sherlock-audit / 2022-11-nounsdao-judging

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Koolex - The stream recipient can prevent the payer from cancelling the stream #38

Closed sherlock-admin closed 1 year ago

sherlock-admin commented 1 year ago



The stream recipient can prevent the payer from cancelling the stream


The stream recipient can prevent the payer from cancelling the stream.

Vulnerability Detail

For stream tokens that implement IERC777 (backward compatible with IERC-20), the recipient can prevent the payer from cancelling the stream. The receipent could be a contract which implements tokensReceived() hook which is called when transferring the tokens at the following line in cancel() function

 if (recipientBalance > 0) token_.safeTransfer(recipient_, recipientBalance);

The hook tokensReceived() can simply revert the transaction if the received amount is less than full fund. This way, the cancel() function will always revert till the stream ends.

Another scenario, the receipent can block cancel() function always (even after the stream ends) by reverting the transaction if the received amount doesn't equal tokenAmount-1. Then the receipent waits till the stream ends and use withdraw() function to withdraw tokenAmount-1. In this scenario, the payer can not withdraw what's left from the contract balance after the stream ends.

Note: tokenAmount refers to the amount that was set when the stream was created by the payer.


Code Snippet

cancel() function

Tool used

Manual Review


Favor pull over push. The cancel() function used by two parties. When the function is called, it pulls for one and push for the other. this causes the vulnerability described above.

I suggest:

  1. Let the cancel() function transfer the token to the payer only. An example:

    uint256 recipientBalance = balanceOf(recipient_);
    // set remainingBalance to recipientBalance (as it is the maximum at this time)
    remainingBalance = recipientBalance;
    // payerBalance after deducting recipientBalance
    uint256 payerBalance = tokenBalance()-recipientBalance;
    if (payerBalance > 0) {
            token_.safeTransfer(payer_, payerBalance);
  2. The recipient can still withdraw their fair share of the funds by calling withdraw() and passing their balance.

davidbrai commented 1 year ago

thank you for the finding, but ERC777 was not in scope for the audit:

koolexcrypto commented 1 year ago

Escalate for 10 USDC

This gives a contextual info that none of the ERC777 tokens are used but not saying that it is out of scope. If that's the case, I would say that all ERC20 tokens are out of scope except USDC and WETH which is not the case as asking on Discord channel, It was confirmed that "any popular ERC20" is supported.

sherlock-admin commented 1 year ago

Escalate for 10 USDC

  • The contest at provides the following:
    On-chain context:
    DEPLOYMENT: mainnet
    ERC20: USDC and WETH
    ERC721: none
    ERC777: none
    ADMIN: n/a

This gives a contextual info that none of the ERC777 tokens are used but not saying that it is out of scope. If that's the case, I would say that all ERC20 tokens are out of scope except USDC and WETH which is not the case as asking on Discord channel, It was confirmed that "any popular ERC20" is supported.

You've created a valid escalation for 10 USDC!

To remove the escalation from consideration: Delete your comment. To change the amount you've staked on this escalation: Edit your comment (do not create a new comment).

You may delete or edit your escalation comment anytime before the 48-hour escalation window closes. After that, the escalation becomes final.

hrishibhat commented 1 year ago

Escalation rejected

Readme clearly says ERC777 to be out of scope.

sherlock-admin commented 1 year ago

Escalation rejected

Readme clearly says ERC777 to be out of scope.

This issue's escalations have been rejected!

Watsons who escalated this issue will have their escalation amount deducted from their next payout.