Open rd1571 opened 5 years ago
Can’t really help you – I’m not using vee-validate and I don’t know how it works with custom components. I usually opted for
@shentao When implementing the vuelidate on my project.. I used cdn url and not using the module. Do i need to add both urls?
vuelidate.min.js validators.min.js
then use global ?
Vue.use(window.vuelidate.default) const { required, minLength } = window.validators
I think so. See the example:
@shentao I have tried to implement vuelidate validation on VueMultiselect. The validation is still not working when the form is submit.
Hello @rd1571 As I just integrate this package with Vee-validate, It working for me. I not able to create a fiddle for that, But I believe it will work.
@kushalbacancy can you show you code?
I am putting my working code, So you can change according to your requirement.
<multiselect v-model="roof_setback_level"
:class="errors.first('roof_setback_level') ? 'input-error': ''"
placeholder="Type to search"
<template slot="tag" slot-scope="{ option, remove }">
<span class="custom__tag">
<span>{{ option.floor_name_number }}</span>
<span class="custom__remove" @click="remove(option)">❌</span>
<template slot="clear" slot-scope="props">
<div class="multiselect__clear" v-if="roof_setback_level && roof_setback_level.length" @mousedown.prevent.stop="clearAll("></div>
<span slot="noResult">Oops! No elements found. Consider changing the search query.</span>
and CSS for error class is
border : 1px solid red;
and submit the event call will be:-
this.$validator.validate('roof_setback_level', this.roof_setback_level);
@kushalbacancy Possible to add error message?
@MrFFC0CB Yes you can add the error message as well.
<span v-if="errors.first('feild_name')" > This feild is required </span>
You can put this span under the input element.
Please refer the below link.
@kushalbacancy have you tried inserting those field inside form tag?
@shentao I still haven't solve this issue. maybe you could help me on this ?
Hi, I'm trying to use ValidationProvider/Validation Observer from vee-validate with vue-multiselect, but it doesn't work... Do you any idea how to?
Look at the console in your JSFiddle: Failed to resolve directive: validate
Also Property or method "motherboardValue" is not defined on the instance
The directive was removed in the third major version.
Hi, I'm trying to use ValidationProvider/Validation Observer from vee-validate with vue-multiselect, but it doesn't work... Do you any idea how to?
have You found a solution?
I fixed old version
I know this is an old issue, however, I'd like to give a solution that worked for me.
According to the migration guide this directive is removed in v3.x :
Fields that had the v-validate directive needs to be wrapped by ValidationProvider component now, and they need to use v-model to properly tag themselves for vee-validate.
Old way
<input type="text" name="field" v-validate="'required'">
<span>{{ errors.first('field') }}</span>
New way
<ValidationProvider name="field" rules="required" v-slot="{ errors }">
<input type="text" v-model="value">
<span>{{ errors[0] }}</span>
In my case, I'm working with Laravel / Vue, so, I use <validation-provider>
tag instead of <ValidationProvider>
this is my code, it's perfectly working with Vue Multiselect.
<validation-provider name="type" rules="required" v-slot="{ errors, ariaMsg }">
<span slot="noResult"
>No results...</span
<!-- Error Message -->
{{ errors[0] }}
I hope it helps.
The validation is not working if the multiselect is empty, veevalidate should work. Below is the link for jsfiddle that i have created.