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yongkiws - withdraw() and cancel() opens just in case using nonReentrant or ReentrancyGuard #79

Closed sherlock-admin closed 1 year ago

sherlock-admin commented 1 year ago



withdraw() and cancel() opens just in case using nonReentrant or ReentrancyGuard


The function has the external and onlyPayerOrRecipient modifiers, which mean that it can be called from outside the contract (i.e., from another contract or from a regular Ethereum account), but only if the caller is either the "payer" or the "recipient" of the tokens. The function begins by checking if the amount is zero. If it is, it calls the CantWithdrawZero function, which likely reverts the transaction and causes it to fail.he function then retrieves the current balance of the recipient by calling the balanceOf function, passing in the recipient_ address. This balance is stored in the balance variable.

The function then checks if the amount is greater than the recipient's balance. If it is, it calls the AmountExceedsBalance function, which likely reverts the transaction and causes it to fail.

If the amount is not zero and the `amount is not greater than the balance, the functionremainingBalance variable. This is done using the unchecked keyword, which tells

After updating the remainingBalance, the function calls the `safeTransfer function of the token contract, passing in the recipient_ address and the amount as arguments. This function

localrecipient_ and assigns to it therecipient function. This function likely returns the Ethereum address of the recipient of the tokens.

Vulnerability Detail

In Stream.sol the sponsor() function does not have a reentrancy guard which would allow a re-entering attacker to have a callback to msg.sender. An attacker can make it so that the recipient_ amount is only updated once



Code Snippet

    function withdraw(uint256 amount) external onlyPayerOrRecipient {
        if (amount == 0) revert CantWithdrawZero();
        address recipient_ = recipient();

        uint256 balance = balanceOf(recipient_);
        if (balance < amount) revert AmountExceedsBalance();

        // This is safe because it should always be the case that:
        // remainingBalance >= balance >= amount.
        unchecked {
            remainingBalance = remainingBalance - amount;

        token().safeTransfer(recipient_, amount);
        emit TokensWithdrawn(msg.sender, recipient_, amount);
    function cancel() external onlyPayerOrRecipient {
        address payer_ = payer();
        address recipient_ = recipient();
        IERC20 token_ = token();

        uint256 recipientBalance = balanceOf(recipient_);

        // This zeroing is important because without it, it's possible for recipient to obtain additional funds
        // from this contract if anyone (e.g. payer) sends it tokens after cancellation.
        // Thanks to this state update, `balanceOf(recipient_)` will only return zero in future calls.
        remainingBalance = 0;

        if (recipientBalance > 0) token_.safeTransfer(recipient_, recipientBalance);

        // Using the stream's token balance rather than any other calculated field because it gracefully
        // supports cancelling the stream even if payer hasn't fully funded it.
        uint256 payerBalance = tokenBalance();
        if (payerBalance > 0) {
            token_.safeTransfer(payer_, payerBalance);

        emit StreamCancelled(msg.sender, payer_, recipient_, payerBalance, recipientBalance);

Tool used

Manual Review


A reentrancy guard modifier should be added to the withdraw() and cancel() function in Stream.sol