sherlock-audit / 2023-01-ajna-judging

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hyh - Deposits are eliminated before currently unclaimed reserves when there is no reserve auction #102

Open github-actions[bot] opened 1 year ago

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago



Deposits are eliminated before currently unclaimed reserves when there is no reserve auction


Reserves that were unclaimed during last reserve auction that's now ended are not utilized for bad debt coverage and are treated as liabilities despite it is the free reserve funds of the pool.

Due to that deposits are being written off when there are still reserve funds exist and deposits' turn as a last resort liquidity source aren't came yet.

Vulnerability Detail

Suppose auctioned reserves weren't taken for any reason: say no market participants were there for that particular pool in the period when reserve auction implied Ajna token price was above market. Then there is no liability, i.e. that amount is free pool funds and to be used ahead of HPB deposits to cover any deficits.

Currently that's not happening, instead unclaimed reserves are frozen and aren't used. I.e. system treats these funds as being liable (while they aren't, auction is ended), so only very last reserve funds, that weren't yet added to the reserve auctions pot, can be used to cover bad debt. When there are not enough such funds, deposits are written off.


Deposit holders take a loss when the pool in fact do have reserve funds to cover bad debt. This loss isn't a part of the declared mechanics of the protocol.

Reserve auction can end up with not all auctioned reserves taken frequently enough due to, for example:

I.e. the reason can vary, the point is reserve auction not being sold out can be a regular outcome, while the expected sequence of funds to cover bad debt is typical and is stated in whitepaper (part 7.6, Settling, point 3 in the list), so it will be expected by the lenders that the reserves are covering bad debt first.

Code Snippet

settlePoolDebt() uses the reserves to cover bad debt:

        // if there's still debt and no collateral
        if (borrower.t0Debt != 0 && borrower.collateral == 0) {
            // settle debt from reserves -- round reserves down however
            borrower.t0Debt -= Maths.min(borrower.t0Debt, (params_.reserves / params_.inflator) * 1e18);

            // if there's still debt after settling from reserves then start to forgive amount from next HPB
            // loop through remaining buckets if there's still debt to settle
            while (params_.bucketDepth != 0 && borrower.t0Debt != 0) {
                SettleLocalVars memory vars;

                (vars.index, , vars.scale) = Deposits.findIndexAndSumOfSum(deposits_, 1);
                vars.unscaledDeposit = Deposits.unscaledValueAt(deposits_, vars.index);
                vars.depositToRemove = Maths.wmul(vars.scale, vars.unscaledDeposit);
                vars.debt            = Maths.wmul(borrower.t0Debt, params_.inflator);

                // enough deposit in bucket to settle entire debt
                if (vars.depositToRemove >= vars.debt) {
                    Deposits.unscaledRemove(deposits_, vars.index, Maths.wdiv(vars.debt, vars.scale));
                    borrower.t0Debt  = 0;                                                              // no remaining debt to settle

                // not enough deposit to settle entire debt, we settle only deposit amount
                } else {
                    borrower.t0Debt -= Maths.wdiv(vars.depositToRemove, params_.inflator);             // subtract from remaining debt the corresponding t0 amount of deposit

                    Deposits.unscaledRemove(deposits_, vars.index, vars.unscaledDeposit);              // Remove all deposit from bucket
                    Bucket storage hpbBucket = buckets_[vars.index];

                    if (hpbBucket.collateral == 0) {                                                   // existing LPB and LP tokens for the bucket shall become unclaimable.
                        emit BucketBankruptcy(vars.index, hpbBucket.lps);
                        hpbBucket.lps            = 0;
                        hpbBucket.bankruptcyTime = block.timestamp;


But this reserves do not include reserveAuction.unclaimed, which is treated like a liability even when there is no reserve auction:

    function settle(
        address borrowerAddress_,
        uint256 maxDepth_
    ) external nonReentrant override {
        PoolState memory poolState = _accruePoolInterest();

        uint256 assets = Maths.wmul(poolBalances.t0Debt, poolState.inflator) + _getPoolQuoteTokenBalance();
        uint256 liabilities = Deposits.treeSum(deposits) + auctions.totalBondEscrowed + reserveAuction.unclaimed;

        SettleParams memory params = SettleParams(
                borrower:    borrowerAddress_,
                reserves:    (assets > liabilities) ? (assets-liabilities) : 0,

    function settle(
        address borrowerAddress_,
        uint256 maxDepth_
    ) external override nonReentrant {
        PoolState memory poolState = _accruePoolInterest();

        uint256 assets = Maths.wmul(poolBalances.t0Debt, poolState.inflator) + _getPoolQuoteTokenBalance();

        uint256 liabilities = Deposits.treeSum(deposits) + auctions.totalBondEscrowed + reserveAuction.unclaimed;

            uint256 collateralSettled,
            uint256 t0DebtSettled
        ) = Auctions.settlePoolDebt(
                borrower:    borrowerAddress_,
                reserves:    (assets > liabilities) ? (assets - liabilities) : 0,

Reserve auction finishes by timer and there is no adjustments to unclaimed if it is not sold fully:

    function takeReserves(
        ReserveAuctionState storage reserveAuction_,
        uint256 maxAmount_
    ) external returns (uint256 amount_, uint256 ajnaRequired_) {
        uint256 kicked = reserveAuction_.kicked;

        if (kicked != 0 && block.timestamp - kicked <= 72 hours) {
            uint256 unclaimed = reserveAuction_.unclaimed;
            uint256 price     = _reserveAuctionPrice(kicked);

            amount_       = Maths.min(unclaimed, maxAmount_);
            ajnaRequired_ = Maths.wmul(amount_, price);

            unclaimed -= amount_;

            reserveAuction_.unclaimed = unclaimed;

            emit ReserveAuction(unclaimed, price);
        } else {
            revert NoReservesAuction();

Tool used

Manual Review


Consider removing currently unsettled reserveAuction.unclaimed if reserve auction doesn't take place now as those aren't liabilities:

    function settle(
        address borrowerAddress_,
        uint256 maxDepth_
    ) external nonReentrant override {
        PoolState memory poolState = _accruePoolInterest();
+       uint256 kicked = reserveAuction.kicked;     
+       uint256 reservesAuctioned = (kicked != 0 && block.timestamp - kicked <= 72 hours) ? reserveAuction.unclaimed : 0;   

        uint256 assets = Maths.wmul(poolBalances.t0Debt, poolState.inflator) + _getPoolQuoteTokenBalance();
-       uint256 liabilities = Deposits.treeSum(deposits) + auctions.totalBondEscrowed + reserveAuction.unclaimed;
+       uint256 liabilities = Deposits.treeSum(deposits) + auctions.totalBondEscrowed + reservesAuctioned;

        SettleParams memory params = SettleParams(
                borrower:    borrowerAddress_,
                reserves:    (assets > liabilities) ? (assets-liabilities) : 0,
                inflator:    poolState.inflator,
                bucketDepth: maxDepth_,
                poolType:    poolState.poolType
            uint256 collateralRemaining,
            uint256 t0DebtRemaining,
            uint256 collateralSettled,
            uint256 t0DebtSettled
        ) = Auctions.settlePoolDebt(
+           reserveAuction,

    function settle(
        address borrowerAddress_,
        uint256 maxDepth_
    ) external override nonReentrant {
        PoolState memory poolState = _accruePoolInterest();
+       uint256 kicked = reserveAuction.kicked;        
+       uint256 reservesAuctioned = (kicked != 0 && block.timestamp - kicked <= 72 hours) ? reserveAuction.unclaimed : 0;

        uint256 assets = Maths.wmul(poolBalances.t0Debt, poolState.inflator) + _getPoolQuoteTokenBalance();

-       uint256 liabilities = Deposits.treeSum(deposits) + auctions.totalBondEscrowed + reserveAuction.unclaimed;
+       uint256 liabilities = Deposits.treeSum(deposits) + auctions.totalBondEscrowed + reservesAuctioned;

            uint256 collateralSettled,
            uint256 t0DebtSettled
        ) = Auctions.settlePoolDebt(
+           reserveAuction,
                borrower:    borrowerAddress_,
                reserves:    (assets > liabilities) ? (assets - liabilities) : 0,

Reserve auction state can be added as an argument to provide these fields:

    function settlePoolDebt(
        AuctionsState storage auctions_,
        mapping(uint256 => Bucket) storage buckets_,
        DepositsState storage deposits_,
        LoansState storage loans_,
+       ReserveAuctionState storage reserveAuction_,
        SettleParams memory params_
    ) external returns (

Also, consider accounting for the reserves that were used to cover bad debt (otherwise next reserve auction will be frozen until new income replenishes the funds used for coverage):

        // if there's still debt and no collateral
        if (borrower.t0Debt != 0 && borrower.collateral == 0) {
            // settle debt from reserves -- round reserves down however
+           uint256 reservesUsed = Maths.min(borrower.t0Debt, (params_.reserves / params_.inflator) * 1e18);
+           uint256 kicked       = reserveAuction_.kicked;
-           borrower.t0Debt -= Maths.min(borrower.t0Debt, (params_.reserves / params_.inflator) * 1e18);
+           borrower.t0Debt -= reservesUsed;
+           if (kicked != 0 && block.timestamp - kicked <= 72 hours) reserveAuction_.unclaimed -= reservesUsed;

            // if there's still debt after settling from reserves then start to forgive amount from next HPB
            // loop through remaining buckets if there's still debt to settle
grandizzy commented 1 year ago

unclaimed auction reserves won't be available to fund a liquidation, this is an issue which we are going to document, no code change involved

hrishibhat commented 1 year ago

Classifying this issue as a medium based on the above comment.