut(e, t, r, n) { return -r * ((e = e / n - 1) * e * e * e - 1) + t; }, easeInOut: function easeInOut(e, t, r, n) { return (e /= n / 2) < 1 ? r / 2 * e * e * e * e + t : -r / 2 * ((e -= 2) * e * e * e - 2) + t; } }, Quint: { easeIn: function easeIn(e, t, r, n) { return r * (e /= n) * e * e * e * e + t; }, easeOut: function easeOut(e, t, r, n) { return r * ((e = e / n - 1) * e * e * e * e + 1) + t; }, easeInOut: function easeInOut(e, t, r, n) { return (e /= n / 2) < 1 ? r / 2 * e * e * e * e * e + t : r / 2 * ((e -= 2) * e * e * e * e + 2) + t; } }, Sine: { easeIn: function easeIn(e, t, r, n) { return -r * Math.cos(e / n * (Math.PI / 2)) + r + t; }, easeOut: function easeOut(e, t, r, n) { return r * Math.sin(e / n * (Math.PI / 2)) + t; }, easeInOut: function easeInOut(e, t, r, n) { return -r / 2 * (Math.cos(Math.PI * e / n) - 1) + t; } }, Expo: { easeIn: function easeIn(e, t, r, n) { return 0 == e ? t : r * Math.pow(2, 10 * (e / n - 1)) + t; }, easeOut: function easeOut(e, t, r, n) { return e == n ? t + r : r * (1 - Math.pow(2, -10 * e / n)) + t; }, easeInOut: function easeInOut(e, t, r, n) { return 0 == e ? t : e == n ? t + r : (e /= n / 2) < 1 ? r / 2 * Math.pow(2, 10 * (e - 1)) + t : r / 2 * (2 - Math.pow(2, -10 * --e)) + t; } }, Circ: { easeIn: function easeIn(e, t, r, n) { return -r * (Math.sqrt(1 - (e /= n) * e) - 1) + t; }, easeOut: function easeOut(e, t, r, n) { return r * Math.sqrt(1 - (e = e / n - 1) * e) + t; }, easeInOut: function easeInOut(e, t, r, n) { return (e /= n / 2) < 1 ? -r / 2 * (Math.sqrt(1 - e * e) - 1) + t : r / 2 * (Math.sqrt(1 - (e -= 2) * e) + 1) + t; } }, Elastic: { easeIn: function easeIn(e, t, r, n, a, o) { return 0 == e ? t : 1 == (e /= n) ? t + r : (o || (o = .3 * n), !a || a < Math.abs(r) ? (a = r, i = o / 4) : i = o / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(r / a), -a * Math.pow(2, 10 * (e -= 1)) * Math.sin((e * n - i) * (2 * Math.PI) / o) + t); var i; }, easeOut: function easeOut(e, t, r, n, a, o) { return 0 == e ? t : 1 == (e /= n) ? t + r : (o || (o = .3 * n), !a || a < Math.abs(r) ? (a = r, i = o / 4) : i = o / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(r / a), a * Math.pow(2, -10 * e) * Math.sin((e * n - i) * (2 * Math.PI) / o) + r + t); var i; }, easeInOut: function easeInOut(e, t, r, n, a, o) { return 0 == e ? t : 2 == (e /= n / 2) ? t + r : (o || (o = n * (.3 * 1.5)), !a || a < Math.abs(r) ? (a = r, i = o / 4) : i = o / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(r / a), e < 1 ? a * Math.pow(2, 10 * (e -= 1)) * Math.sin((e * n - i) * (2 * Math.PI) / o) * -.5 + t : a * Math.pow(2, -10 * (e -= 1)) * Math.sin((e * n - i) * (2 * Math.PI) / o) * .5 + r + t); var i; } }, Back: { easeIn: function easeIn(e, t, r, n, a) { return null == a && (a = 1.70158), r * (e /= n) * e * ((a + 1) * e - a) + t; }, easeOut: function easeOut(e, t, r, n, a) { return null == a && (a = 1.70158), r * ((e = e / n - 1) * e * ((a + 1) * e + a) + 1) + t; }, easeInOut: function easeInOut(e, t, r, n, a) { return null == a && (a = 1.70158), (e /= n / 2) < 1 ? r / 2 * (e * e * ((1 + (a *= 1.525)) * e - a)) + t : r / 2 * ((e -= 2) * e * ((1 + (a *= 1.525)) * e + a) + 2) + t; } }, Bounce: { easeIn: function easeIn(e, t, r, n) { return r - Tween.Bounce.easeOut(n - e, 0, r, n) + t; }, easeOut: function easeOut(e, t, r, n) { return (e /= n) < 1 / 2.75 ? r * (7.5625 * e * e) + t : e < 2 / 2.75 ? r * (7.5625 * (e -= 1.5 / 2.75) * e + .75) + t : e < 2.5 / 2.75 ? r * (7.5625 * (e -= 2.25 / 2.75) * e + .9375) + t : r * (7.5625 * (e -= 2.625 / 2.75) * e + .984375) + t; }, easeInOut: function easeInOut(e, t, r, n) { return e < n / 2 ? .5 * Tween.Bounce.easeIn(2 * e, 0, r, n) + t : .5 * Tween.Bounce.easeOut(2 * e - n, 0, r, n) + .5 * r + t; } } }, TweenM = ["Linear", "Quad", "Cubic", "Quart", "Quint", "Sine", "Expo", "Circ", "Elastic", "Back", "Bounce"], TweenEase = ["easeIn", "easeOut", "easeInOut"]; var prefs = { s_method: 3, s_ease: 2, s_FPS: 60, s_duration: 333, }; function getRelativeDiv(e) { var t =; return (t = t.replace(/(sp-separator-)(.+)/, (function (t, r, n) { return r + String(Number(n) + ("pre" == e ? -1 : 1)); }))) ? document.getElementById(t) : null; } function sp_transition(e, t) { var r = sp_transition.TweenF; r || (r = (r = Tween[TweenM[prefs.s_method]])[TweenEase[prefs.s_ease]] || r, sp_transition.TweenF = r); var n = 1e3 / prefs.s_FPS, a = 0, o = e, i = t - e, s = Math.ceil(prefs.s_duration / n), c = window.scrollX; !function transition() { var e = Math.ceil(r(a, o, i, s)); window.scroll(c, e), a < s && (a++, setTimeout(transition, n)); }(); } function scrollIt(e, t) { sp_transition(e, t); } switch ( { case "sp-sp-gotop": scrollIt(window.scrollY, 0); break; case "sp-sp-gopre": var n = getRelativeDiv("pre"); if (!n) return; t = window.scrollY; var a = n.getBoundingClientRect().top; a = t - (r.getBoundingClientRect().top - a); scrollIt(t, a); break; case "sp-sp-gonext": var o = getRelativeDiv("next"); if (!o) return; t = window.scrollY; var i = o.getBoundingClientRect().top; i = t + (-r.getBoundingClientRect().top + i); scrollIt(t, i); break; case "sp-sp-gobottom": scrollIt(window.scrollY, Math.max(document.documentElement.scrollHeight, document.body.scrollHeight)); } } function windowscroll(fn = ()=>{}) { safeWaitFunc(() => document.documentElement, () => { var beforeScrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop setTimeout(function () { // 延时执行,避免刚载入到页面就触发翻页事件 window.addEventListener("scroll", function (e) { var afterScrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop, delta = afterScrollTop - beforeScrollTop; if (delta === 0) return false; fn(delta > 0 ? "down" : "up", e); beforeScrollTop = afterScrollTop; }, false); }, 1000) }) } windowscroll(function (direction, e) { if (direction === "down") { // 下滑才准备翻页 let spl = document.querySelector("#sp-fw-a_enable"); // 开启后,且在非(suprepreloader启用)时均可 if (ACConfig.isAutopage === true && !(spl && spl.checked === true)) { var scrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop || window.pageYOffset || document.body.scrollTop; let scrollDelta = 666; if (curSite.SiteTypeID === SiteType.GOOGLE) scrollDelta = 1024; // 毕竟谷歌加载缓慢的问题 if (document.documentElement.scrollHeight <= document.documentElement.clientHeight + scrollTop + scrollDelta && curSite.pageLoading === false) { curSite.pageLoading = true; if (curSite.SiteTypeID === SiteType.DUCK) { // 可以用已有的方法来实现了 if (!ACConfig.normalizeDuck || >= 3) { // 如果没有开启,那么手动翻页 || 如果是双列的时候,似乎并不会自动触发翻页效果 document.querySelector("#links .result--more a").click(); setTimeout(function () { curSite.pageLoading = false; }, 5000); } } else { ShowPager.loadMorePage(); 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scriptElems.forEach((one) => { scriptText += one.innerHTML; }); const scriptNode = document.createElement("script"); scriptNode.innerHTML = scriptText; toElement.appendChild(scriptNode) } // 替换待替换元素 try { let oriE = getAllElements(curSite.pager.replaceE); let repE = getAllElements(curSite.pager.replaceE, newBody, newBody); if (oriE.length === repE.length) { if(oriE.length === 0) { throw "翻页-替换翻页元素 'replaceE' 失效"; } for (var i = 0; i < oriE.length; i++) { oriE[i].outerHTML = repE[i].outerHTML; } } } catch (e) { console.log(e); } } } catch (e) { console.log(e); } curSite.pageLoading = false; }, onerror: function () { curSite.pageLoading = false; } }); } }, }; function AddCustomStyle() { if (ACConfig.isUserStyleEnable) { AC_addStyle(ACConfig.UserStyleText, "AC-userStyle");// 用户自定义的样式表 } else { // 为了方便调整样式和查看效果,暂时不移除 // safeRemove("style[class='AC-userStyle']") } AC_addStyle( ".opr-recommends-merge-imgtext{display:none!important;}" + // 移除百度浏览器推广 ".res_top_banner{display:none!important;}" 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typeof(curSite.FaviconType) !== 'undefined') { // 显示favicon图标 AC_addStyle("h3::before, h2::before {content: ' ';display:inline-block}", "AC-Style-Favicon", "head"); addFavicon(document.querySelectorAll(curSite.FaviconType)); // 添加Favicon显示 }else{ safeRemove("img.AC-faviconT"); document.querySelectorAll(curSite.FaviconType).forEach((one) => { one.removeAttribute("ac_faviconstatus"); }) } // 动态下划线 if (!ACConfig.isALineEnable) { AC_addStyle("a,a em{text-decoration:none !important}", "AC-NoLine", "body");// 移除这些个下划线 } else{ safeRemove("style[class='AC-NoLine']") } if (ACConfig.isAdsEnable) { // 移除多余的广告内容 removeAD_baidu_sogou(); } if (ACConfig.isCounterEnable) { // 显示计数器 addCounter(document.querySelectorAll(curSite.CounterType)); }else{ document.querySelectorAll(".AC-CounterT").forEach(one => { one.parentElement.removeAttribute('SortIndex'); one.remove() }) } if (ACConfig.doDisableSug) { // 不启用移动预测[默认] acSetCookie("ORIGIN", 2, ""); acSetCookie("ISSW", 1); acSetCookie("ISSW", 1, ""); } // 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"domain=" + domain : "") + ";"; d.setTime(d.getTime() + (exdays * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); let expires = "expires=" + d.toUTCString(); document.cookie = cname + "=" + cvalue + "; " + domain + expires + ";path=/"; }catch(e){} } function getNodeHost(sitetpNode) { if(sitetpNode instanceof HTMLAnchorElement){ return {curHost:, curUrl: sitetpNode.href}; } if (curSite.SiteTypeID === SiteType.BAIDU) { var href = null; if (sitetpNode instanceof HTMLElement) { href = sitetpNode.getAttribute("href") } if (href != null && href.includes("")) { // 已经解析出来了 return {curHost: getTextHost(href), curUrl: href}; } } return {curHost: getTextHost(sitetpNode.innerText || sitetpNode.textContent), curUrl: null}; } function ACHandle() { // 处理主重定向 if (curSite.SiteTypeID === SiteType.OTHERS || curSite.SiteTypeID === SiteType.SOGOU) return; if (ACConfig.isRedirectEnable) { if (curSite.Stype_Normal !== null && curSite.Stype_Normal !== "") { // 百度搜狗去重定向-普通模式【注意不能为document.query..】 resetURLNormal(document.querySelectorAll(curSite.Stype_Normal)); if (checkISBaiduMain()) { document.querySelectorAll(".s_form .index-logo-src[src*='gif'], .s_form .index-logo-srcnew[src*='gif']").forEach(function (per) { per.src = ""; // 神奇的百度百家号 // // }); } } if (curSite.SiteTypeID === SiteType.GOOGLE) removeOnMouseDownFunc(); // 移除onMouseDown事件,谷歌去重定向 if (curSite.SiteTypeID === SiteType.MBAIDU) removeMobileBaiduDirectLink(); // 处理百度手机版本的重定向地址 removeRedirectLinkTarget(); // 只移除知乎的重定向问题 & 百度学术重定向问题 safeRemove(".res_top_banner"); // 移除百度可能显示的劫持 } try { // 放入异常捕获,防止由于html插入过慢导致的js终止 if (!document.querySelector("#sp-ac-style").checked) { document.querySelectorAll("input[name*='sp-ac-a_force_style_']").forEach(per => { per.setAttribute("disabled", "disabled"); per.parentNode.setAttribute("title", "请开启自定义样式") }); } else { document.querySelectorAll("input[name*='sp-ac-a_force_style_']").forEach(per => { per.removeAttribute("disabled"); per.parentNode.setAttribute("title", "AC-自定义样式内容") }); } if (!document.querySelector("#sp-ac-block").checked) { document.querySelectorAll("#sp-ac-removeBlock, #sp-ac-blockBtnDisplay").forEach(per => { per.setAttribute("disabled", "disabled"); per.parentNode.setAttribute("title", "请开启自定义样式") }); } else { document.querySelectorAll("#sp-ac-removeBlock, #sp-ac-blockBtnDisplay").forEach(per => { per.removeAttribute("disabled"); per.parentNode.setAttribute("title", "AC-自主拦截功能") }); } } catch (e) { } } function ACtoggleSettingDisplay(e) { e.stopPropagation(); // 显示?隐藏设置界面 if (document.querySelector(".iframe-father iframe") === null) { document.querySelector(".iframe-father").insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", ""); } setTimeout(function () { if (document.querySelector("#sp-ac-content").style.display === 'block') { document.querySelector("#sp-ac-content").style.display = 'none'; } else { DBConfig.oldVersion = ACConfig.oldVersion = GM_info.script.version; // 只需要写出一部分的关键数据即可 ACSetValue("Config", JSON.stringify(DBConfig)); document.querySelector(".ac-newversionDisplay").style.display = 'none'; document.querySelector("#sp-ac-content").style.display = 'block'; } }, 100); return false; } function ShowSetting() { if (curSite.SiteTypeID === SiteType.OTHERS) return; // 如果不存在的话,那么自己创建一个-copy from superPreload if (document.body !== null && document.querySelector("#sp-ac-container") === null) { let Container = document.createElement('div'); = "sp-ac-container"; Container.innerHTML = ``; try { document.body.appendChild(Container); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } } let allNodes = document.querySelectorAll(".AC-faviconT, .AC-CounterT"); for (let i = 0; i < allNodes.length; i++) { if (allNodes[i].getAttribute('acClick') === null) { allNodes[i].setAttribute('acClick', '1'); try { allNodes[i].addEventListener('click', function (e) { return ACtoggleSettingDisplay(e); }, true); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } } } try { document.querySelector("body #sp-ac-container").addEventListener('click', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); // 阻止点击自身的时候关闭 }, false); document.querySelector("body").addEventListener('click', function (e) { safeFunction( () => { document.querySelector("#sp-ac-content").style.display = 'none'; }) }, false); } catch (e) { } } function isElementVisible(dom) { const scrTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop; return !(scrTop > (dom.offsetTop + dom.offsetHeight) || (scrTop + window.innerHeight) < dom.offsetTop); } function removeMobileBaiduDirectLink() { let nodes = document.querySelectorAll("#page #page-bd #results .result:not([ac_redirectStatus])"); for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { let curNode = nodes[i]; safeFunction(function () { let curData = JSON.parse(curNode.dataset.log.replace(/'/gm, "\"")); let trueLink =; curNode.querySelector("article").setAttribute("rl-link-href", trueLink); curNode.querySelectorAll("a").forEach(function (per) { per.setAttribute("href", trueLink); }); }); curNode.setAttribute("ac_redirectStatus", "1"); } } function removeOnMouseDownFunc() { try { let resultNodes = document.querySelectorAll(".g .rc a, #rs, #rso .g a"); for (let i = 0; i < resultNodes.length; i++) { let one = resultNodes[i]; one.setAttribute("onmousedown", ""); // 谷歌去重定向干扰 one.setAttribute("target", "_blank"); // 谷歌链接新标签打开 } } catch (e) { console.log(e); } } function removeRedirectLinkTarget() { if (curSite.SiteTypeID === SiteType.ZHIHU) { let nodes = document.querySelectorAll(".RichText a[href*='//']"); for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { let url = decodeURIComponent(nodes[i].href.replace(/https?:\/\/link\.zhihu\.com\/\?target=/, "")); nodes[i].href = url; } } else if (curSite.SiteTypeID === SiteType.BAIDU_XUESHU) { let xnodes = document.querySelectorAll("a[href*='sc_vurl=http']"); for (let j = 0; i < xnodes.length; j++) { let xurl = getUrlAttribute(xnodes[j].href, "sc_vurl", true); xnodes[j].href = xurl; } } } // 提取url元素的参数值 function getUrlAttribute(url, attribute, needDecode) { let searchValueS = (url.substr(1) + "").split("&"); for (let i = 0; i < searchValueS.length; i++) { let key_value = searchValueS[i].split("="); let reg = new RegExp("^" + attribute + "$"); if (reg.test(key_value[0])) { let searchWords = key_value[1]; return needDecode ? decodeURIComponent(searchWords) : searchWords; } } } function resetURLNormal(list) { // 注意有重复的地址,尽量对重复地址进行去重 var hasDealHrefSet = new Set(); for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { // 此方法是异步,故在结束的时候使用i会出问题-严重! // 采用闭包的方法来进行数据的传递 let curNode = list[i]; let curhref = curNode.href; if (list[i] !== null && list[i].getAttribute("ac_redirectStatus") === null) { list[i].setAttribute("ac_redirectStatus", "0"); let len1 = hasDealHrefSet.size; hasDealHrefSet.add(curhref); let len2 = hasDealHrefSet.size; if (len1 === len2) continue; // 说明数据已经处理过,存在相同的记录 if (curhref.includes("") || curhref.includes("") || curhref.includes("") || curhref.includes("")) { (function (c_curnode, c_curhref) { let url = c_curhref.replace(/^http:/, "https:"); if (curSite.SiteTypeID === SiteType.BAIDU && !url.includes("eqid")) { // 如果是百度,并且没有带有解析参数,那么手动带上 url = url + "&wd=&eqid="; } let gmRequestNode = GM_xmlhttpRequest({ // from: "acxhr", extData: c_curhref, // 用于扩展 url: url, headers: {"Accept": "*/*", "Referer": c_curhref.replace(/^http:/, "https:")}, method: "GET", timeout: 8000, onreadystatechange: function (response) { // MARK 有时候这个函数根本不进来 - 调试的问题 - timeout if(response.responseText || response.responseHeaders) { // 由于是特殊返回-并且好搜-搜狗-百度都是这个格式,故提出 DealRedirect(gmRequestNode, c_curhref, response.responseText, "URL='([^']+)'") // 这个是在上面无法处理的情况下,备用的 tm-finalurldhdg tm-finalurlmfdh if (response.responseHeaders.includes("tm-finalurl")) { let relURL = Reg_Get(response.responseHeaders, "tm-finalurl\\w+: ([^\\s]+)"); if (relURL === null || relURL === "" || relURL.includes("")) return; DealRedirect(gmRequestNode, c_curhref, relURL); } } } }); })(curNode, curhref); //传递旧的网址过去,读作c_curhref } // curNode.addEventListener("mouseover", ()=> { // const ABKey = RedirectMap.get(curNode.href); // 原始 -> 之后的链接 // if(ABKey) curNode.href = ABKey; // }) // curNode.addEventListener("mouseout", ()=> { // const BAKey = RedirectMap.get(curNode.href); // 之后的连接 -> 原始 // if(BAKey) curNode.href = BAKey; // }) } } if (hasDealHrefSet.size > 0 && list.length - hasDealHrefSet.size > 0) console.log("丢弃掉", list.length - hasDealHrefSet.size, "个重复链接"); } var DealRedirect = function (request, curNodeHref, respText, RegText) { if (respText === null || typeof (respText) === "undefined") return; let resultResponseUrl = ""; if (RegText != null) { resultResponseUrl = Reg_Get(respText, RegText); } else { resultResponseUrl = respText; } if (resultResponseUrl !== null && resultResponseUrl !== "" && !resultResponseUrl.includes("")) { try { if (curSite.SiteTypeID === SiteType.SOGOU) curNodeHref = curNodeHref.replace(/^https:\/\/, ""); let host = getTextHost(resultResponseUrl); // RedirectMap.set(curNodeHref, resultResponseUrl); // 进行一个数据关联 // RedirectMap.set(resultResponseUrl, curNodeHref); // 进行一个数据关联 document.querySelectorAll("*[href*='" + curNodeHref + "']").forEach( per => { let changeNode = per; changeNode.setAttribute("ac_redirectStatus", "2"); changeNode.href = resultResponseUrl; // changeNode.setAttribute("data-orihref", changeNode.href); if (changeNode.hasAttribute("meta")) { changeNode.setAttribute("meta", host); = host; } if (changeNode.text && changeNode.text.length < 10 && !changeNode.text.includes(host) // 不能是redirect url 不能是h2\h3下直属链接 && !changeNode.parentElement.tagName.toLowerCase().includes("h")) { changeNode.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd", " - " + host); } }) otherData.other.curHosts.acpush(host + "###" + resultResponseUrl); request.abort(); } catch (e) { // console.log(e); } } }; function removeAD_baidu_sogou() { // 移除网站自有广告 if (curSite.SiteTypeID === SiteType.BAIDU) { // 移除shadowDOM广告;搜索关键字:淘宝;然后点击搜索框,广告会多次重现shadowdom safeFunction(function () { $('.c-container >>> .c-container').has('.f13>span:starts-with("广告")').remove(); }); // 移除右侧栏广告 safeRemove_xpath("id('content_right')/div[.//a[starts-with(text(), '广告')]]"); // 移除标准广告 safeRemove_xpath("id('content_left')/div[.//span[contains(text(), '广告')]]"); // 移除标准广告 - 新 safeRemove_xpath("id('content_left')/div[.//a[text()='广告']]"); // 移除右侧栏顶部-底部无用广告 safeRemove_xpath("id('content_right')/br"); safeRemove_xpath("id('content_right')/div[not(@id)]"); // 移除顶部可能出现的 "为您推荐" safeRemove_xpath("id('content_left')//div[contains(@class, '_rs')]"); } else if (curSite.SiteTypeID === SiteType.MBAIDU) { /****移除手机模式上的部分广告****/ safeRemove_xpath("id('page-bd')/div[not(contains(@class, 'result'))]"); safeRemove_xpath("id('page-bd')/div[not(@class)]"); safeRemove_xpath("//div[@class='na-like-container']"); // safeFunction(function () { // $('#page-bd #results>div:not([class*="result"])').remove(); // }); // safeFunction(function () { // $('#page-bd #results>div:not([class])').remove(); // }); } else if (curSite.SiteTypeID === SiteType.SO) { safeRemove("#so_kw-ad"); safeRemove("#m-spread-left"); // 移除搜索中底部广告 safeRemove("#m-spread-bottom"); // 移除右侧栏顶部广告 safeRemove_xpath("id('righttop_box')//li[.//span[contains(text(), '广告')]]"); } else if (curSite.SiteTypeID === SiteType.BING) { safeRemove(".b_ad"); safeRemove_xpath("id('b_results')/li[./div[@class='ad_fls']]", true); } else if (curSite.SiteTypeID === SiteType.GOOGLE) { safeRemove("#bottomads"); safeFunction(function () { $('div[aria-label="广告"]').remove(); }); } } function addCounter(citeList) { let cssText = "position:relative;z-index:1;margin-right:4px;display:inline-block;color:white;font-family:'微软雅黑';font-size:16px;text-align:center;width:22px;line-height:22px;border-radius:50%;"; let div = document.createElement('div'); for (let i = 0; i < citeList.length; i++) { let cur = citeList[i] const index = cur.getAttribute('SortIndex'); if (index === null || typeof (index) === "undefined") { cur.setAttribute('SortIndex', CONST.sortIndex); cur.inner = cur.innerHTML; div.innerHTML = "" + CONST.sortIndex + ""; cur.innerHTML = div.innerHTML + cur.inner; CONST.sortIndex++; } else { const curCounter = cur.querySelector(".AC-CounterT") const oriIndex = curCounter.innerText const checkValue = (i + 1) % 100; // 数据值不同 // 数据没有被翻译 if (+index !== checkValue && !/^\d+$/.test(oriIndex)) { // 按需更新 curCounter.innerText =checkValue; cur.setAttribute('SortIndex', checkValue); } } } } var HostReg = new RegExp(/(https?:\/\/)?([^/\s]+)/i); function getTextHost(sbefore) { sbefore = (sbefore && sbefore.trim()).replace(/\s-\s\d{4}-\d{1,2}-\d{1,2}/, "") || ""; let send; let result = sbefore.split('-'); // --搜狗百度专用;如果第一个是中文的话,地址就是第二个 if ((result.length > 1 && new RegExp("[\\u4E00-\\u9FFF]+", "g").test(sbefore)) && (curSite.SiteTypeID === SiteType.BAIDU || curSite.SiteTypeID === SiteType.SOGOU)) { sbefore = result[1]; } // 此时sbefore几乎是等于网址了,但是有时候会有多的空格,多的内容,多的前缀http,多余的路径 let res = HostReg.exec(sbefore); send = (res && res[2].trim()) || ""; // send = sbefore.replace(/(\/[^/]*|\s*)/, "").replace(/<[^>]*>/g, "").replace(/https?:\/\//g, "").replace(/<\/?strong>/g, "").replace(/<\/?b>/g, "").replace(/?/g, "").replace(/( |\/).*/g, "").replace(/\.\..*/, ""); if (send === "") return null; if (send.indexOf(".") < 0) return null; if (send.indexOf("↵") >= 0) return null; return send.trim(); } function addFavicon(citeList) { if (curSite.SiteTypeID !== SiteType.DOGE) { for (let index = 0; index < citeList.length; index++) { if (null === citeList[index].getAttribute("ac_faviconStatus")) { let curNode = citeList[index]; let targetNode = curNode; let { curHost, curUrl } = getNodeHost(targetNode); if (curHost === null || (curUrl && curUrl.includes(""))) { // 跳过 continue; } else { otherData.other.curHosts.acpush(curHost + "###" + curUrl); } let faviconUrl = curHost; let II = 0; for (; II <= 5; II++) { targetNode = targetNode.parentNode; if (targetNode != null && targetNode.querySelector(curSite.FaviconAddTo) != null) { break; } } if(targetNode.parentNode.hasAttribute('tpl') && targetNode.parentNode.getAttribute('tpl').includes('stock')) { curNode.setAttribute("ac_faviconStatus", "-3"); continue } //console.log(index+"."+faviconUrl+"--"+II); if (II <= 5) { // 先用父节点判断一下是否存在img let tmpHTML = targetNode.innerHTML; let pos = tmpHTML.indexOf("fav-url") & tmpHTML.indexOf("wr_fav") & tmpHTML.indexOf("favurl") & tmpHTML.indexOf("tit-ico") & tmpHTML.indexOf("img_fav rms_img") & tmpHTML.indexOf("c-tool-") & tmpHTML.indexOf("span class=\"c-icon c-icon-") & tmpHTML.indexOf("img class=\"xA33Gc"); //他自己已经做了favicon了 if (pos > -1) { // console.log("已有图片:"); curNode.setAttribute("ac_faviconStatus", "-2"); continue; } targetNode = targetNode.querySelector(curSite.FaviconAddTo); // 特殊处理BING // if (curSite.SiteTypeID === SiteType.BING) curNode = curNode.querySelector("h2"); // 不稳定 //http://"+faviconUrl+"/cdn.ico?defaulticon= 不稳定 // 挂了。。。 // // //如果地址不正确,那么丢弃 let host = faviconUrl.replace(/[^.]+\.([^.]+)\.([^.]+)/, "$1.$2"); if (targetNode.querySelector(".AC-faviconT") === null && host.length > 3) { let insNode = document.createElement("img"); // curNode = curNode.children[0] || curNode.firstChild ; // firstChild容易遇到text对象 curNode.setAttribute("ac_faviconStatus", "1"); // curNode.insertBefore(insNode, curNode.firstChild); insNode.className = "AC-faviconT"; insNode.setAttribute("referrerpolicy", "no-referrer"); = "position:relative;z-index:1;vertical-align:sub;height:16px;width:16px;margin-right:5px;margin-bottom: 2px;user-select:none;"; insNode.src = "" + (curNode.href || host); // MARK yandex支持这种查询规则 insNode.setAttribute("faviconID", "0"); insNode.setAttribute("ondragstart", "return false;") // 禁止拖动图片-避免拖错了 // curNode.innerHTML = insNode.outerHTML + curNode.innerHTML; // curNode.insertAdjacentHTML("afterEnd", insNode.innerHTML); let beforeIndex = 0; if (targetNode.childNodes[beforeIndex].className === "AC-CounterT") { beforeIndex = 1; } targetNode.insertBefore(insNode, targetNode.childNodes[beforeIndex]); (function (xcur) { insNode.onload = function (env) { let imgNode = xcur.querySelector(".AC-faviconT"); if ((imgNode || {}).naturalWidth < 10) { imgNode.setAttribute("old-src", imgNode.src); imgNode.src = ACConfig.defaultFaviconUrl; } imgNode.onload = "javascript:void(0);"; }; })(targetNode); } } } } } else { var checkNodes = document.querySelectorAll("#links_wrapper #links .results_links_deep"); for (let faNode of checkNodes) { let faviconNode = faNode.querySelector(".result__icon img"); let beforeNode = faNode.querySelector(".result__title a"); if(faviconNode && beforeNode){ = "vertical-align:middle;margin-right:5px;"; beforeNode.parentNode.insertBefore(faviconNode, beforeNode); } } } } function InsertSettingMenu() { if ((curSite.SiteTypeID !== SiteType.OTHERS) && document.querySelector("#myuser") === null) { try { let parent = document.querySelector("#u, #gb>div>div>div, #b_header>#id_h, .top-bar .sogou-set-box, #header_wrapper .js-hl-button, body[doge] #header_wrapper #header"); //baidu; google; bing; 搜狗 = "width: auto;"; let userAdiv = document.createElement("div"); = "myuser"; userAdiv.innerHTML = ` `; parent.insertBefore(userAdiv, parent.childNodes[0]); document.querySelector("#myuser .myuserconfig").addEventListener("click", function (e) { return ACtoggleSettingDisplay(e); }, true); } catch (e) { } } } }(); // 读取个人设置信息 /** * @param callback 回调函数,需要返回是否结束True、False、否则相当于定时器 * callback return: * true = 倒计时 * false = 计时器 * none = 计时器 * @param period 周期,如:200ms * @param runNow 立即执行 */ function RAFInterval(callback, period, runNow) { // 一秒60次,对应1秒1000ms const needCount = period / 1000 * 60; let times = 0; // 已经计数的数量 if(runNow === true){ // 对于立即执行函数的立即判定,否则进行 const shouldFinish = callback(); if(shouldFinish) return; } function step() { if(times < needCount){ // 计数未结束-继续计数 times++; requestAnimationFrame(step) }else{ // 计数结束-停止计数,判定结果 const shouldFinish = callback() || false; if(!shouldFinish){ // 返回值为false,重启计数器 times = 0; requestAnimationFrame(step) }else{ // 返回值为true,结束计数器 return } } } requestAnimationFrame(step); } function safeFunction(func) { try { func(); } catch (e) { } } function safeWaitFunc(selector, callbackFunc, time, notClear) { time = time || 50; notClear = notClear || false; let doClear = !notClear; RAFInterval(function () { if ((typeof (selector) === "string" && document.querySelector(selector) != null)) { callbackFunc(document.querySelector(selector)); if (doClear) return true; } else if (typeof (selector) === "function" && (selector() != null || (selector() || []).length > 0)) { callbackFunc(selector()[0]); if (doClear) return true; } }, time, true); } function AC_addStyle(css, className, addToTarget, isReload, initType) { // 添加CSS代码,不考虑文本载入时间,只执行一次-无论成功与否,带有className RAFInterval(function () { /** * addToTarget这里不要使用head标签,head标签的css会在html载入时加载, * html加载后似乎不会再次加载,body会自动加载 * **/ let addTo = document.querySelector(addToTarget); if (typeof (addToTarget) === "undefined") addTo = (document.head || document.body || document.documentElement); isReload = isReload || false; // 默认是非加载型 initType = initType || "text/css"; // 如果没有目标节点(则直接加) || 有目标节点且找到了节点(进行新增) if (typeof (addToTarget) === "undefined" || (typeof (addToTarget) != "undefined" && document.querySelector(addToTarget) != null)) { // clearInterval(tout); // 如果true 强行覆盖,不管有没有--先删除 // 如果false,不覆盖,但是如果有的话,要退出,不存在则新增--无需删除 if (isReload === true) { safeRemove("." + className); } else if (isReload === false && document.querySelector("." + className) != null) { // 节点存在 && 不准备覆盖 return true; } let cssNode = document.createElement("style"); if (className != null) cssNode.className = className; cssNode.setAttribute("type", initType); cssNode.innerHTML = css; try { addTo.appendChild(cssNode); } catch (e) { console.log(e.message); } return true; } }, 20, true); } function safeRemove(cssSelector) { safeFunction(() => { let removeNodes = document.querySelectorAll(cssSelector); for (let i = 0; i < removeNodes.length; i++) removeNodes[i].remove(); }) } function hideNode(node) { if(node.hasAttribute('ac-ad-hide')) return node.setAttribute('ac-ad-hide', '1') = 'display: none !important;' } function safeRemove_xpath(xpathSelector, isHide=false) { safeFunction(() => { let removeNodes = getAllElements(xpathSelector); if(isHide) { for (let i = 0; i < removeNodes.length; i++){ hideNode(removeNodes[i]) } } else { for (let i = 0; i < removeNodes.length; i++){ removeNodes[i].remove(); } } }) } function checkISBaiduMain() { // 首页=true;非首页=false // 如果是百度 && 没有(百度搜索结果的标志-[存在]百度的内容) return; return !(curSite.SiteTypeID === SiteType.BAIDU && !(location.href.replace(/(&|\?)(wd|word)=/, "") !== location.href || document.querySelector("#content_left") || ((document.querySelector("#kw") && document.querySelector("#kw").getAttribute("value")) || "") !== "") ) } /** * 检查document的子节点是否含有元素 * @param nodeClass 待检查元素 * @returns {boolean} T|F */ function checkDocmentHasNode(nodeClass) { for (let i = 0; i < document.childNodes.length; i++) { if (document.childNodes[i].data && document.childNodes[i].data.indexOf(nodeClass) > 0) return {res: true, node: document.childNodes[i]}; } return {res: false, node: null}; } function FSBaidu() { // thanks for code from 浮生@未歇 @page // debug("初始化FSBAIDU"); CONST.StyleManger = { /** * 导入css内容为【文本格式】!!! * @param data css内容 * @param toClassName 预期的类名 */ importStyle: function (data, toClassName, useNormalCSS, mustLoad) { if (typeof (data) === "undefined" || data === null) { // 这个居然在VM上出问题了,很奇怪 console.error("GM_getResourceText获取内容数据异常"); return } useNormalCSS = useNormalCSS || false; mustLoad = mustLoad || false; // 普通浏览器模式--但是似乎样式加载的优先级低于head中的style优先级 if (!useNormalCSS && curSite.SiteTypeID !== SiteType.DUCK) { // 通过must参数来判定style是否加载 // data = data.replace(/\$#/igm, ''); if (data.indexOf("http") !== 0) data = "data:text/css;utf-8," + encodeURIComponent(data); var {res,} = checkDocmentHasNode(toClassName); if (!res) { let pi = document.createProcessingInstruction( "xml-stylesheet", `type="text/css" must="${mustLoad}" class="${toClassName}" href="${data}"` ); // 注意必须要双引号 document.insertBefore(pi, document.documentElement); } } else { /* **********多重样式-兼容edge && 黑夜脚本************ */ AC_addStyle(data, toClassName, "head", false, "text/css"); /* **********多重样式-兼容edge && 黑夜脚本************ */ } }, //加载普通样式 loadCommonStyle: function () { this.loadStyle( + "CommonStyle", + "CommonStyle"); }, loadBaiduLiteStyle: function () { CONST.StyleManger.loadStyle("baiduLiteStyle", "baiduLiteStyle", null, false, true); CONST.StyleManger.loadPlainToCSS("baiduLiteStyle"); }, loadStyle: async function (styleName, insClassName, setUrl, useNormalCSS, mustLoad) { // 全部采用text/css的内容来载入 // 如果是debug模式。或者是gm模式 if (isLocalDebug) { debug("本地-加载样式:" + insClassName); setUrl = setUrl || "" + styleName + ".css"; this.importStyle(setUrl, "AC-" + insClassName, useNormalCSS, mustLoad); } else if (isNewGM === true) { // 仅用于GreaseMonkey4.0+ debug("特殊模式-加载样式:" + insClassName); setUrl = setUrl || "" + styleName + ".css"; this.importStyle(setUrl, "AC-" + insClassName, useNormalCSS, mustLoad); } else { debug("加载样式:" + insClassName); // TamperMonkey + GreaseMonkey < 4.0 + ViolentMonkey (4.0GreaseMonkey不支持GetResource方法) this.importStyle(await GM_getResourceText(styleName), "AC-" + insClassName, useNormalCSS, mustLoad); } }, //加载护眼模式样式 loadHuYanStyle: function (color) { let style = "body[baidu],#wrapper #head,#wrapper #s_tab,{background-color:#fff}#container #content_left .result-op,#container #content_left .result,#container #rs,#container #content_right{background-color:#aaa;border:1px double #a2d7d4;border-radius:0}#container #content_left .result-op:hover,#container #content_left .result:hover{background-color:#ccc!important}#container #content_left .result-op h3,#container #content_left .c-container h3,#container #rs .tt{background-color:#bbb}.na_cnt .nws_itm,.nws_itmb,#b_content #b_results li,body #b_header{background-color:#aaa;border:1px double #a2d7d4;border-radius:0}#b_content #b_results li:hover{background-color:#ccc!important}#b_content #b_results li h2{background-color:#bbb}#rso .g,.bkWMgd>.g,.bkWMgd g-inner-card,#rhscol #rhs,#rhscol #rhs .g>div,.c2xzTb .g,.ruTcId .g,.fm06If .g,.cUnQKe .g,.HanQmf .g{background-color:#aaa;border:1px double #a2d7d4;border-radius:0}#rso .g:hover,.bkWMgd>.g:hover{background-color:#ccc!important}.bkWMgd .g div.r,#rso .g h3{background-color:#bbb}"; if (ACConfig.isUserColorEnable) { color = color || ACConfig.defaultHuYanColor || "#FFFFFF"; } else { color = color || "#FFFFFF"; } if (color.indexOf("#") !== 0 || color.length < 7) return; if (isNewGM === false) { style = GM_getResourceText("MainHuYanStyle"); } style = style .replace(/#aaa(a*)/igm, color) .replace(/#bbb(b*)/igm, this.Lighter(color, -40)) .replace(/#ccc(c*)/igm, this.Lighter(color, 45)); AC_addStyle(style, "AC-" + + "HuYanStyle" + (isNewGM ? "" : "-File"), "head", true); // 需要修改的,所以为true }, clip255: function (value) { if (value > 255) return 255; if (value < 0) return 0; return value; }, Lighter: function (oriRGB, deltaY) { // 按比例缩放 + 1/deltaY // HEX 2 RGB let rgb = oriRGB.replace("#", ""); let R = parseInt("0x" + rgb.substr(0, 2)); let G = parseInt("0x" + rgb.substr(2, 2)); let B = parseInt("0x" + rgb.substr(4, 2)); // RGB 2 YUV let Y = ((66 * R + 129 * G + 25 * B + 128) >> 8) + 16; let U = ((-38 * R - 74 * G + 112 * B + 128) >> 8) + 128; let V = ((112 * R - 94 * G - 18 * B + 128) >> 8) + 128; Y = Y * (1 + 1.0 / deltaY);// 提高亮度 // YUV 2 RGB R = this.clip255((298 * (Y - 16) + 409 * (V - 128) + 128) >> 8); G = this.clip255((298 * (Y - 16) - 100 * (U - 128) - 208 * (V - 128) + 128) >> 8); B = this.clip255((298 * (Y - 16) + 516 * (U - 128) + 128) >> 8); return "#" + ((R << 16) + (G << 8) + B).toString(16); }, //加载单页样式 loadOnePageStyle: function () { this.loadStyle( + "OnePageStyle", + "OnePageStyle"); }, //加载双页样式 loadTwoPageStyle: function () { this.loadStyle( + "TwoPageStyle", + "TwoPageStyle"); let cssHead = ""; if (curSite.SiteTypeID === SiteType.BAIDU || curSite.SiteTypeID === SiteType.MBAIDU) cssHead = "#container #content_left, body[news] #container #content_left>div:not([class]):not([id])"; if (curSite.SiteTypeID === SiteType.GOOGLE) CONST.isGoogleSpecial ? cssHead = ".srg, #rso" : cssHead = ".srg, #rso>div:not(.g)"; if (curSite.SiteTypeID === SiteType.BING) cssHead = "#b_content #b_results"; if (curSite.SiteTypeID === SiteType.SOGOU) cssHead = "#main .results"; if (curSite.SiteTypeID === SiteType.DUCK) cssHead = "#links_wrapper .results--main #links"; if (curSite.SiteTypeID === SiteType.DOGE) cssHead = "#links_wrapper .results--main #links"; AC_addStyle(cssHead + "{grid-template-columns: repeat(2, minmax(50%,1fr));grid-template-areas:'xmain xmain';grid-column-gap: 1px;}.AC.sp-separator{grid-column-start: 1;grid-column-end: xmain-end;}", "AC-TwoPageExStyle", "head"); }, // 加载三列样式 loadThreePageStyle: function () { let cssHead = ""; if (curSite.SiteTypeID === SiteType.BAIDU || curSite.SiteTypeID === SiteType.MBAIDU) cssHead = "#container #content_left, body[news] #container #content_left>div:not([class]):not([id])"; if (curSite.SiteTypeID === SiteType.GOOGLE) CONST.isGoogleSpecial ? cssHead = ".srg, #rso" : cssHead = ".srg, #rso>div:not(.g)"; if (curSite.SiteTypeID === SiteType.BING) cssHead = "#b_content #b_results"; if (curSite.SiteTypeID === SiteType.SOGOU) cssHead = "#main .results"; if (curSite.SiteTypeID === SiteType.DUCK) cssHead = "#links_wrapper .results--main #links"; if (curSite.SiteTypeID === SiteType.DOGE) cssHead = "#links_wrapper .results--main #links"; AC_addStyle(cssHead + "{grid-template-columns: repeat(3, minmax(33.3%,1fr));grid-template-areas:'xmain xmain xmain';grid-column-gap: 10px;}", "AC-ThreePageExStyle", "head"); }, // 加载四列样式 loadFourPageStyle: function () { let cssHead = ""; if (curSite.SiteTypeID === SiteType.BAIDU || curSite.SiteTypeID === SiteType.MBAIDU) cssHead = "#container #content_left, body[news] #container #content_left>div:not([class]):not([id])"; if (curSite.SiteTypeID === SiteType.GOOGLE) CONST.isGoogleSpecial ? cssHead = ".srg, #rso" : cssHead = ".srg, #rso>div:not(.g)"; if (curSite.SiteTypeID === SiteType.BING) cssHead = "#b_content #b_results"; if (curSite.SiteTypeID === SiteType.SOGOU) cssHead = "#main .results"; if (curSite.SiteTypeID === SiteType.DOGE) cssHead = "#links_wrapper .results--main #links"; if (curSite.SiteTypeID === SiteType.DOGE) cssHead = "#links_wrapper .results--main #links"; AC_addStyle(cssHead + "{grid-template-columns: repeat(4, minmax(25%,1fr));grid-template-areas:'xmain xmain xmain xmain';grid-column-gap: 1px;}", "AC-FourPageExStyle", "head"); }, loadPlainToCSS: function () { for (let i = 0; i < document.childNodes.length; i++) { let curNode = document.childNodes[i]; if (curNode.del) curNode.remove(); } safeRemove("style[class*='AC'][del='1']"); }, // 禁止独立的样式加载 loadCSSToPlain: function () { for (let i = 0; i < document.childNodes.length; i++) { let curNode = document.childNodes[i]; // 如果是存在css, 且非必须数据 if ( === "xml-stylesheet" &&"must=\"true") < 0) { = ""; curNode.del = true; // 对于edge和safari都特殊处理一下吧 if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("edge") > 0 || navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("safari") > 0) { curNode.remove(); } } } }, init() { ControlManager.init(); } }; var ControlManager = { //居中显示 --- 必须是百度和谷歌的搜索结果页面,其他页面不能加载的--已经通过脚本include标签限制了一部分 centerDisplay: function () { // 如果是百度 && ((地址替换->包含wd关键词[替换之后不等-是百度结果页面]) || 有右边栏-肯定是百度搜索结果页 || value中存在搜索内容) return; if (!checkISBaiduMain()) { CONST.StyleManger.loadCSSToPlain(); return; } AC_addStyle(".minidiv #logo img{width: 100px;height: unset;margin-top: 0.3rem;}", "AC-style-logo", "head"); let result = parseInt(CONST.useItem.AdsStyleMode || -1); if (acCssLoadFlag === false && document.querySelector(".ACExtension") === null) { debug("in样式即将加载:" + result); let expandStyle = "#wrapper #rs, #wrapper #content_left .result, #wrapper #content_left .c-container{min-width:670px;}.c-span18{width:78%!important;min-width:550px;}.c-span24{width: auto!important;}"; if (result === 1) { AC_addStyle(expandStyle, "AC-Style-expand", "head"); CONST.StyleManger.loadCommonStyle(); } else if (result === 2) {//单页居中 AC_addStyle(expandStyle, "AC-Style-expand", "head"); CONST.StyleManger.loadCommonStyle(); CONST.StyleManger.loadOnePageStyle(); } else if (result === 3) { //双页居中 CONST.StyleManger.loadCommonStyle(); CONST.StyleManger.loadTwoPageStyle(); } else if (result === 4) { // 三列 CONST.StyleManger.loadCommonStyle(); CONST.StyleManger.loadTwoPageStyle(); CONST.StyleManger.loadThreePageStyle(); } else if (result === 5) { // 四列 CONST.StyleManger.loadCommonStyle(); CONST.StyleManger.loadTwoPageStyle(); CONST.StyleManger.loadFourPageStyle(); } acCssLoadFlag = true; debug("in样式运行结束"); if (curSite.SiteTypeID === SiteType.BAIDU && ACConfig.Style_BaiduLite === true) { AC_addStyle(GM_getResourceText("baiduLiteStyle"), "AC-baiduLiteStyle", "head") CONST.StyleManger.loadBaiduLiteStyle(); } } if (curSite.SiteTypeID !== SiteType.BAIDU && curSite.SiteTypeID !== SiteType.BAIDU_XUESHU && curSite.SiteTypeID !== SiteType.GOOGLE && curSite.SiteTypeID !== SiteType.BING && curSite.SiteTypeID !== SiteType.SOGOU && curSite.SiteTypeID !== SiteType.DUCK && curSite.SiteTypeID !== SiteType.DOGE) return; // 如果是谷歌 && (地址替换->是谷歌图像页面 || 是地图页面)[替换要变] return; if (curSite.SiteTypeID === SiteType.GOOGLE && location.href.replace(/tbm=(isch|lcl|shop|flm)/, "") !== location.href) { CONST.StyleManger.loadCSSToPlain(); return; } /**护眼Style最后载入**/ if (CONST.useItem.HuYanMode === true || document.querySelector("style[class*='darkreader']") != null) CONST.StyleManger.loadHuYanStyle(); CONST.StyleManger.loadPlainToCSS(); }, init: function () { if (CONST.isGoogleImageUrl) return; this.centerDisplay(); } }; // debug("调用加载自定义css"); ControlManager.init(); return CONST.StyleManger; } } })(); }();
    shenruisi commented 2 years ago

    Script is supported on version 2.0.3. And please remove the line @grant UnsafeWindow

    rongpengli commented 1 year ago

    macos safari下,脚本里面的“去除重定向”功能不可用,还麻烦看看啊。