sherlock-audit / 2022-09-notional-judging

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xiaoming90 - `CrossCurrencyfCashVault` Cannot Be Upgraded #65

Open sherlock-admin opened 1 year ago

sherlock-admin commented 1 year ago



CrossCurrencyfCashVault Cannot Be Upgraded


CrossCurrencyfCashVault cannot be upgraded as it is missing the authorize upgrade method.

Vulnerability Detail

The Cross Currency Vault is expected to be upgradeable as:

CrossCurrencyfCashVault inherits from BaseStrategyVault. However, the BaseStrategyVault forget to inherit Openzepplin's UUPSUpgradeable contract. Therefore, it is missing the authorize upgrade method, and the contract cannot be upgraded.

abstract contract BaseStrategyVault is Initializable, IStrategyVault {
    using TokenUtils for IERC20;
    using TradeHandler for Trade;

    /// @notice Hardcoded on the implementation contract during deployment
    NotionalProxy public immutable NOTIONAL;
    ITradingModule public immutable TRADING_MODULE;
    uint8 constant internal INTERNAL_TOKEN_DECIMALS = 8;


    // Storage gap for future potential upgrades
    uint256[45] private __gap;

contract CrossCurrencyfCashVault is BaseStrategyVault {
    using TypeConvert for uint256;
    using TypeConvert for int256;

    uint256 public constant SETTLEMENT_SLIPPAGE_PRECISION = 1e18;

    struct DepositParams {
        // Minimum purchase amount of the lend underlying token, this is
        // based on the deposit + borrowed amount and must be set to a non-zero
        // value to establish a slippage limit.
        uint256 minPurchaseAmount;
        // Minimum annualized lending rate, can be set to zero for no slippage limit
        uint32 minLendRate;
        // ID of the desired DEX to trade on, _depositFromNotional will always trade
        // using an EXACT_IN_SINGLE trade which is supported by all DEXes
        uint16 dexId;
        // Exchange data depending on the selected dexId


If a critical bug is discovered within the Cross Currency Vault after launching that causes a loss of assets, the vault cannot be upgraded unlike the other balancer-related vaults to fix the bugs. All assets within the vault will be lost

Code Snippet

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Manual Review


It is recommended to Inherit Openzepplin's UUPSUpgradeable contract and implement the missing authorize upgrade method.

- abstract contract BaseStrategyVault is Initializable, IStrategyVault {
+ abstract contract BaseStrategyVault is Initializable, IStrategyVault, UUPSUpgradeable {
    using TokenUtils for IERC20;
    using TradeHandler for Trade;

    /// @notice Hardcoded on the implementation contract during deployment
    NotionalProxy public immutable NOTIONAL;
    ITradingModule public immutable TRADING_MODULE;
    uint8 constant internal INTERNAL_TOKEN_DECIMALS = 8;


+    function _authorizeUpgrade(
+        address /* newImplementation */
+    ) internal override onlyNotionalOwner {}    

    // Storage gap for future potential upgrades
    uint256[45] private __gap;
jeffywu commented 1 year ago

Valid issue, the vault is missing the proper method.