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joestakey - Vault deposit into `Alchemix` can suffer slippage depending on outstanding debt in `Yearn` #124

Closed github-actions[bot] closed 1 year ago

github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago



Vault deposit into Alchemix can suffer slippage depending on outstanding debt in Yearn


Depending on the outstanding debt in Yearn, a WETH deposit into Alchemix when register_deposit is called upon settling an auction may suffer from slippage.

Vulnerability Detail

Upon an auction settlement, the Vault(self.vault).register_deposit(token_id, winning_amount) call transfers the winning bid amount of WETH from the AuctionHouse to the Vault, then deposits the WETH into the Alchemix ALCX_YVWETH vault.

File: contracts/AuctionHouse.vy
210:     if winning_amount > 0:
211:         ERC20(WETH).approve(self.vault, winning_amount)
212:         Vault(self.vault).register_deposit(token_id, winning_amount)
File: contracts/Vault.vy
216:     # transfer WETH to self
217:     ERC20(WETH).transferFrom(msg.sender, self, _amount)
219:     # deposit WETH to Alchemix
220:     shares_issued: uint256 = self._deposit_to_alchemist(_amount)
File: contracts/Vault.vy
293:     shares_issued: uint256 = IAlchemist(self.alchemist).depositUnderlying(
294:         ALCX_YVWETH,     # yield_token
295:         _amount,         # amount
296:         self,            # recipient
297:         1                # min_amount_out - cannot be frontrun in a significant way
298:                          #                  so to reduce complexity we go with 1
299:     )
300:     return shares_issued

The call stack of depositUnderlying() in Alchemist is as follows: AlchemistV2.depositUnderlying -> AlchemistV2._wrap() -> AlchemistAdapter.wrap()

        // Before depositing, the underlying tokens must be wrapped into yield tokens.
        uint256 amountYieldTokens = _wrap(yieldToken, amount, minimumAmountOut);

        TokenUtils.safeTransferFrom(underlyingToken, msg.sender, address(this), amount);
        uint256 wrappedShares = adapter.wrap(amount, address(this));

        return IYearnVaultV2(token).deposit(amount, recipient);

The issue is that this function issues shares based on the total outstanding debt of the contract, meaning shares are issued against the total amount that the deposited capital can be given in service of the debt that Strategies assume. This mean that between strategies updates, there can be discrepancies, leading to slippage (see


A WETH deposit may not entitle the winner of the auction to a claim of the same value, they may lose in the process due to that initial slippage upon deposit.

Code Snippet

Tool used

Manual Review


Use a higher slippage, perhaps allowing the Vault to compute the expected shares received before a call to IAlchemist(self.alchemist).depositUnderlying()

Unstoppable-DeFi commented 1 year ago

We’ve discussed this with the Alchemix devs and they confirmed there is no way this could be frontrun or actively exploited.

hrishibhat commented 1 year ago

Considering this issue as low based on the comment