sherlock-audit / 2023-01-derby-judging

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gogo - Guardian can cause temporary DoS on withdrawals in the MainVault contract #401

Closed sherlock-admin closed 1 year ago

sherlock-admin commented 1 year ago



Guardian can cause temporary DoS on withdrawals in the MainVault contract


A known issue about not validating the input when setting a value in basis points. When working with percentages the setter should not be allowed to set the fee bps to more than the maximum percentage 100% or 10_000 basis points.

Vulnerability Detail

The guardian can set the governanceFee to more than 10_000 which will cause transferFunds function to take fee greater than the withdrawn amount to send. The more major problem is that the transferFunds will even revert because of underflow exception when calculating the left amount to send to the recipient since govFee will be > _value:

  function transferFunds(address _receiver, uint256 _value) internal {
    uint256 govFee = (_value * governanceFee) / 10_000;

    vaultCurrency.safeTransfer(getDao(), govFee);
    vaultCurrency.safeTransfer(_receiver, _value - govFee);


Temporary DoS on withdrawals in the MainVault.

Code Snippet

  function setGovernanceFee(uint16 _fee) external onlyGuardian {
    governanceFee = _fee;

  uint256 govFee = (_value * governanceFee) / 10_000;

  vaultCurrency.safeTransfer(_receiver, _value - govFee);

Tool used

Manual Review


Restrict the guardian from setting a value higher than the maximum basis points 10_000.

  function setGovernanceFee(uint16 _fee) external onlyGuardian {
+   require(_fee < 10_000, "Fee too high");
    governanceFee = _fee;