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Jeiwan - Tokens with decimals less than 18 are not supported #147

Closed github-actions[bot] closed 1 year ago

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago



Tokens with decimals less than 18 are not supported


Users can create ERC20 pools with a quote or a collateral token than has less than 18 decimals but cannot deposit funds to such pools due to decimals rounding. This is only applicable to ERC721 pools, but only to the quote token.

Vulnerability Detail

When deploying an ERC20 pool via the factory, two scale values are calculated and recorded for the pool (ERC20PoolFactory.sol#L53-L54):

uint256 quoteTokenScale = 10 ** (18 - IERC20Token(quote_).decimals());
uint256 collateralScale = 10 ** (18 - IERC20Token(collateral_).decimals());

For example, if the quote token is USDC (which has 6 decimals), quoteTokenScale will equal to: 10 ** (18 - 6) = 10 ** 12 = 1e12.

When adding quote token to a pool via the addQuoteToken function, the input amount is rounded using the quoteTokenScale value (PoolHelper.sol#L234-L239):

function _roundToScale(
    uint256 amount_,
    uint256 tokenScale_
) pure returns (uint256 scaledAmount_) {
    scaledAmount_ = (amount_ / tokenScale_) * tokenScale_;

For example, if user adds 1000 USDC as the quote token, the actual number of tokens to be deposited will equal to: (1000e6 / 1e12) * 1e12 = 0 USDC. Thus, no tokens will be deposited.


Users cannot add quote tokens (to ERC20 and ERC721 pools) and collateral tokens (to ERC20 pools) that have less than 18 decimals.

Code Snippet

ERC20PoolFactory.sol#L53-L54 Pool.sol#L139 PoolHelper.sol#L247-L255

Tool used

Manual Review


Consider scaling input amounts to 18 decimals if this is required by internal accounting. Alternatively, consider updating the documentation of addQuoteToken and addCollateral (for ERC20 pools) and specifying that input amounts must have 18 decimals.

Duplicate of #123