sherlock-audit / 2023-01-ajna-judging

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ctf_sec - ERC20PoolFactory and ERC721PoolFactory deployment is vulnerable to front-running with sub-optimal interest rate #36

Closed github-actions[bot] closed 1 year ago

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago



ERC20PoolFactory and ERC721PoolFactory deployment is vulnerable to front-running with sub-optimal interest rate


ERC20Pool and ERC721Pool deployment is vulnerable to front-running

Vulnerability Detail

Below is the current implementation of the ERC20PoolFactory deployment code:

function deployPool(
    address collateral_, address quote_, uint256 interestRate_
) external canDeploy(ERC20_NON_SUBSET_HASH, collateral_, quote_, interestRate_) returns (address pool_) {
    uint256 quoteTokenScale = 10 ** (18 - IERC20Token(quote_).decimals());
    uint256 collateralScale = 10 ** (18 - IERC20Token(collateral_).decimals());

    bytes memory data = abi.encodePacked(

    ERC20Pool pool = ERC20Pool(address(implementation).clone(data));

    pool_ = address(pool);

    // Track the newly deployed pool
    deployedPools[ERC20_NON_SUBSET_HASH][collateral_][quote_] = pool_;

    emit PoolCreated(pool_);


There could be only one pool for collateral + quote token.

Such validation is done the canDeploy modifier

 * @notice Ensures that pools are deployed according to specifications.
 * @dev    Used by both ERC20, and ERC721 pool factory types.
modifier canDeploy(bytes32 subsetHash_, address collateral_, address quote_, uint256 interestRate_) {
    if (collateral_ == address(0) || quote_ == address(0))              revert IPoolFactory.DeployWithZeroAddress();
    if (deployedPools[subsetHash_][collateral_][quote_] != address(0)) revert IPoolFactory.PoolAlreadyExists();
    if (MIN_RATE >= interestRate_ || interestRate_ >= MAX_RATE)         revert IPoolFactory.PoolInterestRateInvalid();

if the collateral address + quote address pool is already deployed, the deployment will revert:

    if (deployedPools[subsetHash_][collateral_][quote_] != address(0)) revert IPoolFactory.PoolAlreadyExists();

When the pool is initially deployed, the initial interest rate is set:


However, the intererestRate is not related to the encoded data, this open door for frontrunning.

bytes memory data = abi.encodePacked(

ERC20Pool pool = ERC20Pool(address(implementation).clone(data));


According to the on-chain context, the protocol wants to deploy the code to multi-chain, let us assume the blockchain deployed is ethereum

DEPLOYMENT: Ethereum mainnet, Arbitrum, Optimism, Binance Smart Chain, Polygon, Fantom, Tron, Avalanche
ERC20:  any - ERC20's are used in fungible, collection and subset pool types
ERC721: any - ERC721's are used in collection and subset pool types
ERC777: none

First, lender A wants to create a Pending pool for ETH / DAI pair, lender can supply DAI as quote token and borrower can use ETH as collateral to borrower DAI.

The lender A submit a transaction set the interest to 7%.

A borrower monitor the mempool and detect the transaction, he front-run the lender's pool creation transaction and creating the same ETH / DAI lendg pool, but setting the interest rate to as low as 1%.

The borrower's transaction go through, the lender's transaction revert.

The lender has to add quoted token in a sub-optimal interest rate and the fund generates less interest because the borrower's front-running transaction of the pool creation.

Same front-running issue exists in ERC721PoolFactory because the deployment process is the same.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


We recommend the protocol encode the initial interest rate into the data when cloning the contract, also, can verify the signature of the deployer match the msg.sender and let the first deployer add some token to a given bucket.

gdipri01 commented 1 year ago

We don't consider this an issue because (a) the optimal rate is subjective, (b) the rate is bounded, and (c) since creating a pool is permissionless anyone could have created this pool at any time with any rate within the boundary and there is therefore frontrunning doesn't provide a material advantage.

hrishibhat commented 1 year ago

Agree with Sponsor comment. Considering this issue as low.

yixxas commented 1 year ago

Escalate for 1 USDC

Sponsor's response seems to be incorrect.

since creating a pool is permissionless anyone could have created this pool at any time with any rate within the boundary

I believe the issue here is that once a certain token pair is deployed for example at 5%, the same token pair can no longer be deployed even if a different interest rate is used, say 1%.

sherlock-admin commented 1 year ago

Escalate for 1 USDC

Sponsor's response seems to be incorrect.

since creating a pool is permissionless anyone could have created this pool at any time with any rate within the boundary

I believe the issue here is that once a certain token pair is deployed for example at 5%, the same token pair can no longer be deployed even if a different interest rate is used, say 1%.

You've created a valid escalation for 1 USDC!

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You may delete or edit your escalation comment anytime before the 48-hour escalation window closes. After that, the escalation becomes final.

grandizzy commented 1 year ago

Escalate for 1 USDC

Sponsor's response seems to be incorrect.

since creating a pool is permissionless anyone could have created this pool at any time with any rate within the boundary

I believe the issue here is that once a certain token pair is deployed for example at 5%, the same token pair can no longer be deployed even if a different interest rate is used, say 1%.

That's correct, collateral / quote pools are unique regardless interest rate. However the interest rate is not fixed but it adjusts in time based on pool usage. @gdipri01 point is that, even someone creates the pool with a rate that could be considered too high or too low (in the bounded limits) at creation time, it should get to the fair value in time.

hrishibhat commented 1 year ago

Escalation Rejected

As pointed out by the Sponsor interest rate is within bounds and adjusts over time.

sherlock-admin commented 1 year ago

Escalation Rejected

As pointed out by the Sponsor interest rate is within bounds and adjusts over time.

This issue's escalations have been rejected!

Watsons who escalated this issue will have their escalation amount deducted from their next payout.