shenyunhang / JTSM

Toward Joint Thing-and-Stuff Mining for Weakly Supervised Panoptic Segmentation
Apache License 2.0
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About voc_2012_val_instance.json #1

Open scott870430 opened 3 years ago

scott870430 commented 3 years ago

Hi, I am interested in your project. I ran into some problems:

  1. following

    python3 projects/WSL/tools/ voc_2012_val_instance datasets/proposals/MCG-Pascal-Segmentation_trainvaltest_2012-proposals datasets/proposals/mcg_voc_2012_val_instance_segmentation_d2

    I get error FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'datasets/VOC_SBD/annotations/voc_2012_val_instance.json' Also, there are only voc_2012_val_panoptic.json, voc_2012_train_panoptic.json, sbd_9118_panoptic.json, three files in datasets/VOC_SBD/annotations/ folder. Am i missing something?

  2. Is proposal_generator use in Panoptic Segmentation? Or use the precomputed_proposal (MCG?)

  3. Is roi_heads for instance segmentation and sem_seg_head for semanctic segmentation? If I want to perform instance segmentation, I just need to remove the sem_seg_head?

Thank you for your help!

shenyunhang commented 3 years ago

Thanks for you interesting.

  1. It seems we missed a script file. I have added it to our code in the new commit. Please use the new script file to generate voc_2012_val_instance.json, voc_2012_train_instance.json, sbd_9118_instance.json:

    python3 projects/WSL/tools/
  2. We use the precomputed MCG proposal.

  3. The roi_heads is for instance segmentation and sem_seg_head is for semanctic segmentation. To perform instance segmentation, we need adjust the configure file by removing sem_seg_head and changing Dataset to TRAIN: ('voc_2012_train_instance', 'sbd_9118_instance') and TEST: ('voc_2012_val_instance',). And it should also set PS_ON: False, which turns off panoptic segmentation. We will plan to update new configure files for instance segmentation only.

scott870430 commented 3 years ago

Thanks, I will try it.

Another question, what is SP_ON mean in config?

shenyunhang commented 3 years ago

The MCG segmentation proposals are based on superpixels. Thus, we need to deal with superpixel by setting SP_ON: True.

scott870430 commented 3 years ago

Thank you for the reply!

  1. I traced your code, and found that SP_ON work in

And I checked build_detection_train_loader and build_detection_train_loader, I didn't find any different of them. And also parameter LOAD_PROPOSALS in config didn't update in add_wsl_config? So the model will not use proposal in training? Sorry, I am new in detectron2 project framework, maybe I misunderstood some places...

  1. Is superpixel means proposal in your project? As far as I know, the proposal provided by mcg is called superpixel. Or you did other operating for superpixel?

  2. Will you provide pre-trained weight for panoptic segmentation / instance segmentation?

shenyunhang commented 3 years ago
  1. Both build_detection_train_loader functions are the same in detectron2 and wsl. But load_proposals_into_datasets functions are different. And load_proposals_into_datasets is used by get_detection_dataset_dicts, and get_detection_dataset_dicts is called by _train_loader_from_config, and _train_loader_from_config is need by build_detection_train_loader. We use proposals during training. LOAD_PROPOSALS is set to True in the parent configure file PascalVOC-Detection/oicr_WSR_18_DC5_1x.yaml.
  2. Superpixel is used to generate proposals. We use the superpixel from mcg.
  3. Yes, I will try to find some pre-trained weight in previous experiments.
scott870430 commented 3 years ago

Thank you for the reply!

Why use superpixel instead of proposal from mcg?

Which GPU did you use for training? And how much time is usually spent on training? I try to reproduce your work. I run the code on three 2080ti GPUs, and it looks like it will take nearly a week. I also encountered some errors like Original error was: PyCapsule_Import could not import module "datetime", BlockingIOError: [Errno 11] Resource temporarily unavailable... Is this caused by insufficient performance of my machine?

shenyunhang commented 3 years ago


  1. MCG uses superpixel to generate proposals, and we follow MCG to generate proposals during training with their superpixel.
  2. Our training time is about 10 days in four 1080ti for 50,000 iterations. Here is two logs for 100,000 iterations in MS COCO and 50,000 iterations in PASCAL VOC: log_coco.txt log_voc.txt To reproduce the results of PASCAL VOC in paper, one should increase the number of iterations to 100,000 in configure file of PASCAL VOC. For MS COCO, this repository has better results than that reported in the paper, as we fixed some bugs.
scott870430 commented 3 years ago

Thank you for the reply!

It seems that I can have the same results as you when I reach 5000 iterations. However, I encountered `runtimeerror: can't start new thread at 6000 iterations when testing... (The above errors also occurred during testing or start testing)

It seems that the thread of my server is not enough for testing? Or the program has too many threads and it crashes. I didn’t find any relevant information on detectron2’s github.

Is there any solution, or can these errors be avoided?


scott870430 commented 3 years ago

About instance segmentation, what do you mean we need adjust the configure file by removing sem_seg_head? In config remove the SEM_SEG_HEAD?

  MASK_ON: True
  #  NAME: "TwoClassHead"
  #  IN_FEATURES: ["res5",]
    NAME: "JTSMROIHeads"
    NAME: "MaskRCNNConvUpsampleWSLHead"
    #NAME: "MaskRCNNConvUpsampleHead"
    #NAME: "build_wsl_resnet_backbone"
    NAME: "build_wsl_resnet_v2_backbone"
    FREEZE_AT: 5

After removed SEM_SEG_HEAD, I got error

  File "/home/chcheng/research/JTSM/detectron2/modeling/meta_arch/", line 21, in build_model
    model = META_ARCH_REGISTRY.get(meta_arch)(cfg)
  File "/home/chcheng/research/JTSM/detectron2/config/", line 181, in wrapped
    explicit_args = _get_args_from_config(from_config_func, *args, **kwargs)
  File "/home/chcheng/research/JTSM/detectron2/config/", line 238, in _get_args_from_config
    ret = from_config_func(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/home/chcheng/research/JTSM/projects/WSL/wsl/modeling/meta_arch/", line 99, in from_config
    "sem_seg_head": build_sem_seg_head(cfg, backbone.output_shape()),
  File "/home/chcheng/research/JTSM/detectron2/modeling/meta_arch/", line 100, in build_sem_seg_head
    return SEM_SEG_HEADS_REGISTRY.get(name)(cfg, input_shape)
  File "/home/chcheng/research/JTSM/detectron2/modeling/meta_arch/", line 130, in __init__
    1, int(np.log2(feature_strides[in_feature]) - np.log2(self.common_stride))
KeyError: 'p2'


shenyunhang commented 3 years ago

Thank you for the reply!

It seems that I can have the same results as you when I reach 5000 iterations. However, I encountered `runtimeerror: can't start new thread at 6000 iterations when testing... (The above errors also occurred during testing or start testing)

It seems that the thread of my server is not enough for testing? Or the program has too many threads and it crashes. I didn’t find any relevant information on detectron2’s github.

Is there any solution, or can these errors be avoided?


I don't have this error, maybe you can try to reduce the number of threads.

shenyunhang commented 3 years ago

About instance segmentation, what do you mean we need adjust the configure file by removing sem_seg_head? In config remove the SEM_SEG_HEAD?

  MASK_ON: True
  #  NAME: "TwoClassHead"
  #  IN_FEATURES: ["res5",]
    NAME: "JTSMROIHeads"
    NAME: "MaskRCNNConvUpsampleWSLHead"
    #NAME: "MaskRCNNConvUpsampleHead"
    #NAME: "build_wsl_resnet_backbone"
    NAME: "build_wsl_resnet_v2_backbone"
    FREEZE_AT: 5

After removed SEM_SEG_HEAD, I got error

  File "/home/chcheng/research/JTSM/detectron2/modeling/meta_arch/", line 21, in build_model
    model = META_ARCH_REGISTRY.get(meta_arch)(cfg)
  File "/home/chcheng/research/JTSM/detectron2/config/", line 181, in wrapped
    explicit_args = _get_args_from_config(from_config_func, *args, **kwargs)
  File "/home/chcheng/research/JTSM/detectron2/config/", line 238, in _get_args_from_config
    ret = from_config_func(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/home/chcheng/research/JTSM/projects/WSL/wsl/modeling/meta_arch/", line 99, in from_config
    "sem_seg_head": build_sem_seg_head(cfg, backbone.output_shape()),
  File "/home/chcheng/research/JTSM/detectron2/modeling/meta_arch/", line 100, in build_sem_seg_head
    return SEM_SEG_HEADS_REGISTRY.get(name)(cfg, input_shape)
  File "/home/chcheng/research/JTSM/detectron2/modeling/meta_arch/", line 130, in __init__
    1, int(np.log2(feature_strides[in_feature]) - np.log2(self.common_stride))
KeyError: 'p2'


Sorry, it is my wrong. To only perform instance segmentation for PASCAL VOC, you can try to set PS_ON`` toFalse, and leaveSEM_SEG_HEAD``` unchanged. More mofidies are need for MS COCO.

scott870430 commented 3 years ago

Thank you for the reply!

Is there any way to reduce the number of threads from the code or I need to add code for reduce threads?

Thanks, I will try instance segmentation for VOC.

Regarding instance segmentation on MS COCO, it need to remove SEM_SEG_HEAD in config? Btw, will you upload config for instance segmentation recently?

shenyunhang commented 3 years ago

You should change the codes in this line.

For MS COCO, you also need to set SEM_SEG_HEAD as PASCAL VOC. I will plan to upload new config.

Thank you for the reply!

Is there any way to reduce the number of threads from the code or I need to add code for reduce threads?

Thanks, I will try instance segmentation for VOC.

Regarding instance segmentation on MS COCO, it need to remove SEM_SEG_HEAD in config? Btw, will you upload config for instance segmentation recently?

scott870430 commented 3 years ago

Thanks, I will try it.

SEM_SEG_HEAD is not use in instance segmentation, but for MS COCO, I need to set SEM_SEG_HEAD as PASCAL VOC? Am i misunderstanding something?


shenyunhang commented 3 years ago

Yes, another way is remove semantic segmentation part from

Thanks, I will try it.

SEM_SEG_HEAD is not use in instance segmentation, but for MS COCO, I need to set SEM_SEG_HEAD as PASCAL VOC? Am i misunderstanding something?


scott870430 commented 3 years ago

Hi, following your instance segmentation setting, I got error with

  File "/home/chcheng/Env/Env_JTSM/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/parallel/", line 799, in forward
    output = self.module(*inputs[0], **kwargs[0])
  File "/home/chcheng/Env/Env_JTSM/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 1051, in _call_impl
    return forward_call(*input, **kwargs)
  File "/home/chcheng/research/JTSM/projects/WSL/wsl/modeling/meta_arch/", line 217, in forward
    images, features, proposals, gt_instances, gt_sem_seg, superpixels
  File "/home/chcheng/Env/Env_JTSM/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 1051, in _call_impl
    return forward_call(*input, **kwargs)
  File "/home/chcheng/research/JTSM/projects/WSL/wsl/modeling/roi_heads/", line 540, in forward
    losses = self._forward_box(features, proposals)
  File "/home/chcheng/research/JTSM/projects/WSL/wsl/modeling/roi_heads/", line 657, in _forward_box
    losses = self.box_predictor.losses(predictions, proposals, self.gt_classes_img_oh)
  File "/home/chcheng/research/JTSM/projects/WSL/wsl/modeling/roi_heads/", line 692, in losses
  File "/home/chcheng/research/JTSM/projects/WSL/wsl/modeling/roi_heads/", line 404, in losses
    return {"loss_cls": self.binary_cross_entropy_loss()}
  File "/home/chcheng/research/JTSM/projects/WSL/wsl/modeling/roi_heads/", line 361, in binary_cross_entropy_loss
    self.predict_probs_img(), self.gt_classes_img_oh, reduction="mean"
  File "/home/chcheng/Env/Env_JTSM/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/", line 2886, in binary_cross_entropy
    "Please ensure they have the same size.".format(target.size(), input.size())
ValueError: Using a target size (torch.Size([1, 20])) that is different to the input size (torch.Size([1, 21])) is deprecated. Please ensure they have the same size.

It seems that the model will still output 21 categories (including semantic?) but the ground truth only 20 categories (for instance segmentation?).

In here, the box prediction will add num_classes_stuff - 1, should modify

    NAME: "TwoClassHead"
    IN_FEATURES: ["res5",]

NUM_CLASSES to 1? After modified to one, the code will work, but I am not sure about that the modify is correct?

Some questions about the architecture, the panoptic mining branch in paper is implement in ROI_HEADS in code? What is pgt and mist meaning in here?

For instance segmentation, can I remove this line for speed up training?

scott870430 commented 3 years ago

Something about Panoptic Segmentation question, as I know, the stuff class in Panoptic Segmentation amorphous regions of similar texture or material such as grass, sky, road.

  1. In your work, you only recognize background, not the grass, sky... etc. in pascal voc 2012 dataset?
  2. Is it because of the lack of relevant annotations that lead you to set up like this?
  3. In pascal voc 2012, are all pixels other than instance classified as background?


shenyunhang commented 3 years ago

Hi, following your instance segmentation setting, I got error with

  File "/home/chcheng/Env/Env_JTSM/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/parallel/", line 799, in forward
    output = self.module(*inputs[0], **kwargs[0])
  File "/home/chcheng/Env/Env_JTSM/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 1051, in _call_impl
    return forward_call(*input, **kwargs)
  File "/home/chcheng/research/JTSM/projects/WSL/wsl/modeling/meta_arch/", line 217, in forward
    images, features, proposals, gt_instances, gt_sem_seg, superpixels
  File "/home/chcheng/Env/Env_JTSM/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 1051, in _call_impl
    return forward_call(*input, **kwargs)
  File "/home/chcheng/research/JTSM/projects/WSL/wsl/modeling/roi_heads/", line 540, in forward
    losses = self._forward_box(features, proposals)
  File "/home/chcheng/research/JTSM/projects/WSL/wsl/modeling/roi_heads/", line 657, in _forward_box
    losses = self.box_predictor.losses(predictions, proposals, self.gt_classes_img_oh)
  File "/home/chcheng/research/JTSM/projects/WSL/wsl/modeling/roi_heads/", line 692, in losses
  File "/home/chcheng/research/JTSM/projects/WSL/wsl/modeling/roi_heads/", line 404, in losses
    return {"loss_cls": self.binary_cross_entropy_loss()}
  File "/home/chcheng/research/JTSM/projects/WSL/wsl/modeling/roi_heads/", line 361, in binary_cross_entropy_loss
    self.predict_probs_img(), self.gt_classes_img_oh, reduction="mean"
  File "/home/chcheng/Env/Env_JTSM/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/", line 2886, in binary_cross_entropy
    "Please ensure they have the same size.".format(target.size(), input.size())
ValueError: Using a target size (torch.Size([1, 20])) that is different to the input size (torch.Size([1, 21])) is deprecated. Please ensure they have the same size.

It seems that the model will still output 21 categories (including semantic?) but the ground truth only 20 categories (for instance segmentation?).

In here, the box prediction will add num_classes_stuff - 1, should modify

    NAME: "TwoClassHead"
    IN_FEATURES: ["res5",]

NUM_CLASSES to 1? After modified to one, the code will work, but I am not sure about that the modify is correct?

I think the modification is right. But you should carefull check whether stuff classes are involved during mining, as it will affect the mined results for thing classes. We prefer to manually remove the segmantic part to performan instance segmentation.

Some questions about the architecture, the panoptic mining branch in paper is implement in ROI_HEADS in code?

Yes. ROI_HEADS has both panoptic panoptic mining branch and instance segmentation branch. The default semantic segmentation branch is SemSegFPNHead.

What is pgt and mist meaning in here?

pgt is pseudo-ground-truth and mist is multiple instance self-training.

For instance segmentation, can I remove this line for speed up training?

This line can be removed.

shenyunhang commented 3 years ago

Something about Panoptic Segmentation question, as I know, the stuff class in Panoptic Segmentation amorphous regions of similar texture or material such as grass, sky, road.

  1. In your work, you only recognize background, not the grass, sky... etc. in pascal voc 2012 dataset?


  1. Is it because of the lack of relevant annotations that lead you to set up like this?


  1. In pascal voc 2012, are all pixels other than instance classified as background?



You are welcome

scott870430 commented 3 years ago

Thank you for the reply!

We prefer to manually remove the segmantic part to performan instance segmentation. If I don't remove the semantic part, it will still compute loss for semantic? Does the modification for instance segmentation just change the calculation method of evaluation? (Panoptic Segmentation -> instance segmentation?)

If I want to remove the semantic segmentation part, is there anything else that needs to be removed besides this line?


shenyunhang commented 3 years ago

I think removing semantic segmentation part in is enough.

scott870430 commented 3 years ago

Hi, some question about architecture, I found mask_head and mask_refinery_0 in architecture, these two layers are also MaskRCNNConvUpsampleWSLHead, and their architecture is the same... (the config you provided also has these two layers) Why we need these two layer? Thanks.

shenyunhang commented 3 years ago

Hi, some question about architecture, I found mask_head and mask_refinery_0 in architecture, these two layers are also MaskRCNNConvUpsampleWSLHead, and their architecture is the same... (the config you provided also has these two layers) Why we need these two layer? Thanks.

Hi, mask_refinery_0 is used to refine mask results, which takes mask predictions from mask_head as supervison.

scott870430 commented 3 years ago

Is mask_refinery_0 the instance segmentation branch? And where is mask_head in architecture? Isn't the instance segmentation branch take output from grabcut as supervision?

scott870430 commented 3 years ago

Hi, I found that the training process program will also be interrupted in the config you provided.

RuntimeError: [/pytorch/third_party/gloo/gloo/transport/tcp/] Timed out waiting 1800000ms for recv operation to complete

Why is this happening? Thanks.

shenyunhang commented 3 years ago

Is mask_refinery_0 the instance segmentation branch? And where is mask_head in architecture? Isn't the instance segmentation branch take output from grabcut as supervision?

Hi, mask_refinery_0 and mask_head are both in the instance segmentation branch. And mask_refinery_0 takes the predictions of mask_head as supervision. We can also add more refinement.

shenyunhang commented 3 years ago

Hi, I found that the training process program will also be interrupted in the config you provided.

RuntimeError: [/pytorch/third_party/gloo/gloo/transport/tcp/] Timed out waiting 1800000ms for recv operation to complete

Why is this happening? Thanks.

I haven't met such issues. It seems to be the problem in distributed training.