sherlock-audit / 2022-10-illuminate-judging

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HonorLt - Mint Illuminate's ERC5095 indefinitely and auto redeem #234

Closed sherlock-admin closed 1 year ago

sherlock-admin commented 1 year ago



Mint Illuminate's ERC5095 indefinitely and auto redeem


mint lets users deposit Illuminate's ERC5095 and mint more of it. Later these tokens can be auto-redeemed.

Vulnerability Detail

Lender provides a very simple mint function where the users can just deposit any principal token and get ERC5095 in return:

      address principal = IMarketPlace(marketPlace).token(u, m, p);

      // Transfer the users principal tokens to the lender contract
      Safe.transferFrom(IERC20(principal), msg.sender, address(this), a);

      // Mint the tokens received from the user
      IERC5095(principalToken(u, m)).authMint(msg.sender, a);

Malicious users can deposit and mint Illuminate tokens over and over again because there are no restrictions. This will increase the total supply of ERC5095 and legitimate users will receive less:

   uint256 redeemed = (a * holdings[u][m]) / pt.totalSupply();

Also, this can crash the system later, because anyone can autoRedeem on behalf of the Lender:

  uint256 allowance = uToken.allowance(f[i], address(this));

because Lender has automatically approved Redeemer to transfer all its tokens:

 /// @notice approves the redeemer contract to spend the principal tokens held by the lender contract.
    /// @param u address of an underlying asset
    /// @param m maturity (timestamp) of the market
    /// @param r the address being approved, in this case the redeemer contract
    /// @return bool true if the approval was successful
    function approve(
        address u,
        uint256 m,
        address r
    ) external authorized(admin) returns (bool) {
        // approve the underlying for max per given principal
        for (uint8 i; i != 9; ) {
            // get the principal token's address
            address token = IMarketPlace(marketPlace).token(u, m, i);
            // check that the token is defined for this particular market
            if (token != address(0)) {
                // max approve the token
                Safe.approve(IERC20(token), r, type(uint256).max);
            unchecked {
        return true;


Anyone can mint ERC5095 indefinitely and later redeem all the fictitiously minted tokens to the Lender contract and leave dust for the legitimate users.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Forbid indefinite mint and block autoRedeem when f address is Lender.

Duplicate of #108