sherlock-audit / 2022-11-float-capital-judging

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obront - Funding Rate calculation is not correct #33

Open sherlock-admin opened 1 year ago

sherlock-admin commented 1 year ago



Funding Rate calculation is not correct


According to the docs, the Funding Rate is intended to correspond to the gap between long and short positions that the Float Pool is required to make up. However, as its implemented, the totalFunding is calculated only on the size of the overbalanced position, leading to some unexpected situations.

Vulnerability Detail

According to the comments, totalFunding is meant to be calculated as follows:

totalFunding is calculated on the notional of between long and short liquidity and 2x long and short liquidity.

This makes sense. The purpose of the funding rate is to compensate the Float Pool for the liquidity provided to balance the market.

However, the implementation of this function does not accomplish this. Instead, totalFunding is based only on the size of the overbalancedValue:

uint256 totalFunding = (2 * overbalancedValue * fundingRateMultiplier * oracleManager.EPOCH_LENGTH()) / (365.25 days * 10000);

This can be summarized as 2 * overbalancedValue * funding rate percentage * epochs / yr.

This formula can cause problems, because the size of the overbalanced value doesn't necessarily correspond to the balancing required for the Float Pool.

For these examples, let's set:



We can see that in Situation B, Float supplied 900X more liquidity to the system, and earned 1000X less fees.


Funding Rates will not accomplish the stated objective, and will serve to incentivize pools that rely heavily on Float for balancing, while disincentivizing large, balanced markets.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review, Foundry


Adjust the totalFunding formula to represent the stated outcome. A simple example of how that might be accomplished is below, but I'm sure there are better implementations:

uint256 totalFunding = ((overbalancedValue - underbalancedValue) * fundingRateMultiplier * oracle.EPOCH_LENGTH()) / (365.25 days * 10_000);
JasoonS commented 1 year ago

It is acknowledged that this funding rate equation is just a placeholder for now.

This typo of funding rate equation is desired if we want to incentivise market makers to always keep liquidity in the Float pool regardless of market balance.

Our initial implementation was EXACTLY the same as what you wrote in the recommendation (and it is exactly what has been deployed live for the alpha version of the protocol for the last year). But after talks with market makers it became clear that they want 'guaranteed' returns of sorts even if the market is balanced to keep their funds there.

We have (since audit) refined an updated equation that is a hybrid of the two extremes. This is some of the core logic that we'll have to keep iterating on to make float work. It is the magic sauce.

Apologies for that mistake in the comments. The comments also say: This modular function is logical but naive implementation that will likely change somewhat upon more indepth modelling results that are still pending.

TLDR - this is as intended and the shortcomings are known.

Evert0x commented 1 year ago

Downgrading to informational as the docs on which this issue is based also indicate that it's a placeholder. Issue doesn't make a case for med/high in case the formula makes it to production.

zobront commented 1 year ago

Escalate for 5 USDC

It seems like quite a stretch to claim that the current implementation is a placeholder. The exact quote in the docs is:

This modular function is logical but naive implementation that will likely change somewhat upon more indepth modelling results that are still pending.

This clearly states that the function is supposed to accomplish what they state it will accomplish. They acknowledge it may change, but specifically lay out what the function should do and claim that it does it.

If saying “this is right but may change somewhat” disqualifies valid issues, then anything that says that should not be in scope. So I feel it is very clear that the report does find a real issue in the code.

Now, I understand that if this was just an issue with the docs, it’d be informational. That’s fair.

But the actual implementation isn’t an “alternative”. It’s a totally invalid way to implement the function that would cause harm to the platform.

The goal of the function is to ensure the Float pool is compensated for the real risk that it is taking on. If it is substantially underpaid (as it would be in many cases with the erroneous formula), it can easily cause the pool to lose funds. The formula doesn't accomplish the objective that is needed from it, and it puts the protocol's own funds at risk.

The fact that, since the audit, they have updated the equation seems to imply that they agree that the implementation in the audit code was untenable.

So it seems clear to me that: a) the issue is a real mismatch between explicitly intended behavior and the code b) it would cause real harm if it was deployed as written

Therefore, I believe a severity of Medium is justified.

sherlock-admin commented 1 year ago

Escalate for 5 USDC

It seems like quite a stretch to claim that the current implementation is a placeholder. The exact quote in the docs is:

This modular function is logical but naive implementation that will likely change somewhat upon more indepth modelling results that are still pending.

This clearly states that the function is supposed to accomplish what they state it will accomplish. They acknowledge it may change, but specifically lay out what the function should do and claim that it does it.

If saying “this is right but may change somewhat” disqualifies valid issues, then anything that says that should not be in scope. So I feel it is very clear that the report does find a real issue in the code.

Now, I understand that if this was just an issue with the docs, it’d be informational. That’s fair.

But the actual implementation isn’t an “alternative”. It’s a totally invalid way to implement the function that would cause harm to the platform.

The goal of the function is to ensure the Float pool is compensated for the real risk that it is taking on. If it is substantially underpaid (as it would be in many cases with the erroneous formula), it can easily cause the pool to lose funds. The formula doesn't accomplish the objective that is needed from it, and it puts the protocol's own funds at risk.

The fact that, since the audit, they have updated the equation seems to imply that they agree that the implementation in the audit code was untenable.

So it seems clear to me that: a) the issue is a real mismatch between explicitly intended behavior and the code b) it would cause real harm if it was deployed as written

Therefore, I believe a severity of Medium is justified.

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hrishibhat commented 1 year ago

Escalation accepted.

sherlock-admin commented 1 year ago

Escalation accepted.

This issue's escalations have been accepted!

Contestants' payouts and scores will be updated according to the changes made on this issue.

JasoonS commented 1 year ago

For the record I disagree that this is a vulnerability. This implementation makes some trade-offs.

Anyway, we have made another interim adaptation to the incentives - it also has its own trade-offs just like this implementation.

jacksanford1 commented 1 year ago

From WatchPug:

The formula for funding fee does not take the actual service provided by the float pool, i.e., the amount of matching funds from the float pool, into consideration.

Therefore, in certain cases, the other two pools (l/s) may end up paying more funding fee than expected.


Given: Funding multipler is 5% APR; Epoch length is 1 day. The long side intended to open a $1M position at 5x leverage, the effectiveValueLong is $5M. There is only $10 position on the short side and $10 liquidity in the float pool. While the float pool can only provide $50 liquidity to the long side, the funding fee charged is: ($5M + $10) 5% 5 * 1 day / 1 year

Recommendation The amount of funding fee should be charged based on the amount of liquidity provided by the float pool, ie, $50 in the above case.

jacksanford1 commented 1 year ago

Acknowledged by Float:

We could put a cap on the maximum funding the 'tranche/Float pool' can earn, but how it is now will be a strong incentive for market makers to put more funds to get the two sides in balance again. I'll discuss this more with the team, but I think this is what we decided before. It is true that our system takes some time to respond to massive (relative to the current market size) injections of liquidity into a single side, but in normal running the Float pool should absorb most of that.