sherlock-audit / 2023-01-derby-judging

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Avci - Users will not able to get another redeemreward if they didnt withdraw #415

Closed sherlock-admin closed 1 year ago

sherlock-admin commented 1 year ago



Users will not able to get another redeemreward if they didnt withdraw


Users will not able to get another redeemRewardsGame if they didn't withdraw

Vulnerability Detail

withdraw function deletes the user.rewardAllowance value and makes it 0 every time if you have it the problem is if someone didn't want to withdraw will not able to redeemRewardsGame because of this require

    require(user.rewardAllowance == 0, allowanceError);

withdraw function

    delete user.rewardAllowance;


f someone didn't want to withdraw will not able to redeemRewardsGame because of this require

Code Snippet

function redeemRewardsGame(
    uint256 _value,
    address _user
  ) external onlyGame nonReentrant onlyWhenVaultIsOn {
    UserInfo storage user = userInfo[_user];
    require(user.rewardAllowance == 0, allowanceError);

    user.rewardAllowance = _value;
    user.rewardRequestPeriod = rebalancingPeriod;
    totalWithdrawalRequests += _value;

  /// @notice Withdraw the reward allowance set by the game with redeemRewardsGame
  /// @dev Will swap vaultCurrency to Derby tokens, send the user funds and reset the allowance
  function withdrawRewards() external nonReentrant onlyWhenIdle returns (uint256 value) {
    UserInfo storage user = userInfo[msg.sender];
    require(user.rewardAllowance > 0, allowanceError);
    require(rebalancingPeriod > user.rewardRequestPeriod, "!Funds");

    value = user.rewardAllowance;
    value = checkForBalance(value);

    reservedFunds -= value;
    delete user.rewardAllowance;
    delete user.rewardRequestPeriod;

    if (swapRewards) {
      uint256 tokensReceived = Swap.swapTokensMulti(
        Swap.SwapInOut(value, address(vaultCurrency), derbyToken),
      IERC20(derbyToken).safeTransfer(msg.sender, tokensReceived);
    } else {
      vaultCurrency.safeTransfer(msg.sender, value);

Tool used

Manual Review


consider adding fixing this logic to the way user could redeemRewardsGame without withdrawing every time