sherlock-audit / 2023-01-derby-judging

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SPYBOY - Broken access controle in Game.sol #346

Closed sherlock-admin closed 1 year ago

sherlock-admin commented 1 year ago



Broken access controle in Game.sol


In Game.sol function basketTotalAllocatedTokens() returns total allocation of basket . It should be only allowed to only owner of the basket but any one call get total allocation using other users basketId.

Vulnerability Detail


According to documentation, only the owner of the basket should be allowed to run basketTotalAllocatedTokens() but any one can call this function and can get a total allocation of other users.

Code Snippet

basketTotalAllocatedTokens() :

Tool used

Manual Review


Add onlyBasketOwner modifier to basketTotalAllocatedTokens() function

  function basketTotalAllocatedTokens(uint256 _basketId) public onlyBasketOwner(_basketId) view returns (int256) {
    return baskets[_basketId].nrOfAllocatedTokens;