sherlock-audit / 2022-11-float-capital-judging

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WATCHPUG - Unsafe type casting of `poolValue` can malfunction the whole market #45

Open sherlock-admin opened 1 year ago

sherlock-admin commented 1 year ago



Unsafe type casting of poolValue can malfunction the whole market


When poolValue is a negative number due to loss in valueChange and funding, the unsafe type casting from int256 to uint256 will result in a huge number close to 2**255 which will revert _rebalancePoolsAndExecuteBatchedActions() due to overflow when multiplied by 1e18 at L163.

Vulnerability Detail

If the funding rate is 100% per year and the EPOCH_LENGTH is 4 days, the funding fee for each epoch can be as much as ~1% on the effectiveValue.

Plus, the loss from valueChange is capped at 99%, but combining both can still result in a negative poolValue at L146.

At L163 uint256 price = uint256(poolValue).div(tokenSupply); the type casting from int256 to uint256 will result in a huge number close to 2**255.

MathUintFloat.div() will overflow when a number as large as 2**255 is multiplied by 1e18.


_rebalancePoolsAndExecuteBatchedActions will revert and cause the malfunction of the whole market.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Consider adding a new function to properly handle the bankruptcy of a specific pool.

JasoonS commented 1 year ago

We seed the pools initially with sufficient un-extractable capital such that this shouldn't be an issue (it should never get close to 0 - even after millions of years and trillions of transactions that may have rounding down and all users withdrawing their funds).

We could create a safe cast function to check - but we made poolValue an int256 so that it is easier to operate on with other signed integers - not because it is ever possible for it to be negative. So it would be redundant in this case.

moose-code commented 1 year ago

@JasoonS Want to relook at this. @WooSungD @Stentonian maybe you also have thoughts.

I believe watchpug is explaining something different.

They are saying that poolValue can be negative, as a 99% capped loss of poolValue, in conjunction with a 1% funding fee (imagine the side is very overbalanced), will result in the pool value losing more than 100% in total.

A safe guard would be to check that with BOTH funding and value change, 99% is the maximum a pool can lose in any single iteration.

Given system parameterizations, where epoch length will never be that long and funding rate should never be that high, its unlikely this would be an issue in practice, but likely still worth making a change for.

Let me know if anyone has thoughts

JasoonS commented 1 year ago

Yes, you're right, went through these too fast.

We've discussed this internally a few times. This point should've made it into the readme.

We could add checks to the epoch length on construction to ensure were safe

JasoonS commented 1 year ago

Nothing to change here.

The epochs would need to be many days long at least for the funding to be close high enough for this to be an issue in the black swan event of a single price change delta being greater than the max change (33% percent).

I believe this to be an informational issue. We could've made it explicit in the readme. But the Video walkthrough implies that the epoch length would be an hour or shorter.

TLDR if the markets are configured correctly, this is a mathematical impossibility. We have plenty of lee-way with current config.