sheriferson / Visualize.mmBundle

:bar_chart: Visualize email history and trends.
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Great work! How about adding recipients and slice by year? #3

Open ats opened 9 years ago

ats commented 9 years ago

This is great! Really cool work, Sherif.

I'd be interested in a couple of enhancements: Can you produce a plot of recipients in sent mail? I'm not sure if that's accessible data or not.

It would also be neat to see the ability to group the data by year: So, how senders vary in 2015 as compared to 2014, for example?

sheriferson commented 9 years ago


Yes, plots of sent mail have been on my list and the data is accessible (although ultimately it depends on the messages you've selected and if they include sent messages -- I cannot access messages the user didn't select before invoking the bundle commands). I'm just ironing out some implementation details and figuring out how best to make it work with the way the bundle works.

re: your second suggestion, recipients by year. You're thinking of the pie chart that splits senders by proportion? I could still display the one that plots all the selected messages, and then show ones for each year represented.

ats commented 9 years ago

On 8 Aug 2015, at 21:09, Sherif Soliman wrote:

re: your second suggestion, recipients by year. You're thinking of the pie chart that splits senders by proportion? I could still display the one that plots all the selected messages, and then show ones for each year represented.

I'm actually thinking of something similar to the way gpplot can display multiple separate graphs using facets (e.g. In this case, I am imagining a separate panel per year, showing a plot of senders (or recipients) per year. I'm not sure if this is something that d3.js can readily do, however.

sheriferson commented 9 years ago

I know what you mean. I use facets in ggplot/R and they're amazing. I don't think there is an equivalent in d3.js though -- or none that I have heard of or found by searching. If you come across anything promising, I'd appreciate it if you send it my way.