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berndartmueller - Burning `WIchiFarm` wrapped ICHI vault LP tokens can possibly revert due to insufficient balance of ICHI v2 tokens #329

Closed github-actions[bot] closed 1 year ago

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago



Burning WIchiFarm wrapped ICHI vault LP tokens can possibly revert due to insufficient balance of ICHI v2 tokens

Note: This issue is only applicable if the stIchi and enIchi values have their precision increased to 18 decimals. In the current implementation, those values are incorrectly in 9 decimals! The issue has been reported as a separate issue. Nevertheless, I consider this a valid issue, and due to the dependence on the other issue, I'm reporting it as Medium severity.


Calculating the eligible user rewards with a higher precision of 18 decimals can cause the token transfer to revert as fewer farming rewards have been received before (due to the ICHI v1 token using 9 decimals and the ICHI v2 token using 18 decimals).

Vulnerability Detail

Closing an ICHI vault spell farming position burns the wrapped ICHI vault LP tokens (WIchiFarm ERC-1155 tokens). Farming rewards are harvested from the ICHI farm (see contract on Etherscan) and received as ICHI v1 tokens.

The ICHI v1 ERC-20 token uses 9 decimals (see token on Etherscan), whereas the ICHI v2 ERC-20 token uses 18 decimals (see token on Etherscan).

Those received ICHI v1 tokens are then converted to v2 tokens in line 134. The conversion simply multiplies the ICHI v1 token amount by 1e9 (9 decimals) to scale the value to 18 decimals.

The user's share of eligible ICHI v2 reward tokens is calculated as the delta of enIchi and stIchi. However, those two values are in 18 decimal precision (once corrected, as noted in a separate issue). As the harvested ICHI v1 tokens are scaled to 18 decimals, there is a slight precision loss and truncation.

For example, consider the very simplified foundry example:

uint256 stIchiPerShare = 0.01e9;
uint256 amount = 1.00000001e18;
uint256 rewardV1 = (stIchiPerShare * amount) / 1e18;
uint256 rewardV2 = (stIchiPerShare * amount) / 1e9;

console.log("rewardV1:", rewardV1);
console.log("rewardV1 converted to V2:", rewardV1 * 1e9);
console.log("rewardV2:", rewardV2);

assertEq(rewardV2, rewardV1 * 1e9);

The result:

rewardV1: 10000000
rewardV1 converted to V2: 10000000000000000
rewardV2: 10000000100000000
Error: a == b not satisfied [uint]
  Expected: 10000000000000000
    Actual: 10000000100000000

The amount uses a precision of 18 decimals and therefore the rewardV2 value is more precise than the rewardV1 value.

The ICHI v2 token transfer in line 147 can therefore potentially revert due to insufficient balance, caused by the precision and truncation issue.


Unwrapping WIchiFarm tokens will revert due to transferring more ICHI v2 tokens than available. The last user to burn those tokens (while closing a Ichi vault spell position) will be unable to do so and will be unable to close the position. The isolated collateral will be locked.

Code Snippet


116: function burn(uint256 id, uint256 amount)
117:     external
118:     nonReentrant
119:     returns (uint256)
120: {
121:     if (amount == type(uint256).max) {
122:         amount = balanceOf(msg.sender, id);
123:     }
124:     (uint256 pid, uint256 stIchiPerShare) = decodeId(id);
125:     _burn(msg.sender, id, amount);
127:     uint256 ichiRewards = ichiFarm.pendingIchi(pid, address(this));
128:     ichiFarm.harvest(pid, address(this));
129:     ichiFarm.withdraw(pid, amount, address(this));
131:     // Convert Legacy ICHI to ICHI v2
132:     if (ichiRewards > 0) {
133:         ICHIv1.safeApprove(address(ICHI), ichiRewards);
134:         ICHI.convertToV2(ichiRewards);
135:     }
137:     // Transfer LP Tokens
138:     address lpToken = ichiFarm.lpToken(pid);
139:     IERC20Upgradeable(lpToken).safeTransfer(msg.sender, amount);
141:     // Transfer Reward Tokens
142:     (uint256 enIchiPerShare, , ) = ichiFarm.poolInfo(pid);
143:     uint256 stIchi = (stIchiPerShare * amount).divCeil(1e18);
144:     uint256 enIchi = (enIchiPerShare * amount) / 1e18;
146:     if (enIchi > stIchi) {
147:         ICHI.safeTransfer(msg.sender, enIchi - stIchi);
148:     }
149:     return pid;
150: }

Tool used

Manual Review


Consider checking the current balance of ICHI v2 tokens before trying to transfer more than available and capping the transfer amount to the current balance.

Duplicate of #319

Gornutz commented 1 year ago

Duplicate of 319