sherlock-audit / 2022-09-notional-judging

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xiaoming90 - Did Not Approve To Zero First #59

Open sherlock-admin opened 1 year ago

sherlock-admin commented 1 year ago



Did Not Approve To Zero First


Allowance was not set to zero first before changing the allowance.

Vulnerability Detail

Some ERC20 tokens (like USDT) do not work when changing the allowance from an existing non-zero allowance value. For example Tether (USDT)'s approve() function will revert if the current approval is not zero, to protect against front-running changes of approvals.

The following attempt to call the approve() function without setting the allowance to zero first.

File: TokenUtils.sol
18:     function checkApprove(IERC20 token, address spender, uint256 amount) internal {
19:         if (address(token) == address(0)) return;
21:         IEIP20NonStandard(address(token)).approve(spender, amount);
22:         _checkReturnCode();
23:     }

However, if the token involved is an ERC20 token that does not work when changing the allowance from an existing non-zero allowance value, it will break a number of key functions or features of the protocol as the TokenUtils.checkApprove function is utilised extensively within the vault as shown below.

File: TwoTokenPoolUtils.sol
157:     function _approveBalancerTokens(TwoTokenPoolContext memory poolContext, address bptSpender) internal {
158:         IERC20(poolContext.primaryToken).checkApprove(address(Deployments.BALANCER_VAULT), type(uint256).max);
159:         IERC20(poolContext.secondaryToken).checkApprove(address(Deployments.BALANCER_VAULT), type(uint256).max);
160:         // Allow BPT spender to pull BALANCER_POOL_TOKEN
161:         IERC20(address(poolContext.basePool.pool)).checkApprove(bptSpender, type(uint256).max);
162:     }

File: Boosted3TokenPoolUtils.sol
222:     function _approveBalancerTokens(ThreeTokenPoolContext memory poolContext, address bptSpender) internal {
223:         poolContext.basePool._approveBalancerTokens(bptSpender);
225:         IERC20(poolContext.tertiaryToken).checkApprove(address(Deployments.BALANCER_VAULT), type(uint256).max);
227:         // For boosted pools, the tokens inside pool context are AaveLinearPool tokens.
228:         // So, we need to approve the _underlyingToken (primary borrow currency) for trading.
229:         IBoostedPool underlyingPool = IBoostedPool(poolContext.basePool.primaryToken);
230:         address primaryUnderlyingAddress = BalancerUtils.getTokenAddress(underlyingPool.getMainToken());
231:         IERC20(primaryUnderlyingAddress).checkApprove(address(Deployments.BALANCER_VAULT), type(uint256).max);
232:     }

File: TradingUtils.sol
110:     /// @notice Approve exchange to pull from this contract
111:     /// @dev approve up to trade.amount for EXACT_IN trades and up to trade.limit
112:     /// for EXACT_OUT trades
113:     function _approve(Trade memory trade, address spender) private {
114:         uint256 allowance = _isExactIn(trade) ? trade.amount : trade.limit;
115:         IERC20(trade.sellToken).checkApprove(spender, allowance);
116:     }

File: StrategyUtils.sol
85:             IERC20(buyToken).checkApprove(address(Deployments.WRAPPED_STETH), amountBought);
86:             uint256 wrappedAmount = Deployments.WRAPPED_STETH.balanceOf(address(this));
87:             /// @notice the amount returned by wrap is not always accurate for some reason
88:             Deployments.WRAPPED_STETH.wrap(amountBought);
89:             amountBought = Deployments.WRAPPED_STETH.balanceOf(address(this)) - wrappedAmount;


A number of features within the vaults will not work if the approve function reverts.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


It is recommended to set the allowance to zero before increasing the allowance and use safeApprove/safeIncreaseAllowance.

jeffywu commented 1 year ago


rayn731 commented 1 year ago

Fixed, approve 0 first to prevent reverting if the current allowance is non-zero.