sherlock-audit / 2022-11-nounsdao-judging

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zimu - It doesn't handle fee-on-transfer/deflationary tokens #45

Closed sherlock-admin closed 1 year ago

sherlock-admin commented 1 year ago



It doesn't handle fee-on-transfer/deflationary tokens


Although the protocol currently doesn't have fee-on-transfer or rabasing tokens in on-chain context, since StreamFactory.createStream(...) is proposed by users, it is not guaranteed fee-to-transfer/deflationary tokens won't be used to transfer in stream from payers to recipients in the future.

Vulnerability Detail

  1. The streaming solution consists of Streamer and Token Buyer. After StreamFactory.createStream(...) creates a proposal with Streamer, the user as the Payer can submit a call of Payer.sendOrRegisterDebt(...) and register debt.

    function sendOrRegisterDebt(address account, uint256 amount) {
        uint256 availableBalance = paymentToken.balanceOf(address(this));
        if (amount <= availableBalance) {
            paymentToken.safeTransfer(account, amount);
        } else if (availableBalance > 0) {
            paymentToken.safeTransfer(account, availableBalance);
            registerDebt(account, amount - availableBalance);
        } else {
            registerDebt(account, amount);
  2. Then the Payer can call Payer.payBackDebt(...) to fund the stream asynchronously. As can be seen in the following, Payer.payBackDebt(...) doesn't check the balance after the execution of paymentToken.safeTransfer(_debtAccount, amount) or paymentToken.safeTransfer(_debtAccount, _debtAmount) and the debt amount is calculated by dequeuing from the registered debt queue before the transfer. When in fee-on-transfer/deflationary tokens case, the Stream contract will receive the amount of tokens less than the amount declared in the proposal of StreamFactory.createStream(...).

    function payBackDebt(uint256 amount) {
        uint256 debtPaidBack = 0;
        while (amount > 0 && !queue.empty()) {
            DebtQueue.DebtEntry storage debt = queue.front();
            uint96 _debtAmount = debt.amount;
            address _debtAccount = debt.account;
            if (amount < _debtAmount) {
                uint96 remainingDebt = _debtAmount - uint96(amount);
                debt.amount = remainingDebt;
                debtPaidBack += amount;
                paymentToken.safeTransfer(_debtAccount, amount);
                emit PaidBackDebt(_debtAccount, amount, remainingDebt);
            } else {
                amount -= _debtAmount;
                debtPaidBack += _debtAmount;
                paymentToken.safeTransfer(_debtAccount, _debtAmount);
                emit PaidBackDebt(_debtAccount, _debtAmount, 0);
        if (debtPaidBack > 0) {
            totalDebt -= debtPaidBack;
  3. After the stop time, the recipient would finally withdraw and receive less amount of tokens than the amount declared in the proposal.

    function withdraw(uint256 amount) {
        if (amount == 0) revert CantWithdrawZero();
        address recipient_ = recipient();
        uint256 balance = balanceOf(recipient_);
        if (balance < amount) revert AmountExceedsBalance();
        unchecked {
            remainingBalance = remainingBalance - amount;
        token().safeTransfer(recipient_, amount);
        emit TokensWithdrawn(msg.sender, recipient_, amount);


The recipient will receive less amount of tokens than the amount declared in the proposal.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


  1. In Token Buyer, check the balance after the execution of paymentToken.safeTransfer(_debtAccount, amount) or paymentToken.safeTransfer(_debtAccount, _debtAmount) in Payer.payBackDebt(...);
  2. In Streamer, change from
    function withdraw(uint256 amount) external onlyPayerOrRecipient {
        if (amount == 0) revert CantWithdrawZero();
        address recipient_ = recipient();
        uint256 balance = balanceOf(recipient_);
        if (balance < amount) revert AmountExceedsBalance();
        unchecked {
            remainingBalance = remainingBalance - amount;
        token().safeTransfer(recipient_, amount);
        emit TokensWithdrawn(msg.sender, recipient_, amount);


    function withdraw(uint256 amount) external onlyPayerOrRecipient {
        if (amount == 0) revert CantWithdrawZero();
        address recipient_ = recipient();
        uint256 balance = balanceOf(recipient_);
        if (balance < amount) revert AmountExceedsBalance();
        balanceBefore_ = token().balanceOf(address(recipient_));
        token().safeTransfer(recipient_, amount);
        balanceAfter_ = token().balanceOf(address(recipient_));
        amountSub_ = balanceAfter_ - balanceBefore_;
        unchecked {
            remainingBalance = remainingBalance - amountSub_;
        emit TokensWithdrawn(msg.sender, recipient_, amountSub_);
davidbrai commented 1 year ago

fee-on-transfer/deflationary tokens were out of scope for this audit