shenwei356 / taxonkit

A Practical and Efficient NCBI Taxonomy Toolkit, also supports creating NCBI-style taxdump files for custom taxonomies like GTDB/ICTV
MIT License
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"Error: Invalid taxonomic rank: realm" when making Diamond db of IMG/VR dataset #76

Closed poursalavati closed 1 year ago

poursalavati commented 1 year ago

Hello and thanks for developing this great tool,

I am currently in the process of preparing a Diamond database from IMG/VR data. I have already prepared the necessary data and successfully created the name and node files, as well as the file.

However, I encountered an error during the diamond makedb process: "Error: Invalid taxonomic rank: realm".

I have attached the name and node files for your reference. The file is quite large, but I have included the head of it in the links below:

nodes.dmp.txt names.dmp.txt head_id2tax.txt

For taxonkit step, I have attached the head of the input file in the link below: head_id2lin.txt

./taxonkit create-taxdump -A 1 id2lin -O example/taxdump -j 50

Diamond making db:

diamond makedb --in ../IMGVR_all_proteins.faa --db IMGVR_Taxoned --taxonmap example/taxdump/ --taxonnodes example/taxdump/nodes.dmp --taxonnames example/taxdump/names.dmp -p 40

Thank you in advance for any help you can provide regarding this issue. If you have any suggestions or solutions, I would greatly appreciate your assistance.

shenwei356 commented 1 year ago

Hi Naser, DIAMOND seems not to recognize the rank of realm, so you can simply remove the column realm from the id2lin file with csvtk:

csvtk  cut -t -f -realm id2lin -o

If DIAMOND does not support kingdom either, you may need to rename it superkingdom.

poursalavati commented 1 year ago

Thanks a lot for the suggestion. I've checked the diamond source code and instead of removing the realm, renamed it to superkingdom based on this:

const char* Rank::names[] = {
    "no rank", "superkingdom", "kingdom", "subkingdom", "superphylum", "phylum", "subphylum", "superclass", "class", "subclass", "infraclass", "cohort", "subcohort", "superorder",
    "order", "suborder", "infraorder", "parvorder", "superfamily", "family", "subfamily", "tribe", "subtribe", "genus", "subgenus", "section", "subsection", "series", "species group",
    "species subgroup", "species", "subspecies", "varietas", "forma", "strain", "biotype", "clade", "forma specialis", "genotype", "isolate", "morph", "pathogroup", "serogroup", "serotype", "subvariety"

But now there is another issue after making db, almost all sequences have no rank! seems an issue in node file.

Its end of diamond stdout:

Loading taxonomy names...  [0.021s]
**Loaded taxonomy names for 0 taxon ids.**
Loading taxonomy mapping file...  [355.924s]
Joining accession mapping...  [82.928s]
Writing taxon id list...  [2.292s]
Building taxonomy nodes...  [11.996s]
2147258865 taxonomy nodes processed.
Number of nodes assigned to rank:
**no rank           2147251888**
superkingdom      6
kingdom           10
subkingdom        0
superphylum       0
phylum            17
subphylum         0
superclass        39
class             0
subclass          0
infraclass        0
cohort            0
subcohort         0
superorder        0
order             64
suborder          0
infraorder        0
parvorder         0
superfamily       0
family            206
subfamily         0
tribe             0
subtribe          0
genus             2116
subgenus          0
section           0
subsection        0
series            0
species group     0
species subgroup  0
species           4519
subspecies        0
varietas          0
forma             0
strain            0
biotype           0
clade             0
forma specialis   0
genotype          0
isolate           0
morph             0
pathogroup        0
serogroup         0
serotype          0
subvariety        0

Closing the input file...  [0s]
Closing the database file...  [0.015s]

Database sequences                   220799163
Database letters                     49459660621
Accessions in database               220799163
Entries in accession to taxid file   216984561
Database accessions mapped to taxid  0
Database sequences mapped to taxid   0
Database hash                        58748cfe915c91e69a43a88c27aa3e8b
Total time                           2155s

I already sent the node and name file. I would greatly appreciate your assistance if you have any suggestions or solutions.

poursalavati commented 1 year ago

I think the point is that I have a large number of sequences for each taxonomy id. And it seems that only one of each has been identified (or indexed) by Diamond. for example:

IMGVR_UViG_638276111_000001|638276111|638297712 541518477
IMGVR_UViG_638276111_000001|638276111|638297713 541518477
IMGVR_UViG_638276111_000001|638276111|638297714 541518477
IMGVR_UViG_638276111_000001|638276111|638297715 541518477
IMGVR_UViG_638276111_000001|638276111|638297716 541518477
IMGVR_UViG_638276111_000001|638276111|638297717 541518477
IMGVR_UViG_638276111_000001|638276111|638297718 541518477
IMGVR_UViG_638276111_000001|638276111|638297719 541518477
IMGVR_UViG_638276111_000001|638276111|638297720 541518477
IMGVR_UViG_638276111_000001|638276111|638297721 541518477
IMGVR_UViG_638276111_000001|638276111|638297722 541518477
IMGVR_UViG_638276111_000001|638276111|638297723 541518477

Hope there is some way to fix it!

shenwei356 commented 1 year ago

Seems you're using an old taxonkit version (<0.14.0), please update to 0.14.1

poursalavati commented 1 year ago

Seems you're using an old taxonkit version (<0.14.0), please update to 0.14.1

  • taxonkit create-taxdump:

    • save taxIds in int32 instead of uint32, as BLAST and DIAMOND do. #70

Thanks dear Wei, Im using Version: 0.14.1 and checked int32.

I will write an update on this so maybe help other similar cases:

I was reading Diamond code and found this part in taxonomy.ccp, seems Diamond edited the seq title in these conditions, and one matched my seq ids!

string get_accession(const string &title)
    size_t i;
    string t(title);
    if (, 6, "UniRef") == 0)
        t.erase(0, t.find('_', 0) + 1);
    else if ((i = t.find_first_of('|', 0)) != string::npos) {
        if (, 3, "gi|") == 0) {
            t.erase(0, t.find_first_of('|', i + 1) + 1);
            i = t.find_first_of('|', 0);
        t.erase(0, i + 1);
        i = t.find_first_of('|', 0);
        if (i != string::npos)
    i = t.find_last_of('.');
    if (i != string::npos)
    return t;

So what I did was replace pipes | to _ in both and also fasta headers!

Thanks again for your support and suggestions, Naser