sherlock-audit / 2022-09-notional-judging

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xiaoming90 - Balancer Vault Will Receive Fewer Assets As The Current Design Does Not Serve The Interest Of Vault Shareholders #76

Open sherlock-admin opened 1 year ago

sherlock-admin commented 1 year ago



Balancer Vault Will Receive Fewer Assets As The Current Design Does Not Serve The Interest Of Vault Shareholders


The current implementation of reinvesting reward function does not benefit the vault shareholders as the current design does not serve the vault shareholder's interest well. Thus, this will result in Balancer vaults receiving fewer assets.

Vulnerability Detail

The reinvestReward function of the Balancer Vaults (MetaStable2TokenAuraVault and Boosted3TokenAuraVault) is permissionless and can be called by anyone. By calling reinvestReward function, the vault will trade the reward tokens received by the vault for tokens that are accepted by the balancer pool, and deposit them to the pool to obtain more BPT tokens for the vault shareholders. By continuously reinvesting the reward tokens into the pool, the vault shareholders will be able to lay claim to more BPT tokens per share over time.

File: MetaStable2TokenAuraHelper.sol
114:     function reinvestReward(
115:         MetaStable2TokenAuraStrategyContext calldata context,
116:         ReinvestRewardParams calldata params
117:     ) external {

File: Boosted3TokenAuraHelper.sol
115:     function reinvestReward(
116:         Boosted3TokenAuraStrategyContext calldata context,
117:         ReinvestRewardParams calldata params
118:     ) external {        

The caller of the reinvestReward function can specify the trading configuration such as the DEX (e.g. Uniswap, Curve) that the trade should be executed and the slippage (params.tradeParams.oracleSlippagePercent). Note that the slippage defined must be equal to or less than the strategyContext.vaultSettings.maxRewardTradeSlippageLimitPercent setting that is currently set to 5% within the test scripts.

Notional Vaults support trading in multiple DEX protocols (Curve, Balancer V2, Uniswap V2 & V3 and 0x). Since reinvestReward function is callable by anyone, the liquidity provider of the supported DEX protocols will want the trade to be executed on the DEX pool that they invested on. This will allow them to earn an additional transaction fee from the trade. The amount of transaction fee earned will be significant if the volume is large when there are many vaults and reward tokens to be reinvested. In addition, the caller will set the slippage to the maximum configurable threshold (e.g. 5% in this example) to maximize the profit. Therefore, this will end up having various liquidity providers front-running each other to ensure that their reinvestReward transaction gets executed in order to extract value.


This does not serve the vault shareholder's interest well as the caller of the reinvestReward function will not be trading and reinvesting in an optimal way that maximizes the value of the shareholder's assets in the vaults. There is a misalignment in the objective between the vault shareholders and callers. Therefore, the vault and its users will end up on the losing end and receive fewer assets than they should.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


It is recommended to implement access control on the reinvestReward function to ensure that this function can only be triggered by Notional who has the best interest of its vault users.

Also, consider sending the reinvestReward transaction as a private transaction via Flashbot so that the attacker cannot perform any kind of sandwich attack on the reinvest rewards transaction.

jeffywu commented 1 year ago

There is some balance between centralization and decentralization here, but the auditor does bring up some valid points that we can consider.

If re-invest rewards is called at a predictable cadence the amount of fees generated by trading will likely not be significant enough to generate profits for MEV.

T-Woodward commented 1 year ago

Yeah I think this is a legitimate issue. We are permissioning reward reinvestment.

jeffywu commented 1 year ago

Permissions were added in this commit:

rayn731 commented 1 year ago

The fix is valid. Notional implemented access control on the reinvestReward