shepmaster / snafu

Easily assign underlying errors into domain-specific errors while adding context
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Add an ensure macro that works with pattern matching #429

Closed YjyJeff closed 8 months ago

YjyJeff commented 8 months ago

In some of the cases, we need to ensure the variable is a specific variant and return an error if the pattern does not match. We can achieve it with let-else now. For example:

enum Input{

let Input::A(val) = input else{
    return Err(....)

In the snafu, we encourage the user to use ensure macros to check the condition. Could we provide a new macro ensure_variant to check the pattern matching?

shepmaster commented 8 months ago

I've had similar thoughts before, but a repeatable structure has never really emerged. For example, for Advent of Code, I've written a number of things where I use the wrong value in the error:

Ok(match c {
    'a' => Thing::A,
    'b' => Thing::B,
    other => return InvalidSnafu { other }.fail(),

Some questions to tease out details...

shepmaster commented 8 months ago

In similar cases, I use SNAFU as part of a bigger picture. I'll often define an enum so that each variant is exactly zero or one tuple, then sub structs with the details and conversion methods:

use snafu::prelude::*;

enum Input {

struct A(String);
struct B(i64);

impl From<A> for Input {
    fn from(other: A) -> Self {

impl TryFrom<Input> for A {
    type Error = InvalidError;

    fn try_from(original: Input) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
        match original {
            Input::A(v) => Ok(v),
            original => InvalidSnafu { original }.fail(),

#[derive(Debug, Snafu)]
#[snafu(display("The enum was not the requested type"))]
struct InvalidError {
    original: Input,

I then often create an enum to generate that for me:

use snafu::prelude::*;

macro_rules! awesome {
        enum $e_name:ident {
    ) => (
        enum $e_name {

            struct $v_name($v_field);

            impl From<$v_name> for $e_name {
                fn from(other: $v_name) -> Self {

            impl TryFrom<$e_name> for $v_name {
                type Error = InvalidError;

                fn try_from(original: $e_name) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
                    match original {
                        Input::$v_name(v) => Ok(v),
                        original => InvalidSnafu { original }.fail(),

awesome! {
    enum Input {

#[derive(Debug, Snafu)]
#[snafu(display("The enum was not the requested type"))]
struct InvalidError {
    original: Input,

I'm certain there are crates out there that do the same as that macro (likely even better!), but I tend to write the one-off each time I need it.