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MalfurionWhitehat - Possible division by zero depending on `TradingModule.getOraclePrice` return values #2

Open github-actions[bot] opened 1 year ago

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago



Possible division by zero depending on TradingModule.getOraclePrice return values


Some functions depending on TradingModule.getOraclePrice accept non-negative (int256 answer, int256 decimals) return values. In case any of those are equal to zero, division depending on answer or decimals will revert. In the worst case scenario, this will prevent the protocol from continuing operating.

Vulnerability Detail

The function TradingModule.getOraclePrice properly validates that return values from Chainlink price feeds are positive.

Nevertheless, answer may currently return zero, as it is calculated as (basePrice * quoteDecimals * RATE_DECIMALS) / (quotePrice * baseDecimals);, which can be truncated down to zero, depending on base/quote prices [1]. Additionally, decimals may in the future return zero, depending on changes to the protocol code, as the NatSpec states that this is a number of decimals in the rate, currently hardcoded to 1e18 [2].

If any of these return values are zero, calculations that use division depending on TradingModule.getOraclePrice will revert.

More specifically:


1.1 TradingModule.getLimitAmount

        require(oraclePrice >= 0); /// @dev Chainlink rate error

that calls TradingUtils._getLimitAmount, which reverts if oraclePrice is 0

            oraclePrice = (oracleDecimals * oracleDecimals) / oraclePrice;

[2] 2.1 TwoTokenPoolUtils._getOraclePairPrice

            require(decimals >= 0);

            if (uint256(decimals) != BalancerConstants.BALANCER_PRECISION) {
                rate = (rate * int256(BalancerConstants.BALANCER_PRECISION)) / decimals;

2.2 TradingModule.getLimitAmount

        require(oracleDecimals >= 0); /// @dev Chainlink decimals error

that calls TradingUtils._getLimitAmount, which reverts if oracleDecimals is 0

            limitAmount =
                ((oraclePrice + 
                    ((oraclePrice * uint256(slippageLimit)) /
                        Constants.SLIPPAGE_LIMIT_PRECISION)) * amount) / 

2.3 CrossCurrencyfCashVault.convertStrategyToUnderlying

        return (pvInternal * borrowTokenDecimals * rate) /
            (rateDecimals * int256(Constants.INTERNAL_TOKEN_PRECISION));


In the worst case, the protocol might stop operating.

Albeit unlikely that decimals is ever zero, since currently this is a hardcoded value, it is possible that answer might be zero due to round-down performed by the division in TradingModule.getOraclePrice. This can happen if the quote token is much more expensive than the base token. In this case, TradingModule.getLimitAmount and depending calls, such as TradingModule.executeTradeWithDynamicSlippage might revert.

Code Snippet

        answer =
            (basePrice * quoteDecimals * RATE_DECIMALS) /
            (quotePrice * baseDecimals);
        decimals = RATE_DECIMALS;

Tool used

Manual Review


Validate that the return values are strictly positive (instead of non-negative) in case depending function calculations may result in division by zero. This can be either done on TradingModule.getOraclePrice directly or on the depending functions.

diff --git a/contracts/trading/TradingModule.sol b/contracts/trading/TradingModule.sol
index bfc8505..70b40f2 100644
--- a/contracts/trading/TradingModule.sol
+++ b/contracts/trading/TradingModule.sol
@@ -251,6 +251,9 @@ contract TradingModule is Initializable, UUPSUpgradeable, ITradingModule {
             (basePrice * quoteDecimals * RATE_DECIMALS) /
             (quotePrice * baseDecimals);
         decimals = RATE_DECIMALS;
+        require(answer > 0); /// @dev Chainlink rate error
+        require(decimals > 0); /// @dev Chainlink decimals error

     function _hasPermission(uint32 flags, uint32 flagID) private pure returns (bool) {
@@ -279,9 +282,6 @@ contract TradingModule is Initializable, UUPSUpgradeable, ITradingModule {
         // prettier-ignore
         (int256 oraclePrice, int256 oracleDecimals) = getOraclePrice(sellToken, buyToken);

-        require(oraclePrice >= 0); /// @dev Chainlink rate error
-        require(oracleDecimals >= 0); /// @dev Chainlink decimals error
         limitAmount = TradingUtils._getLimitAmount({
             tradeType: tradeType,
             sellToken: sellToken,
diff --git a/contracts/vaults/balancer/internal/pool/TwoTokenPoolUtils.sol b/contracts/vaults/balancer/internal/pool/TwoTokenPoolUtils.sol
index 4954c59..6315c0a 100644
--- a/contracts/vaults/balancer/internal/pool/TwoTokenPoolUtils.sol
+++ b/contracts/vaults/balancer/internal/pool/TwoTokenPoolUtils.sol
@@ -76,10 +76,7 @@ library TwoTokenPoolUtils {
         (int256 rate, int256 decimals) = tradingModule.getOraclePrice(
             poolContext.primaryToken, poolContext.secondaryToken
-        require(rate > 0);
-        require(decimals >= 0);

         if (uint256(decimals) != BalancerConstants.BALANCER_PRECISION) {
             rate = (rate * int256(BalancerConstants.BALANCER_PRECISION)) / decimals;
weitianjie2000 commented 1 year ago

valid, will fix