The IChiLpOracle.sol is very vulnerable to manipulation:
contract IchiLpOracle is UsingBaseOracle, IBaseOracle {
constructor(IBaseOracle _base) UsingBaseOracle(_base) {}
* @notice Return lp token price in USD, with 18 decimals of precision.
* @param token The underlying token address for which to get the price.
* @return Price in USD
function getPrice(address token) external view override returns (uint256) {
IICHIVault vault = IICHIVault(token);
uint256 totalSupply = vault.totalSupply();
if (totalSupply == 0) return 0;
address token0 = vault.token0();
address token1 = vault.token1();
(uint256 r0, uint256 r1) = vault.getTotalAmounts();
uint256 px0 = base.getPrice(address(token0));
uint256 px1 = base.getPrice(address(token1));
uint256 t0Decimal = IERC20Metadata(token0).decimals();
uint256 t1Decimal = IERC20Metadata(token1).decimals();
uint256 totalReserve = (r0 * px0) /
10**t0Decimal +
(r1 * px1) /
return (totalReserve * 1e18) / totalSupply;
One of the way is to directly manipulate the vault.totalSupply()
if the large amount of vault share is minted, totalSupply goes up, and the price goes down based on the code:
return (totalReserve * 1e18) / totalSupply;
then the getPrice returns a low price, which allows the malicious user to over-borrow and never pay back the debt
The user could borrow flashloan, deposit into the vault, and make the ICHiLPOracle.sol return low price, and make the collaterallized asset under-collateralized and perform malicious liquidation and they withdraw from the vault to burn the share.
Another manipulation path is by exploiting the code:
which calls the code below (I use the Mock vault as a reference)
@notice Calculates total quantity of token0 and token1 in both positions (and unused in the ICHIVault)
@param total0 Quantity of token0 in both positions (and unused in the ICHIVault)
@param total1 Quantity of token1 in both positions (and unused in the ICHIVault)
function getTotalAmounts()
returns (uint256 total0, uint256 total1)
(, uint256 base0, uint256 base1) = getBasePosition();
(, uint256 limit0, uint256 limit1) = getLimitPosition();
total0 = IERC20(token0).balanceOf(address(this)) + base0 + limit0;
total1 = IERC20(token1).balanceOf(address(this)) + base1 + limit1;
Since the vault use balanceOf directly, the user can transfer the token0 and token1 directly to the vault and inflate the LP price based on the math:
We recommend the protocol does not use spot value to derive the oracle price, the spot value used including the vault share total supply and the r0 and r1amount
IchiLpOracle is vulnerable to manipulation
IchiLpOracle is vulnerable to manipulation
Vulnerability Detail
The IChiLpOracle.sol is very vulnerable to manipulation:
One of the way is to directly manipulate the vault.totalSupply()
if the large amount of vault share is minted, totalSupply goes up, and the price goes down based on the code:
then the getPrice returns a low price, which allows the malicious user to over-borrow and never pay back the debt
The user could borrow flashloan, deposit into the vault, and make the ICHiLPOracle.sol return low price, and make the collaterallized asset under-collateralized and perform malicious liquidation and they withdraw from the vault to burn the share.
Another manipulation path is by exploiting the code:
which calls the code below (I use the Mock vault as a reference)
Since the vault use balanceOf directly, the user can transfer the token0 and token1 directly to the vault and inflate the LP price based on the math:
If r0 and r1 goes up, totalReserve goes up, totalSupply does not change, price is inflated.
Then user can over-borrow by using ICHI LP as collateral, the user can still use withdraw on the vault to get the transferred token0 and token1 back.
Oracle manipulation in IChiLPOracle allows user to over-borrow or perform malicious liquidation.
Code Snippet
Tool used
Manual Review
We recommend the protocol does not use spot value to derive the oracle price, the spot value used including the vault share total supply and the r0 and r1amount
Duplicate of #20