sherlock-audit / 2023-01-derby-judging

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c7e7eff - Anyone can execute certain functions that use cross chain messages and potentially cancel them with potential loss of funds. #390

Open sherlock-admin opened 1 year ago

sherlock-admin commented 1 year ago



Anyone can execute certain functions that use cross chain messages and potentially cancel them with potential loss of funds.

c7e7eff High


Certain functions that route messages cross chain on the Game and MainVault contract are unprotected (anyone can call them under the required state of the vaults). The way the cross chain messaging is implemented in the XProvider makes use of Connext's xcall() and sets the msg.sender as the delegate and msg.value as relayerFee. There are two possible attack vectors with this:

Vulnerability Detail

The XProvider contract's xsend() function sets the msg.sender as the delegate and msg.value as relayerFee

    uint256 relayerFee = _relayerFee != 0 ? _relayerFee : msg.value;
    IConnext(connext).xcall{value: relayerFee}(
      _destinationDomain, // _destination: Domain ID of the destination chain
      target, // _to: address of the target contract
      address(0), // _asset: use address zero for 0-value transfers
      msg.sender, // _delegate: address that can revert or forceLocal on destination
      0, // _amount: 0 because no funds are being transferred
      0, // _slippage: can be anything between 0-10000 because no funds are being transferred
      _callData // _callData: the encoded calldata to send

xTransfer() using msg.sender as delegate:

    IConnext(connext).xcall{value: (msg.value - _relayerFee)}(
      _destinationDomain, // _destination: Domain ID of the destination chain
      _recipient, // _to: address receiving the funds on the destination
      _token, // _asset: address of the token contract
      msg.sender, // _delegate: address that can revert or forceLocal on destination
      _amount, // _amount: amount of tokens to transfer
      _slippage, // _slippage: the maximum amount of slippage the user will accept in BPS (e.g. 30 = 0.3%)
      bytes("") // _callData: empty bytes because we're only sending funds

Connext documentation explaining:

params.delegate | (optional) Address allowed to cancel an xcall on destination.

Connext documentation seems to indicate this functionality isn't active yet though it isn't clear whether that applies to the cancel itself or only the bridging back the funds to the origin chain.


An attacker can call certain functions which leave the relying contracts on different chains in an unsynched state, with possible loss of funds as a result (mainly on XChainControleler's sendFundsToVault() when actual funds are transferred.

Code Snippet

MainVault's pushTotalUnderlyingToController()has no access control and calls pushTotalUnderlying() on the xProvider

xProvider's pushTotalUnderlying() calling xsend()

MainVault's sendRewardsToGame() has no access control and calls pushRewardsToGame() on the xProvider

xProvider's pushRewardsToGame() calling xsend()

XProvider setting msg.sender as delegate and msg.value as relayer fee:

XChainController's unprotected sendFundsToVault()

XProvider's xTransfer() setting msg.sender as delegate:

Also on the Game contract, the unprotected psuhAllocationsToController() function:

and the pushAllocationsToVaults()

Tool used

Manual Review


Provide access control limits to the functions sending message across Connext so only the Guardian can call these functions with the correct msg.value and do not use msg.sender as a delegate but rather a configurable address like the Guardian.

Theezr commented 1 year ago
