shenwei356 / kmcp

Accurate metagenomic profiling && Fast large-scale sequence/genome searching
MIT License
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compiling/installing from source #17

Closed jianshu93 closed 1 year ago

jianshu93 commented 2 years ago

Hello Wei,

Any guidance to install/compiling from source? I have an aarch64 (or ARM) CPU cluster and need to compile from source. None of the binaries works.



shenwei356 commented 2 years ago

Sorry, one of my dependencies, pand, does not support ARM right now.

shenwei356 commented 2 years ago

Use this first:

But note that the arm64 version has a slower searching speed for databases created with more than one hash function.

kmcp index -h
  -n, --num-hash int                 ► Number of hash functions in bloom filters. (default 1)
shenwei356 commented 2 years ago

Method 3: Compile from source

  1. Install go

    tar -zxf go1.17.11.linux-amd64.tar.gz -C $HOME/
    # or 
    #   echo "export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/go/bin" >> ~/.bashrc
    #   source ~/.bashrc
    export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/go/bin
  2. Compile KMCP

    # ------------- the latest stable version -------------
    go get -v -u
    # The executable binary file is located in:
    #   ~/go/bin/kmcp
    # You can also move it to anywhere in the $PATH
    mkdir -p $HOME/bin
    cp ~/go/bin/kmcp $HOME/bin/
    # --------------- the devlopment version --------------
    git clone
    cd kmcp/kmcp/
    go build
    # The executable binary file is located in:
    #   ./kmcp
    # You can also move it to anywhere in the $PATH
    mkdir -p $HOME/bin
    cp ./kmcp $HOME/bin/
jianshu93 commented 2 years ago

Many Thanks! It works this is very helpful.


jianshu93 commented 2 years ago

Hello Wei,

I am following the same step to build database in the usage page but use k=16 for gtdb v207, and then f=0.1 but I got a huge database file (30+G) compare to your r202 which is very small (1.5G), I did not expect that there will be such huge difference:

kmcp compute -I all -O gtdb-r207-k16-n10 -k 16 -n 10 -l 100 -B plasmid --log gtdb-r207-k16-n10.log -j 24 --force

time kmcp index -j 24 -I gtdb-r207-k16-n10 -O gtdb.r207.minhash.kmcp -n 1 -f 0.1 --log gtdb.r207.minhash.kmcp.log

Is that because smaller smaller false positive rate or k?



shenwei356 commented 2 years ago

I guess you were following the database building steps for metagenomic profiling. For genome similarity estimation, you need to compute the sketches.

For example, the gtdb.minhash.kmcp.tar.gz of 1.5G was created with FracMinHash/Scaled MinHash (scale = 1000). So the database size was very small. Besides, the reference genomes should not be split (-n, --split-number).

jianshu93 commented 2 years ago

Hello Wei,

Thanks for the suggestion and I have solved it. An interesting finding: FracMinHash or COBS is very sensitive to different genome size. I am attaching a genome that I know the answer for the best hits in GTDB r207 ranked by Average nucleotide indentity (ANI, calculated by fastANI: after comparing this genome with all the genomes in GTDB (very expensive, it takes days with more than 100 24 threads compute nodes). When ANI is above 95% it is consistent but not below 95% (fastANI ANI is accurate down to 75% ANI). This important because in a lot of cases, your query genomes may not have a best larger than 95% ANI in the database but say 80% or so, you still need to find this best hit.

Any idea how to bench mark FracMinhash or Syncmer based distance with ANI (how well they are correlated)? By the way, ANI is the standard method to compare to genomes, even MASH was benchmarked against ANI.

Thanks, USFT4C.26.fasta.gz


shenwei356 commented 2 years ago

Search result of USFT4C.26.fasta.gz in GTDB r207 with KMCP.

$ kmcp search  -d ~/ws/data/gtdb/gtdb207/gtdb-r207.minhash.kmcp/ USFT4C.26.fasta.gz -g -s jacc -t 0.3 \
    | csvtk pretty -t -C $
#query        qLen      qKmers   FPR          hits   target            chunkIdx   chunks   tLen      kSize   mKmers   qCov     tCov     jacc     queryIdx
-----------   -------   ------   ----------   ----   ---------------   --------   ------   -------   -----   ------   ------   ------   ------   --------
USFT4C.26_1   4018002   8057     0.0000e+00   1      GCA_016791115.1   0          1        3969740   31      5972     0.7412   0.7540   0.5969   0

$ kmcp search  -d ~/ws/data/gtdb/gtdb207/gtdb-r207.syncmer.kmcp/ USFT4C.26.fasta.gz -g -s jacc -t 0.3 \
    | csvtk pretty -t -C $
#query        qLen      qKmers   FPR          hits   target            chunkIdx   chunks   tLen      kSize   mKmers   qCov     tCov     jacc     queryIdx
-----------   -------   ------   ----------   ----   ---------------   --------   ------   -------   -----   ------   ------   ------   ------   --------
USFT4C.26_1   4018002   11737    0.0000e+00   1      GCA_016791115.1   0          1        3969740   31      8628     0.7351   0.7437   0.5865   0

Isn't GCA_016791115.1 (98.8979%) the best hit with fastANI? :smiling_face_with_tear:

$ grep GCA_016791115.1 ~/ws/data/gtdb/gtdb207/gtdb-r207.minhash.kmcp/ 
GCA_016791115.1 JAEUNL010000064.1 Rhodocyclaceae bacterium isolate new MAG-172 k141_1331473, whole genome shotgun sequence

$ fastANI -q USFT4C.26.fasta.gz -r GCA_016791115.1.fna.gz -o USFT4C.26.fasta.gz.fastani.txt
$ cat USFT4C.26.fasta.gz.fastani.txt
USFT4C.26.fasta.gz      GCA_016791115.1.fna.gz  98.8979 1057    1270

Any idea how to benchmark FracMinhash or Syncmer-based distance with ANI (how well they are correlated)?

Maybe sourmash and syncmer paper have some clues?

jianshu93 commented 2 years ago

Yes. I was talking about the second best hit,third et. al until hit around 80% ANI. Those hits and their rank should be the same with fastANI best hits.

If you check the one around 80% ANI,it is not the same at all with MASH. Mash correlates very good with ANI with top 10% recall nearly 100%.
