sherlock-audit / 2023-01-optimism-judging

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xiaoming90 - Legacy Message Can Be Replayed After Migration Leading To Double-Spend Bug #247

Closed github-actions[bot] closed 1 year ago

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago



Legacy Message Can Be Replayed After Migration Leading To Double-Spend Bug


There is a bug while computing the old hash of the legacy message that allows legacy messages to be replayed. This allows anyone who has bridged assets from L2 to L1 before the migration to bridge the assets again for the second time after the migration, effectively resulting in a double-spend bug.

Vulnerability Detail

The following is the new relayMessage function in Bedrock's L1CrossDomainMessenger contract.

File: CrossDomainMessenger.sol
256:     function relayMessage(
257:         uint256 _nonce,
258:         address _sender,
259:         address _target,
260:         uint256 _value,
261:         uint256 _minGasLimit,
262:         bytes calldata _message
263:     ) external payable nonReentrant whenNotPaused {
264:         (, uint16 version) = Encoding.decodeVersionedNonce(_nonce);
265:         require(
266:             version < 2,
267:             "CrossDomainMessenger: only version 0 or 1 messages are supported at this time"
268:         );

Note that the _nonce passed into the new relayMessage function is a versioned Nonce that consists of two components (versioning and nonce). The format of the versioned Nonce is as follows:

V = Version Info, N = Nonce Counter

During the migration, the LegacyWithdrawal is converted into the new bedrock-style Withdrawal.

The legacy-style nonce in the LegacyWithdrawal consists only of an Integer Nonce counter without any versioning information. During the conversion, it was replaced with a versioned Nonce. This is done for both the inner relayMessage payload and outer withdrawal payload. Refer to Lines 69, 74, and 89 below

File: migrate.go
52: // MigrateWithdrawal will turn a LegacyWithdrawal into a bedrock
53: // style Withdrawal.
54: func MigrateWithdrawal(withdrawal *LegacyWithdrawal, l1CrossDomainMessenger *common.Address) (*Withdrawal, error) {
66:     // Migrated withdrawals are specified as version 0. Both the
67:     // L2ToL1MessagePasser and the CrossDomainMessenger use the same
68:     // versioning scheme. Both should be set to version 0
69:     versionedNonce := EncodeVersionedNonce(withdrawal.Nonce, new(big.Int))
70:     // Encode the call to `relayMessage` on the `CrossDomainMessenger`.
71:     // The minGasLimit can safely be 0 here.
72:     data, err := abi.Pack(
73:         "relayMessage",
74:         versionedNonce,
75:         withdrawal.Sender,
76:         withdrawal.Target,
77:         value,
78:         new(big.Int),
79:         withdrawal.Data,
80:     )
88:     w := NewWithdrawal(
89:         versionedNonce,
90:         &predeploys.L2CrossDomainMessengerAddr,
91:         l1CrossDomainMessenger,
92:         value,
93:         new(big.Int).SetUint64(gasLimit),
94:         data,
95:     )
96:     return w, nil

The following is the new relayMessage function in the Bedrock's L1CrossDomainMessenger contract. Line 272-278 performs validation to ensure that the legacy version of the message has not already been relayed. It does this by performing the following actions:

1) Decoding the _nonce provided to determine the version. 2) If the nonce's version is zero, this means that it is a legacy withdrawal. Compute the old hash by calling Hashing.hashCrossDomainMessageV0 function with the _target, _sender, _message and _nonce 3) Verify if the old hash of the legacy message is set to true in the successfulMessages mapping. If it is true, this means that the message has already been relayed once before the migration, and the transaction will be reverted to prevent the legacy message from replaying in Bedrock.

The issue here is that the Hashing.hashCrossDomainMessageV0 expects the legacy-style nonce (without versioning) that contains only the Integer Nonce counter. However, the code passes a versioned nonce into the Hashing.hashCrossDomainMessageV0 function to compute the old hash of the legacy message. As a result, the hash computed will not match the actual old hash of the legacy message, and successfulMessages[oldHash] will return false. This allows legacy message that has been relayed before migration to be relayed again in Bedrock after the migration.

File: CrossDomainMessenger.sol
256:     function relayMessage(
257:         uint256 _nonce,
258:         address _sender,
259:         address _target,
260:         uint256 _value,
261:         uint256 _minGasLimit,
262:         bytes calldata _message
263:     ) external payable nonReentrant whenNotPaused {
264:         (, uint16 version) = Encoding.decodeVersionedNonce(_nonce);
265:         require(
266:             version < 2,
267:             "CrossDomainMessenger: only version 0 or 1 messages are supported at this time"
268:         );
270:         // If the message is version 0, then it's a migrated legacy withdrawal. We therefore need
271:         // to check that the legacy version of the message has not already been relayed.
272:         if (version == 0) {
273:             bytes32 oldHash = Hashing.hashCrossDomainMessageV0(_target, _sender, _message, _nonce);
274:             require(
275:                 successfulMessages[oldHash] == false,
276:                 "CrossDomainMessenger: legacy withdrawal already relayed"
277:             );
278:         }


Assume that Mallory is the attacker attempting to exploit this issue, and Mallory's wallet address in both L1 and L2 is 0x536fbBaE279fd77FAe3E29b410f7B605bf45BC8b.

Steps to be done before Bedrock migration:

1) Mallory bridges 100 ETH from L2 to L1 by calling the L2StandardBridge.withdraw function

2) The L2StandardBridge will call the L2CrossDomainMessenger to send a cross-domain withdrawal message to L1CrossDomainMessenger

3) The L2CrossDomainMessenger will call the OVM_L2ToL1MessagePasser.passMessageToL1 to store the hash of the cross-domain withdrawal message in the storage of sentMessages mapping. The sentMessages mapping on the OVM_L2ToL1MessagePasser.passMessageToL1 will be used by the L1CrossDomainMessenger._verifyStorageProof() function at L1 to determine if a message has been sent on L2.

4) Once the cross-domain message gets relayed to L1, the L1CrossDomainMessenger.relayMessage function will be triggered. The L1CrossDomainMessenger will call the L1StandardBridge.finalizeETHWithdrawal to transfer 100 ETH to Mallory's address in L1.

5) After the transfer is done, the successfulMessages[xDomainCalldataHash] is set to true to prevent the message from being replayed. Note that the key of the successfulMessages is derived from the xDomainCalldataHash. The xDomainCalldataHash is generated via the following algorithm:

   xDomainCalldataHash = keccak256(
           _messageNonce <=== this is "999"

Assume that the _messageNonce here is 999. Thus, the 999 value is one of the inputs used to compute the hash. Assume that the generated xDomainCalldataHash is c89efdaa54c0f20c7adf612882df0950f5a951637e0307cdcb4c672f298b8bc6.

As such, successfulMessages[c89efdaa54c0f20c7adf612882df0950f5a951637e0307cdcb4c672f298b8bc6] = true.

During the migration:
  1. During the migration, all legacy withdrawals from old OVM_L2ToL1MessagePasser will be converted to new bedrock-style withdrawals and stored in the sentMessages mapping of the new L2ToL1MessagePasser contract.
  2. At this point, Mallory's cross-domain withdrawal message in the old OVM_L2ToL1MessagePasser has been migrated to the storage of the new L2ToL1MessagePasser contract.
  3. The L1's L1CrossDomainMessenger gets upgraded to the new implementation. Note that the state of successfulMessages mapping still exist after the upgrade.
Steps to be done after the migration
  1. Mallory calls the OptimismPortal.proveWithdrawalTransaction to replay the cross-domain withdrawal message that bridges 100 ETH. It is possible for him to prove the withdrawal transaction because it exists in the storage of the L2ToL1MessagePasser contract.

  2. After the waiting period (7-day), Mallory calls the OptimismPortal.finalizeWithdrawalTransaction function, which will in turn call the L1CrossDomainMessenger.relayMessage function.

    As the withdrawal transaction has been converted to the new bedrock-style withdrawal, the nonce has been changed to a versioned nonce, which consists of the (version + nonce). The new nonce is as follows:

    V = Version Info, N = Nonce Counter
    xDomainCalldataHash = keccak256(
           _messageNonce <=== this is "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000999"

    This will generate a new hash for the migrated legacy withdrawal and bypass the validation check at Line 275 below, and cause the message to be relayed again.

    File: CrossDomainMessenger.sol
    270:         // If the message is version 0, then it's a migrated legacy withdrawal. We therefore need
    271:         // to check that the legacy version of the message has not already been relayed.
    272:         if (version == 0) {
    273:             bytes32 oldHash = Hashing.hashCrossDomainMessageV0(_target, _sender, _message, _nonce);
    274:             require(
    275:                 successfulMessages[oldHash] == false,
    276:                 "CrossDomainMessenger: legacy withdrawal already relayed"
    277:             );
    278:         }


High. Loss of assets. This allows anyone who has bridged assets from L2 to L1 before the migration to bridge the assets again for the second time after the migration, effectively resulting in a double-spend bug.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Update the implementation to compute the old hash of the legacy message by using the legacy-style nonce (without versioning) that contains only the Nonce counter.

function relayMessage(
    uint256 _nonce,
    address _sender,
    address _target,
    uint256 _value,
    uint256 _minGasLimit,
    bytes calldata _message
) external payable nonReentrant whenNotPaused {
+   (uint240 legacyNonce, uint16 version) = Encoding.decodeVersionedNonce(_nonce);
-   (, uint16 version) = Encoding.decodeVersionedNonce(_nonce);
        version < 2,
        "CrossDomainMessenger: only version 0 or 1 messages are supported at this time"

    // If the message is version 0, then it's a migrated legacy withdrawal. We therefore need
    // to check that the legacy version of the message has not already been relayed.
    if (version == 0) {
+       bytes32 oldHash = Hashing.hashCrossDomainMessageV0(_target, _sender, _message, legacyNonce);
-       bytes32 oldHash = Hashing.hashCrossDomainMessageV0(_target, _sender, _message, _nonce);
            successfulMessages[oldHash] == false,
            "CrossDomainMessenger: legacy withdrawal already relayed"