shepmaster / sxd-document

An XML library in Rust
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Add at least rudimentary DTD handling #50

Open frp opened 7 years ago

frp commented 7 years ago

sxd-document does not work if the document has internal DTD.

Trying to parse the example document (taken from here):

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE note [
<!ELEMENT note (to,from,heading,body)>
<!ELEMENT heading (#PCDATA)>
<body>Don't forget me this weekend</body>

I get the following error: (37, [Expected("SYSTEM")]). 37 is the position of the first [. Adding full parsing of internal DTD might be quite a big deal, but, for my purposes (parsing JMdict) just ignoring the DTD content would be fine.

shepmaster commented 6 years ago

Mentoring Instructions

The DTD grammar and tokens are defined in the XML spec.

Work for this will probably largely live in parse_document_type_declaration:

For now, we aren't really worried about amazing performance or even collecting the data, all we need to make sure of is that the parser can accept the input data.

A small example to add to the tests:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<cXML />

Strangely, it kind of seems like this much of it should already be supported; I'm guessing that there's some small mistake in what the parser accepts.

onelson commented 6 years ago

OK, so I've been tinkering and learning. So far, I have found that the presence of a / character is enough to cause breakage.

I traced the failure back to parse_one_quoted_value

I'm assuming that the 2nd try_parse!() here is meant to consume all characters up until the token passed in (in this case either a ' or a "), yet it's terminating prematurely at the /.

I don't really see a reason for this, but at this superficial level I suspect the bug is actually in the peresil crate which provides the try_parse!() macro. I may pivot over to write some tests for peresil and see if I can reproduce with a simple case.

shepmaster commented 6 years ago

It's actually because the grammar for parse_external_id got mistranslated:

commit 7e6b99340b40a06ec938c9d12b96d103c4e4a5ac
Author: Jake Goulding <>
Date:   Wed Mar 7 19:31:17 2018 -0500

    DTD SystemLiterals can contain any character

diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 995ba0d..b645f9c 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -481,8 +481,10 @@ fn parse_external_id<'a>(pm: &mut XmlMaster<'a>, xml: StringPoint<'a>)
     let (xml, _) = try_parse!(xml.expect_literal("SYSTEM"));
     let (xml, _) = try_parse!(xml.expect_space());
     let (xml, external_id) = try_parse!(
-        parse_quoted_value(pm, xml, |_, xml, _| xml.consume_name().map_err(|_| SpecificError::ExpectedSystemLiteral))
-        );
+        parse_quoted_value(pm, xml, |_, xml, quote| {
+            xml.consume_attribute_value(quote).map_err(|_| SpecificError::ExpectedSystemLiteral)
+        })
+    );

     success(external_id, xml)
@@ -1311,11 +1313,11 @@ mod test {

     fn a_prolog_with_a_document_type_declaration() {
-        let package = quick_parse("<?xml version='1.0'?><!DOCTYPE doc SYSTEM \"doc.dtd\"><hello/>");
+        let package = quick_parse(r#"<?xml version="1.0"?><!DOCTYPE cXML SYSTEM ""><cXML />"#);
         let doc = package.as_document();
         let top = top(&doc);

-        assert_qname_eq!(, "hello");
+        assert_qname_eq!(, "cXML");

onelson commented 6 years ago

Oh, mm. :blush: I guess I was about to go on a wild goose chase.

onelson commented 6 years ago

Taking almost verbatim what was shown here, the test is passing.

In order to not be a total plagiarist, I'm going to try and work up a solution for the OP's case. Worth a shot at least!

onelson commented 6 years ago

I've added the example from @frp as a test (which is now passing). Not sure what else I can do outside of addressing any nitpicks.