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hyh - scaledQuoteTokenAmount isn't updated to be collateral sell value in the quote token constraint case of _calculateTakeFlowsAndBondChange #139

Open github-actions[bot] opened 1 year ago

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago



scaledQuoteTokenAmount isn't updated to be collateral sell value in the quote token constraint case of _calculateTakeFlowsAndBondChange


scaledQuoteTokenAmount isn't C * p, but C * p * (1 - BFP) for quote token amount constraint case of _calculateTakeFlowsAndBondChange().

Vulnerability Detail

First case of the _calculateTakeFlowsAndBondChange() logic needs to use scaledQuoteTokenAmount in two steps, first as a constraint, then as a total collateral value. The second update is now missed. It affects kicker's reward as the difference takes place when borrowerPrice < auctionPrice, i.e. when vars.isRewarded is true.


scaledQuoteTokenAmount is then used for kicker's bond change calculation, so in the quote token constraint case kickers will have the reward based on C * p * (1 - BFP). As this value is proportional to BFP, the higher the reward should be, the more incorrect it will be, i.e. (1 - BFP) * BFP instead of BFP.

As this is regular functionality, there is no low probability prerequisites, and kicker's reward loss is material, setting the severity to be high.

Code Snippet

_calculateTakeFlowsAndBondChange() has first logic branch where quote token used to purchase is a constraint:

        vars.scaledQuoteTokenAmount = (vars.unscaledDeposit != type(uint256).max) ? Maths.wmul(vars.unscaledDeposit, vars.bucketScale) : type(uint256).max;

        uint256 borrowerCollateralValue = Maths.wmul(totalCollateral_, borrowerPrice);

        if (vars.scaledQuoteTokenAmount <= vars.borrowerDebt && vars.scaledQuoteTokenAmount <= borrowerCollateralValue) {
            // quote token used to purchase is constraining factor
            vars.collateralAmount         = _roundToScale(Maths.wdiv(vars.scaledQuoteTokenAmount, borrowerPrice), collateralScale_);
            vars.t0RepayAmount            = Maths.wdiv(vars.scaledQuoteTokenAmount, inflator_);
            vars.unscaledQuoteTokenAmount = vars.unscaledDeposit;


vars.scaledQuoteTokenAmount is used for the bondChange calculation and per documentation has to be equal to C * p:

        if (vars.isRewarded) {
            // take is above neutralPrice, Kicker is rewarded
            vars.bondChange = Maths.wmul(vars.scaledQuoteTokenAmount, uint256(vars.bpf));
        } else {
            // take is above neutralPrice, Kicker is penalized
            vars.bondChange = Maths.wmul(vars.scaledQuoteTokenAmount, uint256(-vars.bpf));

And it is vars.scaledQuoteTokenAmount = CollateralAmount * Price in 2nd and 3rd cases, not not in 1st:

    function _calculateTakeFlowsAndBondChange(
        uint256              totalCollateral_,
        uint256              inflator_,
        uint256              collateralScale_,
        TakeLocalVars memory vars
    ) internal pure returns (
        TakeLocalVars memory
    ) {
        // price is the current auction price, which is the price paid by the LENDER for collateral
        // from the borrower point of view, the price is actually (1-bpf) * price, as the rewards to the
        // bond holder are effectively paid for by the borrower.
        uint256 borrowerPayoffFactor = (vars.isRewarded) ? Maths.WAD - uint256(vars.bpf)                       : Maths.WAD;
        uint256 borrowerPrice        = (vars.isRewarded) ? Maths.wmul(borrowerPayoffFactor, vars.auctionPrice) : vars.auctionPrice;

        // If there is no unscaled quote token bound, then we pass in max, but that cannot be scaled without an overflow.  So we check in the line below.
        vars.scaledQuoteTokenAmount = (vars.unscaledDeposit != type(uint256).max) ? Maths.wmul(vars.unscaledDeposit, vars.bucketScale) : type(uint256).max;

        uint256 borrowerCollateralValue = Maths.wmul(totalCollateral_, borrowerPrice);

        if (vars.scaledQuoteTokenAmount <= vars.borrowerDebt && vars.scaledQuoteTokenAmount <= borrowerCollateralValue) {
            // quote token used to purchase is constraining factor
            vars.collateralAmount         = _roundToScale(Maths.wdiv(vars.scaledQuoteTokenAmount, borrowerPrice), collateralScale_);
            vars.t0RepayAmount            = Maths.wdiv(vars.scaledQuoteTokenAmount, inflator_);
            vars.unscaledQuoteTokenAmount = vars.unscaledDeposit;

        } else if (vars.borrowerDebt <= borrowerCollateralValue) {
            // borrower debt is constraining factor
            vars.collateralAmount         = _roundToScale(Maths.wdiv(vars.borrowerDebt, borrowerPrice), collateralScale_);
            vars.t0RepayAmount            = vars.t0Debt;
            vars.unscaledQuoteTokenAmount = Maths.wdiv(vars.borrowerDebt, vars.bucketScale);

            vars.scaledQuoteTokenAmount   = (vars.isRewarded) ? Maths.wdiv(vars.borrowerDebt, borrowerPayoffFactor) : vars.borrowerDebt;

        } else {
            // collateral available is constraint
            vars.collateralAmount         = totalCollateral_;
            vars.t0RepayAmount            = Maths.wdiv(borrowerCollateralValue, inflator_);
            vars.unscaledQuoteTokenAmount = Maths.wdiv(borrowerCollateralValue, vars.bucketScale);

            vars.scaledQuoteTokenAmount   = Maths.wmul(vars.collateralAmount, vars.auctionPrice);

        if (vars.isRewarded) {
            // take is above neutralPrice, Kicker is rewarded
            vars.bondChange = Maths.wmul(vars.scaledQuoteTokenAmount, uint256(vars.bpf));
        } else {
            // take is above neutralPrice, Kicker is penalized
            vars.bondChange = Maths.wmul(vars.scaledQuoteTokenAmount, uint256(-vars.bpf));

        return vars;

vars.scaledQuoteTokenAmount in the first case has dual role, at first it is a constraint, then it is C * p computation base value, so it is to be used iteratively, first as a constraint, then updated to be CollateralAmount * Price.

Tool used

Manual Review


Consider setting the scaledQuoteTokenAmount to the C * p as a final step of quote token amount constraint case:

        vars.scaledQuoteTokenAmount = (vars.unscaledDeposit != type(uint256).max) ? Maths.wmul(vars.unscaledDeposit, vars.bucketScale) : type(uint256).max;

        uint256 borrowerCollateralValue = Maths.wmul(totalCollateral_, borrowerPrice);

        if (vars.scaledQuoteTokenAmount <= vars.borrowerDebt && vars.scaledQuoteTokenAmount <= borrowerCollateralValue) {
            // quote token used to purchase is constraining factor
            vars.collateralAmount         = _roundToScale(Maths.wdiv(vars.scaledQuoteTokenAmount, borrowerPrice), collateralScale_);
            vars.t0RepayAmount            = Maths.wdiv(vars.scaledQuoteTokenAmount, inflator_);
            vars.unscaledQuoteTokenAmount = vars.unscaledDeposit;
+           vars.scaledQuoteTokenAmount   = Maths.wmul(vars.collateralAmount, vars.auctionPrice);